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Boaz jougisljs
GIS WebGIS Delphi

Jiangsu Ocean University 江苏省连云港市海州区苍梧路59号

Roberto Della Pasqua RDP1974

Roberto Della Pasqua Italy

Fatih Taspınar fatihtsp
Academician as aPhD, but might be classified as programmer. Pascal-Delphi-Freepascal, C, C++, html and java programmer and hobiest. Currently, focused on AI. :)

Duzce University Duzce, Tr

Patrick Prémartin DeveloppeurPascal
Formateur et développeur freelance. MVP Embarcadero. Langages : Delphi, PHP, JS, HTML, CSS.

Orléans, France

Paulo Cesar Schmidt aoshiminamoto

Apsu 4 You Brasil, Blumenau, Santa Catarina

Lübbe Onken luebbe

Karlsruhe, Germany