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Ming Hu ZeitgeberH
| physics > < math | neuroscience>

Baylor College of Medicine Houston

Christian Larsen calarsenc
Interested in chemical preservation of the brain and biocomputing.
Hao Zhai JackieZhai
Ph.D. Student, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Research interests include Computer Vision and Connectomics.

Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing, China

Anthony Azevedo tony-azevedo
I study the neural circuits that control locomotion in fruit flies. I write code to record and analyze electrical activity in individual neurons.

University of Washington Seattle

Keith Wiley kebwi
My website ( is a comprehensive collection of all there is to know about me. Also see Thank you.


Zhen-Qi Liu liuzhenqi77
neuroscience, machine learning, python and more

@netneurolab Montreal, Canada

Jordan Matelsky j6k4m8
Code, coffee, & cortex at @KordingLab and JHU/APL. Using brains to make computers better, and using computers to make people better.


Ben Pedigo bdpedigo
Scientist @AllenInstitute | Formerly: Biomedical Engineering PhD at Johns Hopkins University w/ @neurodata, Research Intern @microsoft

Allen Institute Seattle, WA