- Data Catalog: https://lpdaac.usgs.gov/product_search/?status=Operational
- News: https://lpdaac.usgs.gov/news/
- Help: https://lpdaac.usgs.gov/lpdaac-contact-us/
NASA Earthdata Search
Earthdata Search is NASA's comprehensive data discovery and access platform. Search, visualize, and download Earth science data from NASA's vast archives, covering climate, weather, land, ocean, and more. To access the NASA Earth Science data, you are required to create a NASA Earthdata account.
- Graphical User Interface (GUI)
- Search
- Transformations
- Download
NASA Earthdata AppEEARS
AppEEARS simplifies geospatial data access and transformation, allowing users to easily subset datasets from multiple federal archives by point or area locations, time, and layers. The tool provides interactive data previews with quality decoding, and enables users to explore their data before downloading.
- GUI (Documentation)
- Application Programming Interface (API) (Documentation)
- Search
- Processing (point/area extraction, mosaic, clip, reproject, quality decoding, data format )
- Explore
- Download/Access
For a more detailed information on how to sccess NASA LP DAAC Data, please refer to the LP DAAC access data guide.
USGS EarthExplorer
EarthExplorer allows users to search, download, and order data held in USGS archives. To access the USGS data, you are required to create an account through EROS Registeration System (ERS).
through many query options Interface
- GUI (Documentation)
- API (Machine2Machine API Resources)
- Search
- Visualization (Footprint)
- Download
View the previous webinar on exploring EarthExplorer to learn more.
NOTE: NASA LP DAAC data products were removed from USGS’s EarthExplorer and Machine-to-Machine (M2M) API on August 30, 2024 (News Announcement). Users are encouraged to use NASA’s Earthdata Search and/or AppEEARS to discover and download LP DAAC data products. For those who used M2M for programmatic search and access, please explore the AppEEARS API, the CMR API, or the
Python package
- HLS Data Resources GitHub Repository
- ECOSTRESS v2.0 Products - All Available Products
- ECOSTRESS v1.0 Products
- ECOSTRESS Data Resources GitHub Repository
- ECOSTRESS Tutorials managed by NASA JPL
- VSWIR Imaging and Thermal Applications, Learning, and Science (VITALS) GitHub Repository
- GEDI Data Resources GitHub Repository
- EMIT v1.0 Products - All Available Products
- EMIT L2A Estimated Surface Reflectance (EMITL2ARFL.001)
- EMIT Data Resources GitHub Repository
- VSWIR Imaging and Thermal Applications, Learning, and Science (VITALS) GitHub Repository
- EarthExplorer
- AppEEARS - Has access to Landsat Collection 2 U.S. Analysis Ready Data
- Python package for simplifying authentication and querying NASA data collections and assets
Email: [email protected]
Voice: +1-866-573-3222
Organization: Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LP DAAC)¹
Website: https://lpdaac.usgs.gov/
Date last modified: 09-23-2024
¹Work performed under USGS contract 140G0121D0001 for NASA contract NNG14HH33I.