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86 lines (57 loc) · 2.56 KB

File metadata and controls

86 lines (57 loc) · 2.56 KB

Notes for refactoring code


  • xarray
  • scipy for distributions
  • matplotlib
  • cartopy

Extract data to separate modules

  • Robbies stats
  • AOPs

Move plotting, io and model to separate modules

Document processing chain

Regridding data -> regrid and write data to files Write month netcdf with SIC, SIT, snow depth, albedo, temp and Fsw0

Main model process

Loop through years in year_list Loop through months in month_list

Calculate indices_year_month: - only use timesteps for years and months of interest

Generate an output filename for PAR

Open SIT file for year - is this monthly

At line 457 - what is indices_year_month?

For each day in month
    Load sea ice concentration  NSIDC regridded to 25 km
    Load sea ice thickness  
    Load snow depth  Glen's now depth
    Load albedo  APPx

    Calculate snow depth distribution for grid cell - currently 7 (I think)
      snow_depth_dist = snow_depth
      snow_dist_factor = (np.arange(1,n_snow_bins)*2 - 1.)/n_snow_bins - Mallet
      snow_depth_dist = h_s * snow_dist_factor

    Calculate ice thickness distribution for grid cell
      ice_thickness_distribution is calculated in lines 289 to 292
      follows similar approach to snow depth distribution but with a cutoff

    Foreach ice thickness and snow depth bin (7x15)
            Calculate transmittance for surface type lines 377 to 413
            Also see Eq 2, 3, and 4 in paper
    Transmittance for water is 1 - albedo_water, where albedo_water = 0.7
    However, in line 518 T_ow is set to 1 - alb from APPx

    Calculate weighted average transmissivity

Pseudo code for beer_lambert_rt lines 435 to 565


:fn: - output file name :f_SIT, f, : - sea ice thickness file, ice concentration file

:f_bi: ice concentration [0-1] :hi15: ice thickness distribution [nx, ny, nbin] nbin=15 - code is in l289 to 293 :h_s: snow depth input grid :ds7: snow depth distribution [nx*ny, nbin]

:alb: - albedo from APPX :temp: - skin temperature from APPX - Kelvin :Fsw0: - short wave flux at surface from APPX

underice_flux2par = 3.5 - from Eq 10 openwater_flux2par = 2.3 - from Eq 9 Stroeve et al

Total flux is:

ice_transmittance = (1 - albedo) * mean_grid_transmittance ow_transmittance = (1 - albedo)

surface_swflux * [(ice_transmittance * sic * underice_flux2par) + (ow_transmittance * (1 - sic) * openwater_flux2par)]

Robbies data