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File metadata and controls

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Plex Prerolls

A script to automate management of Plex pre-rolls.

Installation and Usage

Run Script Directly

With the introduction of webhook ingestion and auto-generation of prerolls, it is no longer advised to run this application as a direct Python script. Please use the Docker container instead.

Run as Docker Container


  • Docker

Docker Compose

Complete the provided docker-compose.yml file and run:

docker-compose up -d

Docker CLI

docker run -d \
  --name=plex_prerolls \
  -p 8283:8283 \
  -e PUID=1000 \
  -e PGID=1000 \
  -e TZ=Etc/UTC \
  -e CRON_SCHEDULE="0 0 * * *" \
  -e DRY_RUN=false \
  -v /path/to/config:/ \
  -v /path/to/logs:/logs \
  -v /path/to/preroll/files:/files \
  -v /path/to/auto-generated/rolls/temp:/renders \
  -v /path/to/auto-generated/rolls/parent:/auto_rolls \
  --restart unless-stopped \

Paths and Environment Variables

Path Description
/config Path to config directory (config.yaml should be in this directory)
/logs Path to log directory (Plex Prerolls.log will be in this directory)
/files Path to the root directory of all preroll files (for Path Globbing feature)
/auto_rolls Path to the root directory where all auto-generated prerolls files will be stored
/renders Path to where auto-generated prerolls and associated assets will be temporarily stored during generation
Environment Variable Description
PUID UID of user to run as
PGID GID of user to run as
TZ Timezone to use for cron schedule
CRON_SCHEDULE Cron schedule to run script (see for help)
DRY_RUN Don't actually make changes to Plex prerolls, only simulate

Schedule Rules

Any entry whose schedule falls within the current date/time at the time of execution will be added to the preroll.

You can define as many schedules as you want, in the following categories (order does not matter):

  1. always: Items listed here will always be included (appended) to the preroll list

    • If you have a large set of prerolls, you can provide all paths and use count to randomly select a smaller subset of the list to use on each run.
  2. date_range: Schedule based on a specific date/time range (including wildcards)

  3. weekly: Schedule based on a specific week of the year

  4. monthly: Schedule based on a specific month of the year

Advanced Scheduling


All schedule entries accept an optional weight value that can be used to adjust the emphasis of this entry over others by adding the listed paths multiple times. Since Plex selects a random preroll from the list of paths, having the same path listed multiple times increases its chances of being selected over paths that only appear once. This allows you to combine, e.g. a date_range entry with an always entry, but place more weight/emphasis on the date_range entry.

  enabled: true
    - start_date: 2020-01-01 # Jan 1st, 2020
      end_date: 2020-01-02 # Jan 2nd, 2020
        - /path/to/video.mp4
        - /path/to/another/video.mp4
      weight: 2 # Add these paths to the list twice (make up greater percentage of prerolls - more likely to be selected)

Disable Always

Any schedule entry (except for the always section) can disable the inclusion of the always section by setting the disable_always value to true. This can be useful if you want to make one specific, i.e. date_range entry for a holiday, and you don't want to include the always section for this specific holiday, but you still want to include the always section for other holidays.

  enabled: true
    - start_date: 2020-01-01 # Jan 1st, 2020
      end_date: 2020-01-02 # Jan 2nd, 2020
        - /path/to/video.mp4
        - /path/to/another/video.mp4
      disable_always: true # Disable the inclusion of the `always` section when this entry is active

Path Globbing

NOTE: This feature will only work if you are running the Docker container on the same machine as your Plex server.

Instead of listing out each individual preroll file, you can use glob (wildcard) patterns to match multiple files in a specific directory.

The application will search for all files on your local filesystem that match the pattern(s) and automatically translate them to Plex-compatible remote paths.


Enable the feature under the path_globbing section of each schedule.

Each pair is a local (root_path) path and remote (plex_path) path that correspond to each other. The patterns list is a list of glob patterns that will be searched for in the root_path directory and translated to the plex_path-directory equivalent.

You can provide multiple pairs to match multiple local-remote directory pairs and multiple subsequent glob patterns.

    enabled: true
      - root_path: /files # The root folder to use for globbing
        plex_path: /path/to/prerolls/in/plex # The path to use for the Plex server
          - "local/path/to/prerolls/*.mp4" # The pattern to look for in the root_path
          - "local/path/to/prerolls/*.mkv" # The pattern to look for in the root_path
      - root_path: /other/files
        plex_path: /path/to/other/prerolls/in/plex
          - "local/path/to/prerolls/*.mp4"
          - "local/path/to/prerolls/*.mkv"

For example, if your prerolls on your file system are located at /mnt/user/media/prerolls and Plex sees them at /media/prerolls, you would set the root_path to /mnt/user/media/prerolls and the plex_path to /media/prerolls.

If you are using the Docker container, you can mount the preroll directory to the container at any location you would prefer (recommended: /files) and set the root_path accordingly. Although you can define multiple roots, it is recommended to use a single all-encompassing root folder and rely on more-detailed glob patterns to match files in specific subdirectories.

If you are using the Unraid version of this container, the "Files Path" path is mapped to /files by default; you should set root_path to /files and plex_path to the same directory as seen by Plex.


In any schedule section, you can use the path_globbing key to specify glob pattern rules to match files.

  enabled: true
    - /remote/path/1.mp4
    - /remote/path/2.mp4
    - /remote/path/3.mp4
    enabled: true
      - root_path: /files
        plex_path: /path/to/prerolls/in/plex
          - "*.mp4"

The above example will match all .mp4 files in the root_path directory and append them to the list of prerolls.

If you have organized your prerolls into subdirectories, you can specify specific subdirectories to match, or use ** to match all subdirectories.

  enabled: true
    - /remote/path/1.mp4
    - /remote/path/2.mp4
    - /remote/path/3.mp4
    enabled: true
      - root_path: /files
        plex_path: /path/to/prerolls/in/plex
          - "subdir1/*.mp4"
          - "subdir2/*.mp4"
          - "subdir3/**/*.mp4"

You can use both paths and path_globbing in the same section, allowing you to mix and match specific files with glob patterns. Please note that paths entries must be fully-qualified remote paths (as seen by Plex), while pattern entries in path_globbing are relative to the local root_path directory.

Date Range Section Scheduling

date_range entries can accept both dates (yyyy-mm-dd) and datetimes (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss, 24-hour time).

date_range entries can also accept wildcards for any of the date/time fields. This can be useful for scheduling recurring events, such as annual events, "first-of-the-month" events, or even hourly events.

  enabled: true
    # Each entry requires start_date, end_date, path values
    - start_date: 2020-01-01 # Jan 1st, 2020
      end_date: 2020-01-02 # Jan 2nd, 2020
        - /path/to/video.mp4
        - /path/to/another/video.mp4
    - start_date: xxxx-07-04 # Every year on July 4th
      end_date: xxxx-07-04 # Every year on July 4th
        - /path/to/video.mp4
        - /path/to/another/video.mp4
    - name: "My Schedule" # Optional name for logging purposes
      start_date: xxxx-xx-02 # Every year on the 2nd of every month
      end_date: xxxx-xx-03 # Every year on the 3rd of every month
        - /path/to/video.mp4
        - /path/to/another/video.mp4
    - start_date: xxxx-xx-xx 08:00:00 # Every day at 8am
      end_date: xxxx-xx-xx 09:30:00 # Every day at 9:30am
        - /path/to/video.mp4
        - /path/to/another/video.mp4

You should adjust your cron schedule to run the script more frequently if you use this feature.

date_range entries also accept an optional name value that can be used to identify the schedule in the logs.

Advanced Configuration


NOTE: This feature will only work if you are running the Docker container on the same machine as your Plex server.

NOTE: This feature relies on Plex webhooks, which require a Plex Pass subscription.

Plex Prerolls can automatically generate prerolls, store the generated files in a specified directory and include them in the list of prerolls.

"Recently Added Media" Pre-Rolls

The application can generate trailer-like prerolls for each new media item added to your library (with a rolling total, defaults to 10 items).

This is done by receiving a webhook from Plex when new media is added, retrieving a trailer and soundtrack (via YouTube) as well as poster and metadata for the media item, and generating a preroll from these assets.

Example of a generated preroll:



Set up a Plex webhook to point to the application's /recently-added endpoint (e.g. http://localhost:8283/recently-added).

Because this feature requires Plex Prerolls and Plex Media Server to be running on the same host machine, it is highly recommended to use internal networking (local IP addresses) rather than publicly exposing Plex Prerolls to the Internet.

Shout out to places to get Pre-Roll


Can this work with Jellyfin?

Jellyfin has an Intros plugin that already replicates this functionality, in terms of setting rules (including based on schedule, as well as based on the about-to-play media item) for prerolls. I recommend using that plugin instead.

Can this work with Emby?

Emby has a Cinema Intros plugin with a similar "list of videos" option. Currently, there is no way to update this setting via Emby's API, so there is no way to automate this process. I am in communication with the Emby development team to see if this feature can be added.
