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File metadata and controls

119 lines (91 loc) · 3.75 KB

Build Status


This crate aims to build output plugins for Fluent-bit. It is based on the Go interface for writting output plugins.

This crate is still in heavy development. At this point, Multiple-instance plugin is not supported but it would be added very soon.

Hello World

A simple Hello world example which prints data to stdout, it involves following three steps:

  • Create a struct/enum with the data you might use for processing the incoming buffer from Fluent-bit
  • Implement the trait FLBPluginMethods for that struct/enum.
  • After steps 1 and 2, call the macro create_boilerplate!() which will generate the boilerplate code that every plugin should have, taking care of the unsafe safe code and abstracting it into a safe Rust style. This macro will accept as an argument any type which implements the FLBPluginMethods trait

And that's all. Compile your plugin as a dynamic library by adding this line to your Cargo.toml


Another thing that is worth to mention is that Fluent-bit should be able to load Go plugins even though your plugin was written in Rust. To enable external plugins' support you have to compile Fluent-bit with Goland support, e.g:

$ cd build/
$ cmake -DFLB_DEBUG=On -DFLB_PROXY_GO=On ../
$ make && mske install

Once compiled, you can see a new option in the binary -e which stands for external plugin, e.g:

$ bin/fluent-bit -h
Usage: fluent-bit [OPTION]

Available Options
 -c  --config=FILE	specify an optional configuration file
 -d, --daemon		run Fluent Bit in background mode
 -f, --flush=SECONDS	flush timeout in seconds (default: 5)
 -i, --input=INPUT	set an input
 -m, --match=MATCH	set plugin match, same as '-p match=abc'
 -o, --output=OUTPUT	set an output
 -p, --prop="A=B"	set plugin configuration property
 -e, --plugin=FILE	load an external plugin (shared lib)

Now here is a simple output plugin

extern crate fluentbit;
use fluentbit::*;

extern crate rmpv;
extern crate serde_json;

extern crate serde;

struct JsonExample{}

impl FLBPluginMethods for JsonExample{
    fn plugin_register(&mut self, info: &mut PluginInfo) -> FLBResult{ = "rustout".into();
        info.description = "This is a default description".into();

    fn plugin_init(&mut self) -> FLBResult{
        println!("default init");

    fn plugin_flush(&mut self, data: &[u8]) -> FLBResult{

        let mut value = data.clone();
        let value: rmpv::Value = rmpv::decode::value::read_value(&mut value).unwrap();
        let json = serde_json::to_string_pretty(&value).unwrap();
        println!("\n{}", json);

    fn plugin_exit(&mut self) -> FLBResult{


Test your plugin:

cargo build --release
fluent-bit -e target/release/ -i cpu -o "rustout"


fluentbit is licensed under either

at your option.

Any kinds of contributions are welcome as a pull request.

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in fluentbit by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.