Releases: nasa/Common-Metadata-Repository
Production Release Date: 4/7/21
UAT Release Date: 3/24/21
New Features
- A link to the STAC endpoint has been placed on the main CMR Search homepage at
Bugfixes and Maintenance
- CMR OpenSearch can now determine the location of a collection's OSDD without the use of a Fedeo tag.
- LicenseUrl field updated to be LicenseURL (note capitalization).
- Clients no longer need to pass the subscription endpoint a user's email address - CMR will look up the user's email address based on their EDL user_id.
Production Release Date: 3/24/21
UAT Release Date: 3/10/21
New Features
- CMR now supports ingest and search for collections with multiple DOIs
- Updated UMM-C to add Data Access Policy fields
- Created the /cloudstac endpoint to display a STAC catalog consisting only of cloud-hosted data holdings
Bugfixes and Maintenance
- Fixed an issue in STAC where the /search endpoint would return more collections than just the one(s) requested by the user
- Fixed an issue in STAC where the "next" link on the items page would occasionally be generated incorrectly
- Fixed an issue in STAC where searching for a catalog with many collections could time out
- Fixed an issue in STAC where the search endpoint would sometimes not respect the page_size submitted by the user
- Fixed an issue where MissingReason was accepted as a valid value in PublicationReferences DOI migration
Production Release Date: 3/15/21
UAT Release Date: 2/24/21
New Features
- The subscription endpoint now allows clients to create subscriptions via POST without supplying a native_id
- CMR will now reject a user's request to transfer a subscription they've made for themself to another user, unless the requestor has administrative permissions
Bugfixes and Maintenance
- Fixed an issue where the Provider Holdings Directory on the CMR website was displaying total granule count and not online_only granule count
- CMR STAC no longer passes an extraneous providerId parameter when moving between pages of a STAC catalog
Production Release Date: 2/24/21
UAT Release Date: 2/10/21
New Features
- STAC - The STAC endpoint now validates against the STAC 1.0.0-beta.2 schema
- STAC - Collections will now be referenced by shortname rather than concept_id, to be more human-readable
Bugfixes and Maintenance
- Improved the response time for service associations
- Fixed an issue where queries with limit=0 returned a 400 error
- STAC - Updated STAC response to return MultiPolygon geometry and not GeometryCollections to be in line with the STAC specification
1.164.5-r20.4.6 (backport)
Backport release date: 2/1/2021
Bugfixes and Maintenance
- Fixed an issue where OPeNDAP links were erroneously showing up in a user's project in Earthdata Search (CMR needs to complete a full reindex of our granules before this change will be visible in Earthdata Search)
- Fixed an issue where all facet searches would sometimes crash Earthdata Search and IDN
Production Release Date: 2/10/21
UAT Release Date: 1/27/21
New Features
- Data Format values and Archive and Distribution Format values now validate from the pick-list in KMS instead of relying on enums in the UMM-C schema
- STAC catalogs now include a link to the original CMR metadata
Bugfixes and Maintenance
- Fixed an issue where granule OSDD links in OpenSearch would sometimes throw a 400 Bad Request error
- Collection-specific OSDD links will no longer include a blank clientID in the URL template if the client doesn't supply a clientID
- Association or disassociation attempts that partially fail will now return 400 instead of 200, to indicate to the user that some degree of failure has occurred
- In STAC catalogs, removed 'stac' link from collections
- In STAC catalogs, removed 'rel=cmr' link
- In STAC catalogs, changed 'bounding_box' to 'bbox'
- In STAC catalogs, changed 'overview' link to 'about'
Production Release Date: 1/20/21
UAT Release Date: 1/6/21
New Features
- None in this release
Bugfixes and Maintenance
- Resolved a few security vulnerabilities
Production Release Date: 1/6/21
UAT Release Date: 12/23/20
New Features
- STAC responses will now allow for accurate pagination
- Data providers can now toggle whether a collection will point to CMR or CWIC Server granule OSDDs
Bugfixes and Maintenance
- Fixed an issue where CMR would allow users to ingest invalid facet metadata that would then cause search tools to throw internal server errors.
- Improved our handling of single datetime searches (for users who specify a single date and want all metadata that matches that singular date)
Production Release Date: 12/23/20
UAT Release Date: 12/9/20
New Features
- Created a /browse endpoint to dynamically created STAC sub-catalogs, accessed at
Bugfixes and Maintenance
- Fixed an issue where Fedeo collections in OpenSearch didn't have links to OSDDs
Production Release Date: 12/9/20
UAT Release Date: 11/24/20
New Features
- The STAC endpoint now returns child links to all collections within a provider catalog
- Tool associations are now displayed on CMR collection landing pages
Bugfixes and Maintenance
- Fixed a minor issue with provider counts on the CMR Provider Holdings page