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How to build FarNet

Roman Kuzmin edited this page Oct 28, 2020 · 12 revisions


  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 with C++/CLI tools installed.
  • Far Manager in C:\Bin\Far\x64 or C:\Bin\Far\Win32.
  • Invoke-Build for build automation.

Clone the FarNet repository and change to its directory.

Generate meta files once before building or opening in Visual Studio:

Invoke-Build meta

Build from the command line:

Invoke-Build build

Or open FarNetAccord.sln in Visual Studio and

  • Set PowerShellFar or FarNetMan as the startup project.
  • Choose the configuration Debug or Release.
  • Choose the platform x64 or Win32.

Build and run.

The result plugin, FarNet assemblies, and other files are automatically copied to C:\Bin\Far\x64 or C:\Bin\Far\Win32 depending on the platform.