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File metadata and controls

executable file
169 lines (145 loc) · 4.02 KB


Navigation component for Backbone based application.


Download navigation.js and include it in your HTML:

<script src="js/navigation.js"></script>

###or via Composer

  1. In your composer.json require section: "twodudes/backbone-navigation": "dev-master"

  2. In your javascripts block of a template:

{% javascripts
    <script type="text/javascript" src="{{ asset_url }}"></script>
{% endjavascripts %}

#Usage ##Example. Basic usage

  1. Add navigation description to your Backbone Router
App.AuthorsRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
    routes: {
        "authors": "authorsList",
        "author/:id/details": "authorDetails"
    navigation: {
        prefix: 'Authors',
        pages: {
            "Authors.authorsList": {
                template: 'Authors'
            "Authors.authorDetails": {
                template: template: _.template('Author <%= args[":id"] %> details'),
                parent: "Authors.authorsList"
    authorsList: function() {
        //your regular route
    authorDetails: function(id) {
        //your regular route
  1. Append Router to navigation and initialize navigation
var authorsRouter = new App.AuthorsRouter();

var navigation = new Backbone.Navigation();
  1. Get your breadcrumbs as a backbone collection

##Example. Page label templates as a function In AuthorsRouter.

"Authors.authorDetails": {
    template: function(args) {
        var id = args[':id'];
        var d = $.Deferred();
        var author = new App.Model.Author({id: id});
            success: function(author) {
                d.resolve('Author ' + author.get('name'));
        return d;
    parent: 'Accounts.list'

##Example. Many routers

  1. Yet another router
App.BooksRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
    routes: {
        "author/:id/books": "booksList"
        "author/:id/book/:bookId/table-of-contents": "bookContents"
    navigation: {
        prefix: 'Books',
        pages: {
            "Books.booksList": {
                template: 'Books',
                parent: "Authors.authorDetails"
            "Books.bookContents": {
                template: template: _.template('Book <%= args[":bookId"] %> contents'),
                parent: "Books.booksList"
    booksList: function() {
        //your regular route
    bookContents: function(id) {
        //your regular route
  1. Append Router to navigation and initialize navigation
var authorsRouter = new App.AuthorsRouter();
var booksRouter = new App.BooksRouter();

var navigation = new Backbone.Navigation();


  1. navigation.getBreadcrumbs() - is a JQuery Deffered object. Don't forget to use .done(function(){}) callback (see Marionette collection view below).

#Additional materials: ##Marionette collection view for Breadcrumbs:

App.Views.Breadcrumb = Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend({
    template: _.template('<a href="<%= url %>"><%= text %></a>'),
    tagName: 'li'

App.Views.Breadcrumbs = Backbone.Marionette.CollectionView.extend({
    template: _.template(''),
    tagName: 'ul',
    className: 'breadcrumbs',
    itemView: App.Views.Breadcrumb,
    collectionEvents: {
        'change': 'render'
    initialize: function(options) {
        var that = this;
        var navigation = options.navigation; //Backbone.Navigation object
        navigation.getBreadcrumbs().done(function(breadcrumbs) {
            that.collection = breadcrumbs;
            that.listenTo(that.collection, 'add', that.render);
            that.listenTo(that.collection, 'reset', that.render);