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Neighborhood ambassador SMS campaign |
Open Savannah |
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...to get started. We'll follow up within 48 hours with a personal SMS reply telling you more about our neighborhood captain program and explaining to you how the process will work. We're basically asking to get your approximate address, and then whenever someone in your neighborhood has an issue that you think we could help with, just shoot us a text.
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Phone Number
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First Name
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Last Name
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<div class="ez-in">
<button class="ez-button" type="submit">Join Now</button>
<div id="ez-footer">
Msg&data rates may apply. To unsubscribe, text <b>STOP</b> to 797979.
For help text <b>HELP</b> anytime.
Available in USA. Up to 200 msg/mo.
Your privacy is always protected and your information will not be shared.