diff --git a/cron/summaries_new.php b/cron/summaries_new.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d85ef93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cron/summaries_new.php
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+put('Summaries.csv doesn’t exist on legis.state.va.us.', 8);
+ return FALSE;
+# If the MD5 value of the new file is the same as the saved file, then there's nothing to update.
+if (md5($summaries) == md5_file('summaries.csv'))
+ $log->put('Not updating summaries, because summaries.csv has not been modified since it was last downloaded.', 2);
+ return FALSE;
+ * Remove any white space.
+ */
+$summaries = trim($summaries);
+ * Save the summaries locally.
+ */
+if (file_put_contents(__DIR__ . '/summaries.csv', $summaries) === FALSE)
+ $log->put('summaries.csv could not be saved to the filesystem.', 8);
+ return FALSE;
+ * Open the resulting file.
+ */
+$fp = fopen(__DIR__ . '/summaries.csv','r');
+if ($fp === FALSE)
+ $log->put('summaries.csv could not be read from the filesystem.', 8);
+ return FALSE;
+ * Also, retrieve our saved serialized array of hash data, so that we can only update or insert
+ * summaries that have changed, or that are new.
+ */
+$hash_path = __DIR__ . '/hashes/summaries-' . SESSION_ID . '.md5';
+if (file_exists($hash_path))
+ $hashes = file_get_contents($hash_path);
+ if ($hashes !== FALSE)
+ {
+ $hashes = unserialize($hashes);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $hashes = array();
+ }
+ if (!file_exists(__DIR__ . '/hashes/'))
+ {
+ mkdir(__DIR__ . '/hashes');
+ }
+ $hashes = array();
+ * Generate a list of all bills and their numbers, to use to make comparisons.
+ */
+$sql = 'SELECT bills.id, bills.number
+ FROM bills
+ WHERE session_id = ' . $session_id;
+$result = mysql_query($sql);
+if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0)
+ $bills = array();
+ while ($bill = mysql_fetch_array($result))
+ {
+ $tmp = array($bill['number'] => $bill['id']);
+ $bills[] = $tmp;
+ }
+ * Set a flag that will allow us to ignore the header row.
+ */
+$first = 'yes';
+ * Step through each row in the CSV file, one by one.
+ */
+while (($summary = fgetcsv($fp, 1000, ',')) !== FALSE)
+ # If this is something other than a header row, parse it.
+ if (isset($first))
+ {
+ unset($first);
+ continue;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Rename each field to something reasonable.
+ */
+ $new_headers = array(
+ 'number' => 'SUM_BILNO',
+ 'doc_id' => 'SUMMARY_DOCID',
+ 'type' => 'SUMMARY_TYPE',
+ 'text' => 'SUMMARY_TEXT'
+ );
+ foreach ($new_headers as $new => $old)
+ {
+ $summary[$new] = $summary[$old];
+ unset($summary[$old]);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Change the format of the bill number. In this file, the numeric portions are left-padded
+ * with zeros, so that e.g. HB1 is rendered as HB0001. Here we change them to e.g. HB1.
+ */
+ $suffix = substr($bill['number'], 2, -1) + 0;
+ $bill['number'] = substr($bill['number'], 0, 2) . $suffix;
+ /*
+ * Before we proceed any farther, see if this record is either new or different than last
+ * time that we examined it.
+ */
+ $hash = md5(serialize($summary));
+ $number = strtolower(trim($summary[0]));
+ if ( isset($hashes[$number]) && ($hash == $hashes[$number]) )
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $hashes[$number] = $hash;
+ if (!isset($hashes[$number]))
+ {
+ $log->put('Adding summary ' . strtoupper($number) . '.', 2);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $log->put('Updating summary ' . strtoupper($number) . '.', 1);
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Remove the paragraph tags, newlines, NBSPs and double spaces.
+ */
+ $summary['text'] = str_replace("\r", ' ', $summary['text']);
+ $summary['text'] = str_replace("\n", ' ', $summary['text']);
+ $summary['text'] = str_replace(' ', ' ', $summary['text']);
+ $summary['text'] = str_replace(' ', ' ', $summary['text']);
+ $summary['text'] = str_replace('\u00a0', ' ', $summary['text']);
+ # There is often an HTML mistake in this tag, so we perform this replacement after
+ # running HTML Purifier, not before.
+ $summary['text'] = str_replace('
', ' ', $summary['text']);
+ $summary['text'] = strip_tags($summary['text'], '');
+ # Run the summary through HTML Purifier.
+ $config = HTMLPurifier_Config::createDefault();
+ $purifier = new HTMLPurifier($config);
+ $summary['text'] = $purifier->purify($summary['text']);
+ # Clean up the bolding, so that we don't bold a blank space.
+ $summary['text'] = str_replace(' ', ' ', $summary['text']);
+ # Trim off any whitespace.
+ $summary['text'] = trim($summary['text']);
+ # Hack off a hanging non-breaking space, if there is one.
+ if (substr($summary['text'], -7) == ' ')
+ {
+ $summary['text'] = substr($summary['text'], 0, -8);
+ }
+ # Put the data back into the database.
+ if (!empty($summary['text']))
+ {
+ $sql = 'UPDATE bills
+ SET summary="' . mysql_real_escape_string($summary['text']) . '"
+ WHERE id="' . $bills[$bill{number}] . '"
+ AND session_id = ' . $session_id;
+ $result = mysql_query($sql);
+ if (!$result)
+ {
+ $log->put('Insertion of '. strtoupper($bill['number']) . ' summary failed.', 6);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $log->put('Insertion of '. strtoupper($bill['number']) . ' summary succeeded.', 1);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $log->put('Summary of ' . strtoupper($bill['number']) . ' is blank.', 2);
+ }
+} // end looping through lines in this CSV file
+# Close the CSV file.
+# Store our per-bill hashes array to a file, so that we can open it up next time and see which
+# bills have changed.
+file_put_contents($hash_path, serialize($hashes));