Each experiment protocol usually comes in two batches: the first contains 4 mice; and the second contains 4 extra mice. These 8 mice must live in exactly the same reference frame. This is of utmost importance, otherwise the hole-checking statistics will be wrong.
The problem is that the second batch is almost always in a distorted reference frame: camera angle changes, entrance changes, basically everything changes. We must work our way to realign both batches. Below, there will be steps where this (un)distortion protocol is explicitly mentioned.
Some of these steps are further detailed below
0) search for the following parameters: target (first, second, reverse) positions, arena picture extent, and use the notebook `preliminary_plot_arena.ipynb` to show a preliminary picture of the arena with targets, center (center is usually mean of all target positions) and circle/square marked
1) mark the original arena picture according to the photoshop template (see e.g. the PSD files in `arena_picture/2022`) using the marked features from previous step; save this as a `_mark.png` arena picture
2) use this mark file to crop arena pictures in `crop_arena_pictures.ipynb` and get a preliminary (not aligned) arena picture, and all the holes positions
3) Update functions in module `process_mouse_trials_lib.py` according to the preliminary parameters from previous step
4) Process a few trials (in `preprocess_mice_trials.py`) and use them to create the undistort transform in `plot_refsquare_undistort_exper.ipynb`
5) Use the arena parameters in photoshop using the template file in `arena_picture/distort`
6) Prepare arena pictures for the script `crop_arena_pictures.ipynb` (see item B below)
7) Run `crop_arena_pictures.ipynb`
8) Feedback into `process_mouse_trials_lib` the output from `crop_arena_pictures.ipynb` and update the remaining functions (see item A below)
9) Include the excel experiment file directories into the script `preprocess_mice_trials.py` and run this script (debug eventual problems)
10) Include the excel experiment file directories into the script `calc_step_probability_matrix.py` and run this script (debug eventual problems)
- in module process_mouse_trials_lib
* `get_arena_all_picture_filename`
* `is_reverse_condition`
* `get_arena_picture_bounds` (will be fed by the output of crop_arena_pictures.ipynb )
* `get_arena_center` (will be fed by the output of crop_arena_pictures.ipynb )
* `get_arena_entrance_coord` (will be fed by the output of crop_arena_pictures.ipynb;
use the targets plotted in `preliminary_plot_arena.ipynb` to define the entrance labels:
the label is usually "opposite" to the target labels (depending on experimental condition/task)
the coords need to be checked against Kelly's convention of SW,NE,NW,SE
the standard for me is the label-quadrant correspondence used in the pilot experiments;
thus I have to make sure that the new experiment entrance labels
correspond to the quadrants of the same labels in the pilot experiments )
* `get_arena_hole_coord` (will be fed by the output of crop_arena_pictures.ipynb )
* `get_2target_target_index` (if it is a two target experiment, check which trial was used to switch targets;
and check if this function needs updating)
* `get_2target_experiment_target` (these targets are extracted from crop_arena_pictures.ipynb
they need to checked agains new targets of 2-target experiments)
* `get_arena_alt_target` (returns the other target in 2-target experiments)
* `get_arena_target` (will be fed by Kelly's documentation or scripts)
* `get_arena_reverse_target` (will be fed by Kelly's documentation or scripts)
* Create transform functions similar to the
in order to (un)distort the 2nd batch of the same protocol onto the 1st batch coordinates
* These new transform functions must be added to
with the proper modifications (experiment date checks -- copy from the `15Nov2021` or as needed)
- See photoshop image of some already processed arena image file to use as guide, and
* Create a _mark file with all the proper markings (`green = entrance`; `red = target`; `blue = arena boundary`; `black = arena holes`)
see `mark_scheme` variable in first cell of this notebook
* (deprecated; `_mark` file is enough) Create an `_entrance` file with black markers on the entrance (everything else must be white)
- We will need to use these files and add a tuple to the list `arena_pic` in the first cell with the required modifications...
- Run the `crop_arena_pictures.ipynb` and check the `_holes.png` output to see if the number of detected holes
is correct (100 holes)... Usually the code finds more holes than the ones which are real, because it might find 2 or 3 times the same hole...
When that is the case, correct the hole in photoshop by drawing a black circle on top of the hole (in the `_mark`) file
- Check for the `_holes.txt` file for each of the processed pictures; it will be in the corresponding picture directory;
these are the coordinates that must be placed in the corresponding functions in the `process_mouse_trials_lib` module
- Once this is done, we can make the procedure to (un)distort the 2nd batch of mice of the same protocol to match the 1st batch
Attention: pay attention to the documentation written there
- extract the arena coordinates (entrance, holes, center, etc, using `crop_arena_picture.ipynb`)
- (for the 2nd batch of the same experimental protocol) create a distort file following the template in photoshop, mark the distort points
- (for the 2nd batch of the same experimental protocol) use engauge in the distort points to get the distorted square coordinates
- (for the 2nd batch of the same experimental protocol) undistort the file (i.e., transform the 2nd batch to match the 1st batch)