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Erlend Sogge Heggen erlend-sh
Open Product Developer; Founder of @spicylobstergames & @commune-os; Formerly @discourse

Spicy Lobster Norway

Ralf Barkow RalfBarkow

@dreyeck Earth – The Blue Marble

Andrew Wooldridge triptych
Javascript developer. RPG fan. Storyteller and game developer. Father and Husband.

eBay Oregon

Atrian Wagner skullbunnygalaxy
Love learning with an interest in design and code intertwined. Any pronouns.

Banchan Art LLC Atlanta, GA

Suraj ghishadow
Dax Murray jdax
UtilityLimb joke about primarily ruby and python, but able to charm any kind of snake with any kind of gem. sql is love. sql is life. portfolio: dax.code

Washington, DC

Raheem Amer RaheemAmer
Strength and honor


Zachary Fetters zfett

Lexington, Kentucky

Alex A xmakina

@67Bricks Manchester, UK

Eddy Hernandez eddywashere
Software Engineer

San Francisco, CA

Britton Broderick britton-jb

@QuotaSignal San Mateo, California