A Spark driver application with an embedded Hive Thrift server facilitating the querying of Parquet files as tables via a JDBC SQL endpoint.
- Runs as a standalone local Spark application, a spark driver application or is submittable to a Spark cluster.
- Exposes a JDBC SQL endpoint using an embedded Hive Thrift server.
- Registers Parquet files as tables to allow SQL querying by non Spark applications over JDBC.
- Simple HTTP REST interface for table registration, de-registration and listing of registered tables.
Motivation: To allow non Spark based applications fluent in SQL to query Parquet backed tables in Spark over JDBC with the minimum of fuss.
$ git clone https://github.com/nwrs/spark-sql-server.git
$ cd spark-sql-server
$ mvn clean install
$ java -jar spark-sql-server-1.0-SNAPSHOT-packaged.jar --help
Custom Spark Hive SQL Server [github.com/nwrs/spark-sql-server]
-n, --appName <app_name> Spark application name.
-j, --jdbcPort <n> Hive JDBC endpoint port, defaults to 10000.
-m, --master <spark://host:port> Spark master, defaults to 'local[*]'.
-p, --restPort <n> Rest port, defaults to 8181.
-k, --sparkOpts <opt=value,opt=value,...> Additional Spark\Hive options.
-t, --tableConfig </path/to/TableConfig.conf> Table configuration file.
-h, --help Show help message
$ java -jar spark-sql-server-1.0-SNAPSHOT-packaged.jar \
--appName ParquetSQLServer \
--master spark://spark-master-server:7077 \
--jdbcPort 10001 \
--restPort 8181 \
--sparkOpts spark.executor.memory=4g, spark.default.parallism=50 \
--tableConfig /Users/nwrs/parquet-tables.config
$ cat parquet-tables.config
#Example table config file
Verb | Path | Action | Request Body | Response Body | Success Code |
GET | /api/v1/tables | List all registered tables | None | JSON | 200 |
GET | /api/v1/table/{table} | Get registration for a table | None | JSON | 200 |
DELETE | /api/v1/table/{table} | De-register (drop) a table | None | None | 202 |
POST | /api/v1/table | Register a table | JSON | None | 202 |
Example JSON to register a table via POST:
"table": "my_table_name",
"file": "hdfs://hadoop-server:9000/data/tweet/tweets.parquet"
- The default JDBC endpoint connection string is: "jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000/default"
- Driver class name: org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver
- Use at least version 2.1.0 of the Hive driver jar file, available here
- In some circumstances hadoop-common-xxx.jar may required on the class path, choose the correct version to match your HDFS installation here
See here for more information on connecting to Hive via the JDBC driver.