Represents NetXMS node object. Extends [class-datacollectiontarget].
agentCertificateMappingData ⇒ String
Agent certificate mapping data (set in object properties).
agentCertificateMappingMethod ⇒ String
Agent certificate mapping method (set in object properties).
agentCertificateSubject ⇒ String
Subject of certificate issued for agent tunnel on this node.
agentId ⇒ String
NetXMS agent unique ID (
representation of GUID). Will return all zeroes GUID if agent is not detected on node or does not have unique ID. agentProxy ⇒ Node
Object that is set as agent proxy in object properties or NULL.
agentVersion ⇒ String
NetXMS agent version as
. bootTime ⇒ Integer64
UNIX time (number of seconds since epoch) of the moment when node was started or
if unknown. bridgeBaseAddress ⇒ String
Base address of the switch formatted as 12 character
without separators. Value is only valid for bridges and switches. Special value000000000000
indicates that address is unknown.
capabilities ⇒ Integer
Detected node capabilities ("Have Agent", "Support SNMP", etc.) Bitwise AND of Node capability flags constants.
cipDeviceType ⇒ Integer
EtherNet/IP device type
cipDeviceTypeAsText ⇒ String
EtherNet/IP device type as text
cipExtendedStatus ⇒ Integer
EtherNet/IP device extended status
cipExtendedStatusAsText ⇒ String
EtherNet/IP device extended status as text
cipStatus ⇒ Integer
EtherNet/IP device status
cipStatusAsText ⇒ String
EtherNet/IP device status as text
cipState ⇒ Integer
EtherNet/IP device state
cipStateAsText ⇒ String
EtherNet/IP device state as text
cipVendorCode ⇒ Integer
EtherNet/IP vendor code in numeric form.
cluster ⇒ [class-cluster]
Cluster this node is in.
components ⇒ [class-component]
Entity MIB components of class [class-component].
dependentNodes ⇒ Array
Will return array with [class-nodedependency] class objects. This array contains all objects that have current node as a proxy or data collection sources.
driver ⇒ String
Named of selected device-specific SNMP driver.
downSince ⇒ Integer64
UNIX timestamp when node went down.
effectiveAgentProxy ⇒ Node
Object that is effective agent proxy or NULL.
effectiveIcmpProxy ⇒ Node
Object that is effective ICMP proxy or NULL.
effectiveSnmpProxy ⇒ Node
Object that is effective SNMP proxy or NULL.
flags ⇒ Integer
Bit mask of Node flags.
hasAgentIfXCounters ⇒ Boolean
if agent supports 64-bit interface counters. hasEntityMIB ⇒ Boolean
if supports ENTITY-MIB. hasIfXTable ⇒ Boolean
if supports ifXTable via SNMP (64-bit counters for interface statistics). hasUserAgent ⇒ Boolean
if has user agent hasVLANs ⇒ Boolean
if VLAN information available. hardwareId ⇒ String
Nodes' unique hardware id
hardwareComponents ⇒ Array
Retutrns an array of awailiable hardware of class [class-hardwarecomponent].
hasWinPDH ⇒ Boolean
if node supports Windows PDH parameters. hypervisorInfo ⇒ String
Additional information about hypervisor for this node.
hypervisorType ⇒ String
Hypervisor type as
(usually hypervisor vendor or product name, like VMWare or XEN). icmpAverageRTT ⇒ Integer
ICMP average response time for primary address. Will return null if no information.
icmpLastRTT ⇒ Integer
ICMP last response time for primary address. Will return null if no information.
icmpMaxRTT ⇒ Integer
ICMP maximal response time for primary address. Will return null if no information.
icmpMinRTT ⇒ Integer
ICMP minimal response time for primary address. Will return null if no information.
icmpPacketLoss ⇒ Integer
ICMP packet loss for primary address. Will return null if no information.
icmpProxy ⇒ Node
Object that is set as ICMP proxy in object properties or NULL.
interfaces ⇒ Array
Array with [class-interface] objects, that are under this node. First object placed at index 0.
is802_1x ⇒ Boolean
if node supports 802.1x. Equivalent ofisPAE
. isAgent ⇒ Boolean
if NetXMS agent detected on node isBridge ⇒ Boolean
if node is a bridge isCDP ⇒ Boolean
if node supports CDP (Cisco Discovery Protocol) isEtherNetIP ⇒ Boolean
if node supports EtherNet/IP (Industrial Protocol) isExternalGateway ⇒ Boolean
if node is remotely managed node isInMaintenanceMode ⇒ Boolean
if node is in maintenance mode isLLDP ⇒ Boolean
if node supports LLDP (Link Layer Discovery Protocol) isLocalManagement ⇒ Boolean
if node is a local management server (NetXMS server) isLocalMgmt ⇒ Boolean
if node is a local management server (NetXMS server) isNDP ⇒ Boolean
if node supports OSPF/NDP. Equivalent ofisOSPF
. isModbusTCP ⇒ Boolean
if node supports Modbus TCP isOSPF ⇒ Boolean
if node supports OSPF/NDP. Equivalent ofisNDP
. isPAE ⇒ Boolean
if node supports 802.1x. Equivalent ofis802_1x
. isPrinter ⇒ Boolean
if node is a printer isProfiNet ⇒ Boolean
if node supports PROFINET (Process Field Network) isRouter ⇒ Boolean
if node is a router (has IP forwarding enabled) isSMCLP ⇒ Boolean
if node supports SMCLP (Server Management Command Line Protocol) isSNMP ⇒ Boolean
if SNMP agent detected on node isSSH ⇒ Boolean
if SSH is connection available isSONMP ⇒ Boolean
if node supports SONMP/NDP (Synoptics/Nortel Discovery Protocol) isSTP ⇒ Boolean
if node supports STP (Spanning Tree Protocol) isUserAgentInstalled ⇒ Boolean
if user agent is installed. isVirtual ⇒ Boolean
if node is virtual isVRRP ⇒ Boolean
if VRRP supported. isWirelessAP ⇒ Boolean
if node is wireless access point isWirelessController ⇒ Boolean
if node is wireless controller lastAgentCommTime ⇒ Integer
Unix timestamp of last time when communication with agent was
modbusProxy ⇒ Node
MODBUS proxy object
modbusProxyId ⇒ Integer
MODBUS proxy object id
modbusTCPPort ⇒ Integer
modbusUnitId ⇒ Integer
MODBUS unit id
networkPathCheckResult ⇒ [class-networkpathcheckresult]
Node network path
nodeSubType ⇒ String
Node sub type
nodeType ⇒ Integer
Node type Node types
ospfAreas ⇒ [class-ospfarea]
Returns [class-ospfarea] class object
ospfNeighbors ⇒ Array
Array with [class-ospfarea] class objects
ospfRouterId ⇒ String
OSPF router ID
platformName ⇒ String
Platform name reported by NetXMS agent
physicalContainer ⇒ Object
Physical container object: Rack [class-netobj] or Chassis [class-chassis]
physicalContainerId ⇒ Integer
Physical container object id (Rack or Chassis)
primaryHostName ⇒ String
Primary host name
productCode ⇒ String
Hardware system property - product code
productName ⇒ String
Hardware system property - product name
productVersion ⇒ String
Hardware system property - product version
rack ⇒ [class-netobj]
Will return Rack object as [class-netobj] if node is added in rack
rackId ⇒ Integer
Will return Rack id if node is added in rack
rackHeight ⇒ Integer
Object height in rack
rackPosition ⇒ Integer
Object position in rack
runtimeFlags ⇒ Integer
Bit mask of Node runtime flags,
. serialNumber ⇒ String
Serial number from hardware system property
snmpOID ⇒ String
SNMP object identifier (result of
request) snmpProxy ⇒ Node
Object that is set as SNMP proxy in object properties or NULL.
snmpProxyId ⇒ Integer
SNMP proxy object id.
snmpSysContact ⇒ String
SNMP system contact (result of
request) snmpSysLocation ⇒ String
SNMP system location (result of
request) snmpSysName ⇒ String
SNMP system name (result of
request) snmpVersion ⇒ Integer
Configured SNMP version:
0: SNMP version 1
1: SNMP version 2c
2: SNMP version 3
softwarePackages ⇒ Array
Returns array of [class-softwarepackage] class objects
sysDescription ⇒ String
System description (value of
for nodes with agents or1.
for SNMP nodes) tunnel ⇒ [class-tunnel]
Tunnel object f this node or NULL if there is no tunnel active and bound to this node.
vendor ⇒ String
Hardware vendor information
vlans ⇒ Array
Array with object [class-vlan] objects (
if there are no VLANs) wirelessDomain ⇒ [class-wirelessdomain]
Wireless domain of this node
wirelessDomainId ⇒ Integer
Wireless domain id of this node
wirelessStations ⇒ Array
Array with object [class-wirelessstation] objects (
if there are no Wireless Stations) zone ⇒ [class-zone]
[class-zone] object (
if zoning is disabled) zoneProxyAssignments ⇒ Integer
Number of objects where this node is selected as either primary or backup zone proxy (
if zoning is disabled or this node is not a zone proxy). zoneProxyStatus ⇒ Boolean
Status of this node as zone proxy (
if active). zoneUIN ⇒ Integer
This node zone UIN
callWebService(webSvcName, requestType, …) ⇒ [class-webserviceresponse]
Finds web service by name, makes request and returns the [class-webserviceresponse] object.
webSvcName |
String |
Web service name. |
requestType |
String |
Request type. One of: GET, DELETE, PATCH, POST, PUT |
data |
String or [class-jsonobject] |
Depending on request type data might be required and provided as a string or JSON object. GET and DELETE requests do not allow data, PATCH, POST, PUT require data. |
contentType |
String |
Optional parameter. Type of provided data that will be set to "Content-Type" header of request. Default type is "application/json". |
acceptCached |
Boolean |
True if response stored in the cache is allowed to be used. Named parameter. Default: false. |
… |
Strings |
Optional additional parameter(s) that will be used in web service definition to expand %1, %2… macro. |
Instance of [class-webserviceresponse] with request result.
//Valid example when request fails because there is no connection to agent result = $node.callWebService("Web service name", "GET", "additional/ult/path"); println(result.success); // "false" println(result.errorMessage); // "No connection with agent" println(result.agentErrorCode); // "0" println(result.httpResponseCode); // "0" println(result.document); // "" //Successful post request result = $node2.callWebService("Web service name", "POST", "{ \"id\":10 }", "application/json", "additional/ult/path"); println(result.success); // "true" println(result.errorMessage); // "" println(result.agentErrorCode); // "0" println(result.httpResponseCode); // "200" println(result.document); // "" result = $node3.callWebService("Web service name", "GET", "application/json", acceptCached: true);
createSNMPTransport(port, community, context, failIfUnreachable) ⇒ [class-snmptransport]
Create SNMP transport object of class [class-snmptransport] with communication settings defined on the node. It is possible to specify a community string but only community strings listed in Network Credentials will be accepted. Creation of SNMP transport is a preparatory operation enabling subsequent sending of SNMP requests to node. However, creation of SNMP transport does not guarantee that the node is accessible.
port |
Integer |
Optional parameter with port. |
community |
String |
Optional parameter with community string. |
context |
String |
Optional parameter with context. |
failIfUnreachable |
String |
Optional parameter, is provided and is true, check that SNMP is reachable on the node before creating SNMP transport. This parameter was added in version 4.4.1. |
Instance of [class-snmptransport] or null
if failed or node was not reacheable when failIfUnreachable was set to true.
enable8021xStatusPolling(flag) ⇒ void
Enable or disable 802.1x port state checking during status polls.
flag |
Boolean |
If 802.1x port state checking should be enabled. |
enableAgent(flag) ⇒ void
Enable or disable usage of NetXMS agent for all polls.
flag |
Boolean |
If agent usage should be enabled. |
enableDiscoveryPolling(flag) ⇒ void
Enable or disable discovery polling.
flag |
Boolean |
If discovery polling should be enabled. |
enableEtherNetIP(flag) ⇒ void
Enable or disable usage of EtherNet/IP for polls.
flag |
Boolean |
If EtherNet/IP should be enabled. |
enableIcmp(flag) ⇒ void
Enable or disable usage of ICMP pings for status polls.
flag |
Boolean |
If ICMP pings should be enabled. |
enableModbusTcp(flag) ⇒ void
Enable or disable usage of Modbus TCP for polls.
flag |
Boolean |
If Modbus TCP should be enabled. |
enablePrimaryIPPing(flag) ⇒ void
Enable or disable usage of ICMP ping for primary IP.
flag |
Boolean |
If primary IP ping should be enabled. |
enableRoutingTablePolling(flag) ⇒ void
Enable or disable routing table polling.
flag |
Boolean |
If routing table polls should be enabled. |
enableSnmp(flag) ⇒ void
Enable or disable usage of SNMP for all polls.
flag |
Boolean |
If SNMP communication should be enabled. |
enableSsh(flag) ⇒ void
Enable or disable usage of SSH
flag |
Boolean |
If SSH communication should be enabled. |
enableTopologyPolling(flag) ⇒ void
Enable or disable topology polling.
flag |
Boolean |
If topology polls should be enabled. |
enableWinPerfCountersCache(flag) ⇒ void
Enable or disable reading of Windows performance counters metadata
flag |
Boolean |
If reading of Windows performance counters metadata should be enabled. |
executeAgentCommand(command, …) ⇒ Boolean
Execute agent command (action) on node.
command |
String |
Command to be executed. |
… |
String |
Optional arguments for command |
True if command execution is successful or false otherwise.
executeAgentCommandWithOutput(command, …) ⇒ String
Execute agent command (action) on node and return it’s output.
command |
String |
Command to be executed. |
… |
String |
Optional arguments for command |
String with output of the command or null on failure.
executeSSHCommand(command) ⇒ array
Execute SSH command on node.
command |
String |
Command to be executed. |
Array of strings with output of the command or null on failure.
getInterface(ifIdentifier) ⇒ [class-interface]
Get interface object by index, MAC address or name. If name is number method will assume that it is index.
ifIdentifier |
Integer or String |
Index, MAC address or name of interface. |
[class-interface] object.
println($node.getInterface("00:14:22:04:25:37").name); // Will print "wlp4s0" println($node.getInterface(3).name); // Will print "wlp4s0" println($node.getInterface("wlp4s0").name); // Will print "wlp4s0"
getInterfaceByIndex(ifIndex) ⇒ [class-interface]
Get interface object by index.
ifIndex |
Integer |
Index of interface. |
[class-interface] object.
println($node.getInterfaceByIndex(3).name); // Will print "wlp4s0"
getInterfaceByMACAddress(ifMACAddr) ⇒ [class-interface]
Get interface object by MAC address.
ifMACAddr |
String |
MAC address of interface. |
[class-interface] object.
println($node.getInterfaceByMACAddress("00:14:22:04:25:37").name); // Will print "wlp4s0"
getInterfaceByName(IfName) ⇒ [class-interface]
Get interface object by name.
IfName |
String |
Name of interface. |
[class-interface] object.
println($node.getInterfaceByName("wlp4s0").name); // Will print "wlp4s0"
getInterfaceName(ifIndex) ⇒ String
Get interface name by index.
ifIndex |
Integer |
Index of interface. |
getWebService(webSvcName) ⇒ [class-webservice]
Get web service object by name.
webSvcName |
String |
Name of interface. |
[class-webservice] object.
webSvc = $node.getWebService("webSvcName");
readAgentParameter(name) ⇒ String
Reads current value of agent metric.
name |
String |
Parameter name. |
readAgentList(name) ⇒ Array
Reads current value of agent list metric and returns array of strings.
name |
String |
List name. |
readAgentTable(name) ⇒ [class-table]
Reads current value of agent table metric and returns [class-table].
name |
String |
Table name. |
readDriverParameter(name) ⇒ String
Request driver-specific metric directly from network device driver (e.g. Rital).
name |
String |
List name. |
readInternalParameter(name) ⇒ String
Read internal parameter
name |
String |
Parameter name |
Value of requested internal parameter
readInternalTable(name) ⇒ [class-table]
Read internal table
name |
String |
Table name |
Value of requested internal table of class [class-table]
readWebServiceList(name) ⇒ Array
Read list from node using web service
name |
String |
Name is expected in form service:path or service(arguments):path |
Array with string with web service instances
readWebServiceParameter(name) ⇒ String
Read from node web service parameter
name |
String |
Name is expected in form service:path or service(arguments):path |
String with result read from web service
setIfXTableUsageMode(mode) ⇒ void
Set ifXTable usage mode 0 - use default, 1 - enable, 2 - disable
mode |
Integer |
usage mode |
Description | Value |
0x00000001 |
0x00000002 |
0x00000004 |
0x00000008 |
0x00010000 |
0x00020000 |
0x00040000 |
0x00080000 |
0x00100000 |
0x00200000 |
0x00400000 |
0x00800000 |
0x01000000 |
0x02000000 |
0x04000000 |
0x08000000 |
0x10000000 |
Description | Value |
0x00000001 |
0x00000002 |
0x00000004 |
0x00000008 |
0x00000010 |
0x00000020 |
0x00000040 |
0x00000080 |
0x00010000 |
0x00020000 |
0x00040000 |
0x00080000 |
0x00100000 |
Value | Description |
0x00000001 |
Node supports SNMP |
0x00000002 |
NetXMS agent detected on the node |
0x00000004 |
Node is network bridge |
0x00000008 |
Node is IP router |
0x00000010 |
Node is management server (NetXMS server itself) |
0x00000020 |
Node is printer |
0x00000040 |
Node supports OSPF |
0x00000080 |
CheckPoint SNMP agent detected on port 260 |
0x00000100 |
CDP supported |
0x00000200 |
NDP(SONMP) support detected on the node (Nortel/Synoptics/Bay Networks) topology discovery) |
0x00000400 |
Node supports LLDP |
0x00000800 |
Node supportes VRRP |
0x00001000 |
VLAN information available on the node |
0x00002000 |
802.1x support detected |
0x00004000 |
Spanning Tree (IEEE 802.1d) enabled on node |
0x00008000 |
Node supports ENTITY-MIB |
0x00010000 |
Node supports ifXTable via SNMP (64-bit counters for interface statistics) |
0x00020000 |
Agent supports 64-bit interface counters |
0x00040000 |
Node supports Windows PDH parameters |
0x00080000 |
Node is wireless network controller |
0x00100000 |
Node supports SMCLP protocol |
0x00200000 |
Running agent is upgraded to new policy type |
0x00400000 |
User (support) agent is installed |
Value | Description |
0 |
Unknown |
1 |
Physical |
2 |
Virtual |
3 |
Controller |
4 |
Container |