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JADE Case Study |
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The Joint Academic Data Science Endeavour (JADE) is an EPSRC funded Tier 2 facility supporting world-leading research in machine learning. JADE2, the latest incarnation of the facility, supports use of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) for scientific research.
Interviews were held with managers of the JADE2 facility (STFC Digital Infrastructure), based on a structured script, to explore the current concerns and future expectations of the facility managers with respect to Net Zero, and to draw conclusions and recommendations of general relevance and validity to Net Zero and DRI. As per the project plan, another goal was to inform the design of the database of UKRI DRI, and there was a strong interaction between the two lines of work.
The full report can be found here: DOI:10.5281/zenodo.7828052
Institutions involved: Scientific Computing Department within the Science and Technology Facilities Council (SCD STFC)