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154 lines (108 loc) · 7.07 KB


Get the code

Clone the repo git clone and cd into it

Install Unity

We recommend using Unity Hub. The specific version to download can be found here.

You'll need the following modules to be added in order to use Sentry Unity:

  • Android Build Support.
  • iOS Build Support.
  • Linux Build Support (ILCPP) for Linux.
  • Windows Build Support (ILCPP) for Windows.

Setup for building the Java SDK

  • Install Java 11
  • Instal Git and ensure is accessible from the path
  • Add JAVA_HOME to your environment variables (if not using sdkman):
    • Windows: setx JAVA_HOME "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11.0.11"
  • Install Android Studio
    • Open Android Studio and go to Customize -> All settings...
    • Search for "SDK" in the Seachbar
    • Select System Settings -> Android SDK
    • Swap tab to SDK Tools
    • Check "Show Package Details"
    • Under Android SDK Build-Tools check "30.0.2"
    • Apply
  • Add ANDROID_SDK_ROOT to your environment variables
    • macOS zsh: export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT="$HOME/Library/Android/sdk"
    • Windows: setx ANDROID_HOME "C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk" for a machine wide install, setx ANDROID_HOME "%localappdata%\Android\Sdk" for a user level install.

Build the project

On the root of the repository, write:

dotnet build

Several projects are used as submodules - sentry-dotnet, Ben.Demystifier The submodule will be restored as a result of dotnet build. The Unity editor is also loaded via the build if needed to restore any UPM package required by the project, like testing libraries.

Run tests

dotnet msbuild /t:"UnityPlayModeTest;UnityEditModeTest" /p:Configuration=Release

Smoke test by building and running a player with IL2CPP:

 dotnet msbuild /t:"Build;UnityBuildStandalonePlayerIL2CPP;UnitySmokeTestStandalonePlayerIL2CPP"

After this you can open your IDE (i.e: Visual Studio or Rider) and Unity Editor for development.

Advanced and Troubleshooting

Finding the Unity installation

The UnityPath in src/Directory.Build.targets does a lookup at different locations to find Unity. This is different per operating system. The repository is configured for Windows and macOS. You can adjust it as needed:

  <!-- Other properties & groups -->
    <UnityPath Condition="<YOUR_PATH_CONDITION>">YOUR_PATH</UnityPath>

There is a configuration in place already. Just make sure it works for you or reconfigure for your needs.

Project Structure

There are two projects involved in sentry-unity development. UPM package (src and package-dev folders) and Unity project (samples/unity-of-bugs folder, BugFarmScene.unity) to test the package in.


Folders involved in this stage src, package-dev, samples where

  • src - package source code
  • package-dev - dev UPM package

The package details/info is in package.json manifest file. Please, check Unity package layout docs for deeper understanding of the package structure.

  • samples - Unity sample projects, for dev flow we use unity-of-bugs

Let's outline the needed steps for UPM package development flow

  • open samples/unity-of-bugs in Unity or run in silent mode via CLI - Unity -batchmode -projectPath <YOUR_PATH>/samples/unity-of-bugs -exit

The first run will take some time as Unity downloads and caches a bunch of pre-included packages and resources.

We need to run the project first, so it downloads needed dependencies (namely UnityEngine.TestRunner.dll and UnityEditor.TestRunner.dll) for src/tests projects from [email protected] library. After this package is restored, the actual dlls are placed inside samples/unity-of-bugs/Library/ScriptAssemblies folder.

  • open src/Sentry.Unity.sln in your editor of choice

Make sure the projects are restored properly and you have zero errors, otherwise you probably misconfigured src/Directory.Build.props or didn't restore submodules properly

  • build solution, artifacts (.dlls) will be placed inside src/package-dev folder
  • check src/package-dev folder, it should be populated with the outlined content
    • Editor - Sentry.Unity.Editor.dll
    • Runtime - Sentry.Unity.dll and all its dependencies like Sentry.dll, System.Text.Json and so on
    • Tests
      • Editor - Sentry.Unity.Editor.Tests.dll
      • Runtime - Sentry.Unity.Tests.dll
  • open samples/unity-of-bugs project in Unity, then Scenes/BugFarmScene scene
  • configure Sentry Unity (dev) package
    • on the tab Tools, select Sentry and insert your DSN or Sentry SDK one https://[email protected]/5439417
    • configure other settings for your needs
  • run the project in Unity via clicking Play
  • click ThrowNull or any other button and check errors in Sentry web UI


The project has PlayMode and EditMode tests. They should be available (after you finished Package stage outlined above) when your open samples/unity-of-bugs project.

The tests project are inside src/test folder where

  • Directory.Build.props specific variables and settings (inherits src/Directory.Build.props) for test projects
  • Sentry.Unity.Tests project for Runtime Unity tests
  • Sentry.Unity.Editor.Tests project for Editor Unity tests

Build artifacts from the test projects will be placed inside package-dev/Tests/Editor and package-dev/Tests/Runtime folders.

In order to run the tests

  • open samples/unity-of-bugs Unity project
  • open TestRunner via Windows -> General -> Test Runner
  • run PlayMode or EditMode tests

Package validation

In CI, a workflow validates that the content of the package doesn't change accidentally. If you intentially want to add or remove files in the final UPM package. You need to accept the diff:

pwsh ./test/Scripts.Tests/test-pack-contents.ps1 accept


The release is done by pushing the artifact built in CI to a new repo. The artifact is built by using the template files in the package directory. In order to make a release, the contents of package-dev/Editor and package-dev/Runtime folders should be copied into package.

Don't copy package-dev specific files like package.json, Runtime/*.asmdef, Editor/*.asmdef into package. Those files contain package specific information.