PyAbel is an open source project and we welcome improvements! Please let us know about any issues with the software, even if's just a typo. The easiest way to get started is to open a new issue.
If you would like to make a Pull Request, the following information may be useful.
Before submitting at Pull Request, be sure to run the unit tests. The test suite can be run from within the PyAbel package with
nosetests abel/tests/ --verbosity=2 --with-coverage --cover-package=abel
or, from any folder with
python -c "import abel.tests; abel.tests.run_cli(coverage=True)"
which performs an equivalent call.
Note that this requires that you have Nose and (optionally) Coverage installed. You can install these with
pip install nose pip install coverage
PyAbel uses Sphinx and Napoleon to process Numpy style docstrings, and is synchronized to To build the documentation locally, you will need Sphinx, the recommonmark package, and the sphinx_rtd_theme. You can install all this this using
pip install sphinx pip install recommonmark pip install sphinx_rtd_theme
Once you have that installed, then you can build the documentation using
cd PyAbel/doc/ make html
Then you can open doc/_build/hmtl/index.html
to look at the documentation. Sometimes you need to use
make clean make html
to clear out the old documentation and get things to re-build properly.
When you get tired of typing make html
every time you make a change to the documentation, it's nice to use use sphix-autobuild to automatically update the documentation in your browser for you. So, install sphinx-autobuild using
pip install sphinx-autobuild
Now you should be able to
cd PyAbel/doc/ make livehtml
which should launch a browser window displaying the docs. When you save a change to any of the docs, the re-build should happen automatically and the docs should update in a matter of a few seconds.
Alternatively, restview is a nice way to preview the .rst
If possible, before merging your pull request please rebase your fork on the last master on PyAbel. This could be done as explained in this post
# Add the remote, call it "upstream" (only the fist time) git remote add upstream # Fetch all the branches of that remote into remote-tracking branches, # such as upstream/master: git fetch upstream # Make sure that you're on your master branch # or any other branch your are working on git checkout master # or your other working branch # Rewrite your master branch so that any commits of yours that # aren't already in upstream/master are replayed on top of that # other branch: git rebase upstream/master # push the changes to your fork git push -f
See this wiki for more information.
We are always looking for new implementation of forward or inverse Abel transform, therefore if you have an implementation that you would want to contribute to PyAbel, don't hesitate to do so.
In order to allow a consistent user experience between different implementations, and insure an overall code quality, please consider the following points in your pull request.
The implementation named <implementation>, located under abel/<implementation>.py should use the following naming system for top-level functions,
: core transform (when defined)_bs_<implementation>
: function that generates the basis sets (if necessary)
: (if necessary) modify this file to provide for loading the basis sets from disk, or calling the generator function
To detect issues early, the submitted implementation should have the following properties and pass the corresponding unit tests,
- The reconstruction has the same shape as the original image. Currently all transform methods operate with odd-width images and should raise an exception if provided with an even-width image.
- Given an array of 0 elements, the reconstruction should also be a 0 array.
- The implementation should be able to calculated the inverse (or forward) transform of a Gaussian function defined by a standard deviation
, with better than a10 %
relative error with respect to the analytical solution for0 > r > 2*sigma
Unit tests for a given implementation are located under abel/tests/test_<implemenation>.py
, which should contain at least the following 3 functions test_<implementation>_shape
, test_<implementation>_zeros
, test_<implementation>_gaussian
. See abel/tests/
for a concrete example.
The current list of dependencies can be found in Please refrain from adding new dependencies, unless it cannot be avoided.
If the change is significant (more than just a typo-fix), please leave a short note about the change in CHANGELOG.rst
PyAbel should be automatically released on PyPi (see PR #161) whenever a new release is drafted on GitHub via the "Draft New Release" button on the Releases page. Just remember to increment the version number in abel/ first.