Class that represents file on file system. Available only if 'NXSL.EnableFileIOFunctions' configuration parameter is turned on. File read and write position in file depends on mode file was opened in.
close() ⇒ void
Close file
read(numberOfSymbols) ⇒ String
Read provided number of bytes from file.
numberOfSymbols |
Integer |
Number of symbol to read from file |
String with symbols read from file or null if file closed or end of file reached.
readLine() ⇒ String
Read line from file.
String with read line from file or null if file closed or end of file reached.
write(text) ⇒ void
Will write provided text to the file.
text |
String |
Text to write in to the file |
writeLine(text) ⇒ void
Will write provided text to the file and will add new line at the end.
text |
String |
Text to write in to the file |