Information aggregation for some of your assets. Powers the stonx-frontend dashboard.
Powered by (among many others):
Warning: We currently save your bitpanda api keys in plaintext in our DB
- Bitpanda Wallets (Needs a bitpanda api token that can read your assets - scope "Guthaben")
- Bitpanda Indices (Needs a bitpanda api token that can read your assets - scope "Guthaben")
- Binance Spot Wallets (Needs a binance api token that can read your assets)
- ETH Wallets (Only needs the public key/address)
- BTC Wallets (Only needs the public key/address)
- DOGE Wallets (Only needs the public key/address)
- Bitpanda Assets and Prices:
- Binance Assets and Prices:
- ETH Wallet Balances:
- BTC Wallet Balances:
- DOGE Wallet Balances:
- Custom Wallet Prices:
- Suport more Tokens and exchanges (if i have time)
You can (or sometimes have to) use the following env vars to configure some parts of the backend This repository provides an .example.env file that contains all env vars
Env var | Type | Optional | Default value | Description |
JWT_SECRET | String | No | empty | The secret used by the backend to sign jwts - Should be at least 32bits (Max 512) |
CURRENCY | String | No | empty | Your local currency string (Tested with EUR and USD) |
ETHERSCAN_APIKEY | String | No | empty | An api key for etherscan - the backend uses etherscan to get the balance of erc20 wallets - You can get one for free here |
ENABLE_SIGNUP | Boolan | Yes | true | Enable the aut/signup endpoint(true,default) or disable it |
DATABASE_TYPE | String | No | sqlite |
The type of the db that you want to use(currently supported: sqlite , postgres , mysql , mariadb ) |
DATABASE_NAME | String | No | database.sql |
The name of the db that you want to use (filename for sqlite) |
DATABASE_HOST | String | No | empty | The fqdn for the db's host (empty for sqlite) |
DATABASE_PORT | String | No | empty | The port for the db's host (empty for sqlite) |
DATABASE_USER | String | No | empty | The user to authenticate against the db (empty for sqlite) |
DATABASE_PASSWORD | String | No | empty | The password to authenticate against the db (empty for sqlite) |
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