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Documentation for NARS Controlled Agent

Outline of experiment structure

Experiments consist of 4 main stages:

  • Setting up the Gym environment and experiment parameters.
  • Defining goals and optional background knowledge to be used.
  • Adding optional callbacks, like ones that log to Neptune.
  • Creating a new Agent instance and a Runner instance.
    • Using the method to run the experiment.

Parameters, goals and background knowledge

  • VIEW_RADIUS regulates the radius from which information about objects is sent to the agent.
  • THINK_TICKS does not really do anything at the moment.

Default run is 50 episodes long, with each of them capped at 100 steps.

Drunk Dwarf

  • GOT_KEY - that goal is satisfied after the agent acquires the key. <{key} --> [reached]) =/> GOT_KEY>.
  • DOOR_OPENED - satisfied after the agent opens the door. <(GOT_KEY &/ <{door} --> [reached]>) =/> DOOR_OPENED>.
  • COMPLETE - satisfied when the agent enters the bed. <(DOOR_OPENED &/ <{coffin_bed} --> [reached]>) =/> COMPLETE>.
  • GOT_REWARD - satisfied every time the agent receives a positive reward. Rewards are not directly observed.

Background knowledge: <(<$obj --> [ahead]> &/ ^move_forwards) =/> <$obj --> [reached]>>. This is supposed to inform the agent that moving forward when something is ahead leads to the object being reached.

Perception configuration

The following are beliefs sent to the agent to inform it about what is happening in the environment and with itself. $VAR in the following statements signifies string interpolation.

Agent state

  • {SELF} --> [orient-$ORIENTATION]. :|:, where ORIENTATION is the agetn's orientation as received from the Gym environment observation.

Relative position beliefs

General direction

  • {$objname} --> [ahead]. :|:, where objname is the ID of the object. This belief signifies that an object is in front of the agent, in a straight line.
  • {$objname} --> [leftward]. :|: means that an object is in front of the agent, but to the left of it.
  • {$objname} --> [rightward]. :|: means that an object is in front of the agent, but to the right of it.


  • ({$objname} * $delta) --> delta_forward. :|:, represents how many cells forward the agent has to travel to make one of its coordinates equal to the object's. delta is simply an integer.
  • ({$objname} * $delta) --> delta_sideways. :|:, represents how many cells to the left or right the agent has to travel to make one of its coordinates equal to the object's. delta is 0 if the object is straight ahead, L$distance if the object is to the left, R$distance if the object is to the right.

Differential beliefs

These beliefs rely on tracking state changes between the current and previous time steps.

  • {$objname} --> [new]. :|: means that an object has appeared in the field of vision.
  • {$objname} --> [gone]. :|: means that an object has disappeared from the field of vision.
  • {$objname} --> [closer]. :|: means that the agent has decreased its Manhattan distance from the object.
  • {$objname} --> [further]. :|: means that the agent has increased its Manhattan distance from the object.

Special beliefs

  • {$objname} -> [reached]. :|: signifies that the object has been reached by the agent.

Alternative setup

Concurrent events with simple labels

Another, completely different approach is to simply create short labes that encode properties of objects and send them as a single statement with parallel events.

For example, a statement like that can look like this: (Lwall1 &| Awall3). :|:, where L signifies something that is leftward and A represents something ahead.