From 1fdf5f3872525794fb11cc7b7fe40711be4030f7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Eli Holmes - NOAA Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2025 18:21:12 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Delete ~$mplate.dotx --- ~$mplate.dotx | Bin 162 -> 0 bytes 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 ~$mplate.dotx diff --git a/~$mplate.dotx b/~$mplate.dotx deleted file mode 100644 index 1215360c558324f168a348f977b46d5a160ee437..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 GIT binary patch literal 0 HcmV?d00001 literal 162 zcmWgj%}g%JFV0UZQSeVo%S=vH2rW)6VjuuS8GIQs8Il=_81fm4fjEt!gh7G9A4sQx Q#Z!U2P@qgIPz9v`0A Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2025 18:21:46 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Delete An-example-report.tex --- An-example-report.tex | 733 ------------------------------------------ 1 file changed, 733 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 An-example-report.tex diff --git a/An-example-report.tex b/An-example-report.tex deleted file mode 100644 index 0d1b76c..0000000 --- a/An-example-report.tex +++ /dev/null @@ -1,733 +0,0 @@ -% Options for packages loaded elsewhere -\PassOptionsToPackage{unicode}{hyperref} -\PassOptionsToPackage{hyphens}{url} -% -\documentclass[ - 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Quarto Report Template. Northwest Fisheries Science -Center. - -\bookmarksetup{startatroot} - -\hypertarget{a-chapter}{% -\chapter{A chapter}\label{a-chapter}} - -Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Clark (1993) -vitae ante quis dui egestas fringilla ac vitae justo (Ansley and Davis -1981; Collins et al. 1996; Deuel and Clark 1968) . Pellentesque quis -magna vel odio malesuada rutrum a volutpat nisl. Aliquam fermentum, urna -eget tristique mattis, augue augue tristique ipsum, eget finibus nunc -eros non nisi. Phasellus mattis hendrerit sapien, quis accumsan dui -pretium eget. Nunc eleifend laoreet urna a luctus. Nulla vel sapien in -nulla gravida tempus sit amet a metus. Vivamus porta condimentum tempus. -Maecenas rhoncus elit id ultricies scelerisque. In gravida urna in -ligula fringilla euismod. Curabitur efficitur porta libero ac fermentum. -Cras fringilla et libero at posuere. Curabitur sodales dapibus elit a -convallis. - -Morbi iaculis eget augue eget facilisis. Etiam non orci dignissim, -efficitur purus viverra, pellentesque neque. Aliquam ornare, magna ut -dictum mollis, nunc lorem iaculis nibh, eu consequat lectus urna euismod -tortor. Etiam ut felis nisl. Nunc quis euismod felis. Vestibulum gravida -nisi mi, quis mollis velit ullamcorper non. Aliquam tempus fringilla -bibendum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce -viverra nulla elementum libero mollis, quis cursus velit sagittis. - -\hypertarget{general-location}{% -\section{General location}\label{general-location}} - -Morbi iaculis eget augue eget facilisis. Etiam non orci dignissim, -efficitur purus viverra, pellentesque neque. Aliquam ornare, magna ut -dictum mollis, nunc lorem iaculis nibh, eu consequat lectus urna euismod -tortor. - -\begin{figure} - -{\centering \includegraphics[width=4.48in,height=\textheight]{text/../images/fig-map.png} - -} - -\caption{\label{fig-map}Morbi iaculis eget augue eget facilisis. Etiam -non orci dignissim, efficitur purus viverra, pellentesque neque. Aliquam -ornare, magna ut dictum mollis.} - -\end{figure} - -\hypertarget{recent-trends}{% -\section{Recent trends}\label{recent-trends}} - -Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vitae -ante quis dui egestas fringilla ac vitae justo. Pellentesque quis magna -vel odio malesuada rutrum a volutpat nisl. Aliquam fermentum, urna eget -tristique mattis, augue augue tristique ipsum, eget finibus nunc eros -non nisi. Phasellus mattis hendrerit sapien, quis accumsan dui pretium -eget. Nunc eleifend laoreet urna a luctus. Nulla vel sapien in nulla -gravida tempus sit amet a metus. Vivamus porta condimentum tempus. -Maecenas rhoncus elit id ultricies scelerisque. In gravida urna in -ligula fringilla euismod. Curabitur efficitur porta libero ac fermentum. -Cras fringilla et libero at posuere. Curabitur sodales dapibus elit a -convallis. - -Morbi iaculis eget augue eget facilisis. Etiam non orci dignissim, -efficitur purus viverra, pellentesque neque. Aliquam ornare, magna ut -dictum mollis, nunc lorem iaculis nibh, eu consequat lectus urna euismod -tortor. Etiam ut felis nisl. Nunc quis euismod felis. Vestibulum gravida -nisi mi, quis mollis velit ullamcorper non. Aliquam tempus fringilla -bibendum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce -viverra nulla elementum libero mollis, quis cursus velit sagittis. - -\begin{figure} - -{\centering \includegraphics{text/Chapter1_files/figure-pdf/fig-CRchum-status-1.pdf} - -} - -\caption{\label{fig-CRchum-status}Columbia River Chum. Log spawner count -trends.} - -\end{figure} - -\hypertarget{population-raw-data}{% -\section{Population raw data}\label{population-raw-data}} - -The raw data can be found in Table~\ref{tbl-CRchum-rawdata}. Nunc quis -euismod felis. Vestibulum gravida nisi mi, quis mollis velit ullamcorper -non. Aliquam tempus fringilla bibendum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, -consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce viverra nulla elementum libero -mollis, quis cursus velit sagittis. - -\hypertarget{tbl-CRchum-rawdata}{} -\begin{longtable}{rr} -\caption{\label{tbl-CRchum-rawdata}Columbia River Chum. Raw Data. }\tabularnewline - -\toprule -YEAR & NUMBER\_OF\_SPAWNERS \\ -\midrule -\multicolumn{2}{l}{Up. Gorge Tribs.} \\ -\midrule -1990 & 25 \\ -1991 & 5 \\ -1992 & 39 \\ -1993 & 17 \\ -1994 & 26 \\ -1995 & 30 \\ -1996 & 21 \\ -1997 & 46 \\ -1998 & 118 \\ -1999 & 43 \\ -\midrule -\multicolumn{2}{l}{Low. Gorge Tribs.} \\ -\midrule -2000 & 1265 \\ -\midrule -\multicolumn{2}{l}{Grays \& Chinook Rs.} \\ -\midrule -2001 & 4742 \\ -2002 & 11713 \\ -2003 & 16669 \\ -2004 & 13716 \\ -2005 & 4204 \\ -2006 & 6605 \\ -2007 & 3999 \\ -2008 & 2608 \\ -2009 & 2876 \\ -2010 & 6380 \\ -2011 & 10809 \\ -2012 & 8010 \\ -2013 & 5134 \\ -2014 & 4792 \\ -2015 & 11580 \\ -\bottomrule -\end{longtable} - -\bookmarksetup{startatroot} - -\hypertarget{conclusion}{% -\chapter{Conclusion}\label{conclusion}} - -We want to reference the Interior Columbia Upper Columbia Entiat -population Table~\ref{tbl-CRchum-rawdata}. It is in Lorem ipsum dolor -sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam commodo sit amet nibh non -molestie. Maecenas hendrerit nisl velit, a condimentum enim lobortis sit -amet. Ut vitae nunc sed mauris condimentum fermentum. Mauris -pellentesque nec neque id elementum. Suspendisse a quam aliquam, -facilisis urna venenatis, malesuada diam. Pellentesque in fringilla -orci. Cras sed purus urna. Ut pharetra enim ut ligula egestas mattis. I -need to reference the work of Hardy (1978). - -Phasellus non diam posuere, laoreet velit sed, egestas felis. Etiam eget -neque in tellus lacinia tincidunt. Pellentesque scelerisque odio velit, -nec fringilla nibh iaculis non. Aenean sit amet nulla ipsum. Cras felis -lacus, pulvinar ac nisi et, convallis pulvinar turpis. Morbi non nibh -lacus. Morbi vitae lorem massa. Sed ut turpis vel felis posuere commodo -lacinia ac mi. Donec finibus lectus sit amet elit finibus, vitae rhoncus -ligula tincidunt. Phasellus vitae blandit lacus. Integer sed nisl -fermentum, pulvinar mauris in, posuere enim. Proin sit amet semper urna. -Vivamus aliquet rutrum diam ac luctus. - -Quisque in nibh sit amet nunc mollis porttitor quis et mauris. Sed non -condimentum leo, ac condimentum est. Duis ac venenatis nulla, et aliquet -elit. Suspendisse potenti. Duis mollis dui at semper luctus. Maecenas -euismod finibus condimentum. Fusce vitae gravida massa. Mauris metus -est, pretium non semper vel, dictum vel augue. - -Curabitur tempus, leo quis volutpat rhoncus, turpis elit vehicula dolor, -id tincidunt augue nunc at enim. In vel enim mattis, varius orci at, -tempus ante. Morbi massa elit, pharetra ac libero at, porta tempus quam. -Ut fringilla, tortor ac tristique euismod, magna felis vestibulum -turpis, quis congue mauris leo nec felis. Aliquam viverra et nibh ut -blandit. Praesent sed luctus odio. Pellentesque finibus velit dolor. -Morbi ac pulvinar ex, id dapibus eros. Cras interdum arcu viverra auctor -tristique. Suspendisse venenatis volutpat ultricies. - -Donec bibendum pharetra arcu vitae porttitor. Morbi ac quam nunc. Ut -cursus dolor a mauris aliquet vulputate. Morbi elementum ullamcorper -augue, et tincidunt libero facilisis posuere. Nam congue velit non elit -sollicitudin aliquet. Donec lobortis nunc ligula, id sollicitudin erat -rhoncus cursus. Ut egestas orci libero, eu malesuada ex sollicitudin -sed. Sed ornare nunc eget massa scelerisque, nec egestas nulla commodo. -Pellentesque efficitur accumsan ullamcorper. Nulla facilisi. Maecenas -tristique luctus malesuada. Phasellus id enim maximus, tempus tellus eu, -dignissim sapien. Integer et mauris in lectus condimentum pellentesque -non a felis. - -\bookmarksetup{startatroot} - -\hypertarget{references}{% -\chapter*{References}\label{references}} -\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{References} - -\markboth{References}{References} - -\hypertarget{refs}{} -\begin{CSLReferences}{1}{0} -\leavevmode\vadjust pre{\hypertarget{ref-ansley1981}{}}% -Ansley, H. L. H., and C. D. Davis. 1981. {``Migration and Standing Stock -of Fishes Associated with Artificial and Natural Reefs on Georgia{'}s -Outer Continental Shelf.''} Brunswick, Georgia, USA. - -\leavevmode\vadjust pre{\hypertarget{ref-clark1993}{}}% -Clark, W. G. 1993. {``The Effect of Recruitment Variability on the -Choice of a Target Level of Spawning Biomass Per Recruit.''} In, 233246. -Alaska Sea Grant College Program -AK{\textendash}SG{\textendash}93{\textendash}02. - -\leavevmode\vadjust pre{\hypertarget{ref-collins1996}{}}% -Collins, M. R., S. B. Van Sant, D. J. Schmidt, and G. R. Sedberry. 1996. -{``Age Validation, Movements, and Growth Rates of Tagged Gag -(Mycteroperca Microlepis), Black Sea Bass (Centropristis Striata) and -Red Porgy (Pagrus Pagrus).''} In, edited by F. Arrequin-Sanchez, J. L. -Munro, M. C. Balgos, and D. Pauly, 161--65. Makati City, Philippines: -ICLARM (International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management). - -\leavevmode\vadjust pre{\hypertarget{ref-deuel1968}{}}% -Deuel, D. G., and J. R. Clark. 1968. {``The 1965 Salt-Water Angling -Survey.''} - -\leavevmode\vadjust pre{\hypertarget{ref-hardy1978}{}}% -Hardy, J. D., Jr. 1978. {``Development of Fishes of the Mid-Atlantic -Bight. Vol. III. Aphredoderidae Through Rachycentridae.''} - -\end{CSLReferences} - - -\backmatter - -\end{document}