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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Alessandro Gasparini ellessenne
Biostatistician, data scientist, #rstats developer, research software engineer, data person, outdoor enthusiast, pizza fanatic, and everything else in between.

@RedDoorAnalytics Stockholm, Sweden

Lisa Hefele lhefele
Postdoctoral research fellow in infectious disease epidemiology

Luxembourg Institute of Health

Castory Munishi castobary

Kili Inc. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Alex Spina aspina7


AmyM AmyMikhail
Public health microbiologist and epidemiologist with an interest in developing tools (using R) for automated processing of lab results and outbreak analytics

Freelance consultant London, UK

Glory Ugochi Onyeugo GloryUgochi

Africa CDC Rwanda

Pan courageup

Wuhan, China


Vienna, Austria

Hector Gonzalez Dorta hectorhgd
Antimicrobial Resistance Officer

European Medicines Agency Amsterdam

Fanny Bergström fannybergstrom
PhD Student in Computational Mathematics at Stockholm University.

Stockholm University Stockholm, Sweden

H-H. Fuxelius fuxelius
PhD in Molecular Evolution, Uppsala University; B.S. in Computer Science, Uppsala University

Uppsala, Sweden

Noor Muhammad Khan noormuhammadkhan
PhD student of Biostatistics and Clinical Epidemiology

University of Padova Italy

Egor Kotov e-kotov
Spatial Data Scientist, PhD Student at @MPIDR and UPF

Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research Rostock, Germany

José Ramalho JPRRamalho

OECD Paris, France

Jonas Samuelsson jonsam19
Demographer and data analyst interested in all aspects of human society and health.

The Swedish Dental and Pharmaceutical Benefits Agency (TLV) Sweden

Roberto Croci bertocroci
MD, Public Health resident in Milan, Italy.
Rafael Ruiz raruizm
Preventive medicine and public health - @raruizm


WeiJan Chang WeiJanChang

RCSI Dublin, Ireland

Vadim Ponomarev jesuscaesar
A promising full-stack developer, the creator of Eurohouse brand, love indulging myself with video games, gourmet food and beautiful women.

Eurohouse (@eurohouse) Worldwide

Julia Epi Julia-Epi
Computational epidemiology in @JuliaLang.


Bastian Prasse bprasse

European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control Stockholm

Diogo Marques diogofpmarques
Senior Epidemiologist at Epiconcept

@Epiconcept-Paris Portugal