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jsPsych and Flask Web App for Moth Study

Dev/Debug Setup

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Navigate to project directory: $ cd ~/path/to/moth_app
  3. Install virtualenv: $ sudo pip install virtualenv
  4. Create a virtual environment for the app somewhere handy, e.g. $ virtualenv venv/
  5. Activate the virtual environment, e.g. $ . venv/bin/activate
  6. Install Flask in the virutal environment: (venv)$ sudo pip install Flask
  7. Install the moth app and its dependencies: from the moth_app directory, (venv)$ pip install -e .
  8. Tell Flask which app you want: (venv)$ export FLASK_APP=moth_radio
  9. Enable debug mode: (venv)$ export FLASK_DEBUG=true
  10. Install ffmpeg (e.g. (venv)$ brew install ffmpeg). Required to add stimuli to the database, but not for running trials
  11. Install MySQL
    1. Install the package (e.g. (venv)$ brew install mysql)
    2. Create a database moth_radio
    3. Create a user moth_radio and give it a password
    4. Give the user privileges on the moth_radio database
  12. Add your MySQL user's password after the : in moth_radio/ where app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] is set.
  13. Start the app: (venv)$ flask run
  14. Deactivate the virtual environment when finished: (venv)$ deactivate

Server Setup & Deployment

Assumes a clean install of Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS.

  1. Get apt-get up to date: $ sudo apt-get update
  2. Install nginx: $ sudo apt-get install nginx
  3. Tell the firewall to let nginx do its thing: $ sudo ufw allow 'Nginx Full'
    Note: if ufw isn't enabled, you probably want to enable it. Just make sure it's configured not to block things you need, e.g. ssh.
  4. Install Python: $ sudo apt-get install python
  5. Install pip: $ sudo apt-get install python-pip
    Note: if you're ssh'd in from a Mac and get locale-related problems, try $ export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8"
  6. Install MySQL: $ sudo apt-get install mysql-server. Set a password for the root user when prompted.
  7. Install the MySQL dev tools: $ sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev
  8. Create a database moth_radio and two users, moth_radio and moth_radio_turk, both with full privileges on the moth_radio database.
  9. Install ffmpeg: $ sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
  10. Install virtualenv: $ sudo pip install virtualenv
  11. Create a virtual environment in /var/www for the app: $ virutalenv moth_env
  12. Copy the moth_app project folder into /var/www: (from your machine) $ scp -r moth_app user@cosanlabradio:/var/www/
  13. Activate the environment: $ source moth_env/bin/activate
  14. From the moth_app directory, install the moth app and its dependencies: $ pip install -e .
  15. Add your moth_radio MySQL user's password after the : in moth_radio/ where app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] is set.
  16. Create an empty socket file: $ touch moth_app.sock
  17. Make sure /var/www has the right permissions to be served: $ sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www
  18. Install the moth_app.service service: $ sudo mv moth_app.service /etc/systemd/system/
  19. Start the service:
    $ sudo systemctl daemon-reload  
    $ sudo systemctl start moth_app  
    $ sudo systemctl enable moth_app  
  20. Install the moth_app nginx config file: $ sudo mv moth_app /etc/nginx/sites-available
  21. Symlink the same config file to sites-enabled: $ sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/moth_app /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
  22. Restart nginx: $ sudo systemctl restart nginx
  23. Restart the server: $ sudo reboot