This is a lambda function that is triggered by an upload of outputs from the openstates-scrapers to an S3 bucket. The lambda function then parses the file and inserts the data into a postgres database. The lambda function is written in python and uses the django library to connect to the database. The lambda function is deployed using Zappa.
Run the following commands to setup the project
poetry install
Please note that right now setuptools is pinned to an old version to mitigate a Zappa bug that was very recently fixed, but seems to not be released in any easy-to-poetry-install way. Bug details here.
Deployment depends on setup above, as well as having the
AWS CLI installed and a login profile
for the CLI that has access to the Open States AWS project. You will use AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE
in commands below to
indicate the name of that login profile. In these examples it will be openstates
For the first deployment, run the following command
AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE=openstates poetry run zappa deploy [stage]
For subsequent deployments, run the following command
AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE=openstates poetry run zappa update [stage]
Where [stage] is the stage to deploy to. This can be either dev or prod.
- Make a copy of Dockerfile-example to create Dockerfile
- Update
with your creds - Run
docker build --progress=plain .
The S3 bucket that the lambda function is uses should have a lifecycle policy that deletes the files after 2 days. The CLI command for this is below:
aws s3api put-bucket-lifecycle-configuration --bucket openstates-realtime-bills --lifecycle-configuration '{
"Rules": [
"Status": "Enabled",
"Filter": {
"Prefix": "archive/"
"Expiration": {
"Days": 2
"ID": "Delete after 2 days"