Releases: openintegrationhub/openintegrationhub
New Features
Transformations inside of Connectors
It is no longer necessary to include a separate Transformer Component inside of Flows for standard transformations. The Ferryman library now includes a transform()
function to perform this functionality directly inside of a Connector (example).
Flow Templates
A new service has been added to the framework called Template Repository. This service contains "recipes" or templates from which Flows can be generated. This allows for the sharing of Flows without leakage of Secrets.
Improved Orchestrator Performance
Caching has been added to the Component Orchestrator to help it process flows more quickly.
Deployment Configuration Improvements
Deployment scripts for the Reference Implementation on Kubernetes have been updated. Configuration and Secrets have been pulled out of the Deployment files and moved to their own Config Maps and Kubernetes Secret files. This allows users to more easily implement their own deployments based on the Reference Implementation.
Failure Handling for Flows
In the case of failures when changing Flow states, especially when starting a Flow, inconsistencies could arise between the reported state in the Flow Repository and the Component Orchestrator. Failing Flows will now report their status and be transitioned back to Inactive. This also provides fixes for Flows which were "stuck" in a transitional state.
- Data Hub: The Data Hub service has been updated to operate with the new framework features introduced in 20.2.0.
- Local Components: Fixes an issue where Local Components were not able to start.
"help wanted" Label for Community Contributions
We want to make it easier for the community to contribute and know where help is needed. As a first step, we will start labeling issues with help wanted.
Developer Tooling
- Addition of Load Testing scripts in the
- Improved Installation Documentation
Out-factoring Logging Service
The Logging Service was removed from the core framework repository and moved into its own repository. This Service is tightly couple to execution on Google Cloud Platform and aggregated logs from its Cloud Logging service. The Framework is intended to remain agnostic from deployment platform, therefore this service was removed from the monorepo.
Ferryman: v1.1.5
Component Orchestrator: v1.1.5
Attachment Storage Service: v0.0.4
Event Bus: v1.2.0
Secret Service: v1.7.1
Webhooks: v1.2.0
Scheduler: v1.2.0
IAM Utils: v1.6.0
New Features
The primary SDK for building integration components has now been changed (#971) from Sailor to Ferryman. A variety of improvements have been made to component functionality, including the ability to have persistently running "Global Connectors." We strongly suggest updating the dependencies in your components to ensure future compatibility.
Global Connectors
Components can now be set to run locally or globally with the isGlobal-flag, depending on the desired Flow behavior. Global connectors, once started, will run indefinitely and handle requests from multiple flows.
Connector Versioning
Different versions of a connector can now be deployed. By default, flows will always use the latest, unless a specific connector version is requested.
Framework Versioning
Starting with this release, the overall framework will use Calendar Versioning to mark releases. The format will be YY.MINOR.MICRO. Individual services will continue to use Semantic Versioning as a reasonable method for tracking dependencies.
Development Tooling
In addition to the basic local setup instructions provided for the framework, there are now two development setup environments found in the dev-tools/ folder. These assist developers in contributing to the framework by providing scripts to run the service containers from local source, based on either Docker-compose or minikube.
- Resource Limits can be overriden for both local and global connectors.
- OAuth failures will no longer be hidden by the secret service (#995)
- Access to Snapshots from a Component were broken, and then fixed!
Ferryman: v1.1.5
Component Orchestrator: v1.1.2
Attachment Storage Service: v0.0.4
Event Bus: v1.2.0
Secret Service: v1.7.0
Webhooks: v1.2.0
Scheduler: v1.2.0
IAM Utils: v1.6.0
1.x - "Legacy"
With the continuation of the OIH framework under the OIH Plus project, a variety of breaking changes will be introduced across the services. This is the final release of the legacy version of the code; it is not planned to provide additional development or fixes.