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Mikael K. JailbreakPapa
Some dude who works loves C++, and has an unhealthy obsession with Game Engines.

Watch Dogs LLC United States

Stressed Renjian-buchai
Very stressed. Discord: segfault_coredumped

None because I don't have friends Earth

Lyric Moysey-Rubin IntangibleMatter
I'm an aspiring game developer currently working on various tools for my games.
Valters valters-tomsons
I do stuff that some might consider fun

Visma Real Estate Latvia

Temmie JustTemmie
professional catgirl, amateur developer

a dam in the woods

Johan Strydom KuberKode Windhoek, Namibia

Douglas Leão DeeJayLSP
Occasional Godot Engine contributor, game developer, free/libre software enjoyer.

N/A Recife, Brazil

stmSi stmSi
Copy Paste Engineer
Avellea Avellea
I make stuff and watch anime.

in your computer

SpamixOfficial SpamixOfficial
A programmer from Sweden. I am honestly just trying to make some cool projects you can enjoy 😄


David debechu
The professionally unprofessional procrastinator.
Eric Field superowner
Imouto Con Save The World!