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liubenyuan liubenyuan
Electrical Impedance Tomography, Computational Graphs, Inverse Problems, HLS/SpinalHDL for FPGA Accelerated Algorithms


Markus Rauhalahti mrauha
independent researcher (applied metascience and HCI) :: phd in computational chemistry :: nerding hard
Lorenz997 Lorenz997
I stare at Trimble NIS, Excel and Matlab all day w/ a glazed look

Tampere University Finland

Mingjin Hu Sirius1994
Research Associate of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hong Kong

ALC alc999
Power and Energy


Yang vertexi
I am not here for now. There is one day.
Nick Vazquez nickvazz
BS/MS Physics interested in deep learning and data science/engineering! Currently a Data Engineer/Scientist at Tau Motors.

Tau Motors Redwood City, CA

Leandro Martins LeandroMartinsdS
Control and Automation Engineer Interests in motion control, system identification and robotics.
Zoheir TIR ZoheirTIR
Zoheir Tir (Senior Member, IEEE) was born in El Oued, Algeria. He received the B.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Batna 2, Algeria

Mônica Emediato emediato


Ceramics Lemonwater17
a nobody who want to be a somebody
Ushnish UshnishChowdhury

@aaltouniversity Espoo, Finland

Cosimo Bassi cusma
Free Spirit Pirate (and a bit Electrical Engineer)

@algorandfoundation Trani (Italy) / Recife (Brazil)

Doctoral Researcher at Aalto University. Alumnus of West Bengal University of Technology (Undergrad/Bachelor's).

Aalto University Espoo, Finland

ahmed elsayed abdelkareem aelsay96
E- motor development engineer M.Sc student | power electronics field


Claudio Lima claudiiolima
Mechatronics Engineering at UFSC.
