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Device: Huawei In by.naxa.soundrecorder:2.0.2:202.
Leak traces: 1.
* by.naxa.soundrecorder.fragments.RecordFragment has leaked: * static HwNsdImpl.!(sInstance)! * ↳ HwNsdImpl.!(mEventAnalyzed)! * ↳ EventAnalyzed.!(mContext)! * ↳ DecorContext.!(mPhoneWindow)! * ↳ HwPhoneWindow.!(mContext)! * ↳ MainActivity.pager * ↳ ViewPager.mAdapter * ↳ MainActivity$MyAdapter.fragments * ↳ ArrayList.elementData * ↳ array Object[].[0] * ↳ RecordFragment * Reference Key: 56ba8be5-79e7-4920-a59e-fb8909ad7992 * Device: HUAWEI HUAWEI WAS-LX1 WAS-LX1 * Android Version: 8.0.0 API: 26 LeakCanary: 1.6.1 26145bf * Durations: watch=79156ms, gc=180ms, heap dump=1331ms, analysis=11911ms * Details: * Class android.view.HwNsdImpl | static $classOverhead = byte[340]@317109457 (0x12e6b4d1) | static CONFIGTYPE_BLACKLIST = 7000 | static sInstance = android.view.HwNsdImpl@320246864 (0x13169450) | static COMPAT_MODE_ENABLE_BIT = 32768 | static CONFIGTYPE_WHITELIST = 9998 | static CONFIGTYPE_QUERYRESULTLIST = 7001 | static APS_SUPPORT_2DSDR = 4096 | static TAG = "APS" * Instance of android.view.HwNsdImpl | static $classOverhead = byte[340]@317109457 (0x12e6b4d1) | static CONFIGTYPE_BLACKLIST = 7000 | static sInstance = android.view.HwNsdImpl@320246864 (0x13169450) | static COMPAT_MODE_ENABLE_BIT = 32768 | static CONFIGTYPE_WHITELIST = 9998 | static CONFIGTYPE_QUERYRESULTLIST = 7001 | static APS_SUPPORT_2DSDR = 4096 | static TAG = "APS" | mContext = null | mEventAnalyzed = com.huawei.android.hwaps.EventAnalyzed@320246896 (0x13169470) | mFpsController = null | mIsFirstEnterAPS = true | mMapCheckResult = java.util.HashMap@320247320 (0x13169618) | mSmartLowpowerBrower = com.huawei.android.hwaps.SmartLowpowerBrowser@320247360 (0x13169640) | shadow$_klass_ = android.view.HwNsdImpl | shadow$_monitor_ = 0 * Instance of com.huawei.android.hwaps.EventAnalyzed | static FULL_SCREEN_REGION_COUNT = 4 | static DEFAULT_MAX_DALTA = 200 | static OTHER_GAME = 3 | static MIN_POWERKIT_FPS = 15 | static ACTION_DOWN = 0 | static NODE_PATH = "/sys/class/graphics/fb0/lcd_fps_scence" | static PLR_LTR_GAME = 9 | static DEFAULT_SHORT_DALTA = 15 | static OTHER_FULL_SCREEN_GAME = 5 | static ACTION_POINTER_DOWN = 5 | static ACTION_DEFAULT = -1 | static APS_CONTROLL_ENABLE = 1 | static LANDSCAPE_SCROLL_GAME = 6 | static MAX_FLIP_TIME = 500 | static MAX_SCREEN_REGION_SIZE = 9 | static SCROLL_DEFAULT_FPS = 55 | static STOP_EMERGENCY_FPS_TIME = 30000 | static ANALYZE_TIME = 60000 | static MAX_SCREEN_REGION_ROW = 3 | static SHORT_DALTA_RATE = 0.02 | static SCROLL_STATIC_GAME = 7 | static NOT_LOW_POWER_MODE_30HZ = 0 | static DEFAULT_MIN_FPS = 30 | static DEFAULT_STUDY_BATTERY = 60 | static TWO_P_FIVE_DIMS_HIGH_GAME = 3 | static SCROLL_GAME = 2 | static DEFAULT_TARGETFPS = -1 | static RUN_GAME = 11 | static ACTION_MOVE = 2 | static ACTION_SETFPS_NONPLAY = -2 | static ON_PAUSE = 2999 | static ZERO = 0 | static ACTION_POINTER_UP = 6 | static APS_DO_NOTHING = 0 | static mStopSetFps = false | static MAX_POWERKIT_FPS = 60 | static LONG_PRESS_TIME = 1000 | static SINGLE_REGION_GAME = 4 | static TWO_P_FIVE_DIMS_LOW_GAME = 2 | static ONE = 1 | static MIDDLE_DALTA_RATE = 0.15 | static TWO_DIMS_GAME = 1 | static ACTION_UP_TO_DEFAULT_TIMR = 2000 | static APS_TOUCH_ACTION_UP = "huawei.intent.action.APS_TOUCH_ACTION_UP" | static REALTIME_DEFAULT_FPS = 55 | static ACTION_MASK = 255 | static ACTION_UP = 1 | static MAX_DALTA_RATE = 0.2 | static KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN = 25 | static STRATEGY_TIME = 3000 | static VERSION = "" | static KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP = 24 | static TAG = "Hwaps" | static PLR_LDF_GAME = 8 | static MAX_SCREEN_REGION_INDEX = 2 | static APS_LOW_FPS_GAME = "huawei.intent.action.APS_LOW_FPS_GAME" | static NOT_DRAW_WITHOUT_DRAG = 10 | static DEFAULT_MAX_FPS = 55 | static SCREEN_WIDTH = 1080 | static STOP_TOUCH_MAX_FPS_TIME = 3000 | static DEFAULT_BASE_Y_DPI = 244 | static STRATEGY_GAME = 1 | static LOW_POWER_MODE_30HZ = 1 | static $classOverhead = byte[665]@317118369 (0x12e6d7a1) | static DEFAULT_GAME = 0 | static SCREEN_REGION_RATE = 3 | static DEFAULT_MIDDLE_DALTA = 150 | static UNINITED_DEFAULT_VALUE = -1 | static LOW_POWER_MODE = 1 | static mIdentifyGameType = java.lang.String[12]@320245336 (0x13168e58) | static APS_NOT_LOW_FPS_GAME = "huawei.intent.action.APS_NOT_LOW_FPS_GAME" | static CUST_GAME_TYPE = 9999 | static DEFAULT_BATTERY = 20 | static ACTION_CANCEL = 3 | static CUST_APP_TYPE = 9998 | static APS_TOUCH_ACTION_DOWN = "huawei.intent.action.APS_TOUCH_ACTION_DOWN" | static REALTIME_GAME = 0 | static HIGH_POWER_MODE = 0 | static APS_TOUCH_KEYCODE_VOLUME = "huawei.intent.action.APS_TOUCH_KEYCODE_VOLUME" | static ACTION_OUTSIDE = 4 | static APS_ANALYZE_ENABLE = 2 | static OTHERS_DEFAULT_FPS = 45 | static THREE_DIMS_GAME = 4 | isXScroll = false | isYScroll = false | mAction = 0 | mActivityManager = null | mAdCheck = com.huawei.android.hwaps.AdCheck@320245640 (0x13168f88) | mApsLdfGameIdentify = null | mApsLtrGameIdentify = null | mApsManager = null | mApsTest = null | mApsThermal = null | mApsUserFeedback = null | mAvageDownUpLongTime = 0 | mAverageFps = 0 | mBatteryLimitStudyValue = -1 | mBatteryLimitValue = -1 | mBeginAnalyzeTime = 0 | mCanUseDebug = false | mClickCount = 0 | mConsecutiveShortDownUpCount = 0 | mContext = com.android.internal.policy.DecorContext@320247608 (0x13169738) | mControlByAppSelf = false | mCurrentDownTime = 0 | mDesignatedFps = 60 | mDesignatedSdrRatio = 1.0 | mDownMoveInterval = 0 | mDownUpInterval = 0 | mDownUpLongSum = 0 | mDownUpShortSum = 0 | mEmergencyFpsRequest = null | mExactlyFpsRequest = null | mFirstTimeResumeFps = true | mFpsRequest = null | mGameState = com.huawei.android.hwaps.GameState@320247656 (0x13169768) | mGameType = 0 | mHandler = android.os.Handler@320247664 (0x13169770) | mHasIdentifyProcess = false | mHasIncreaseHighFPS = false | mHasIncreaseLowFPS = false | mHasOnPaused = false | mHasReleaseAPS = false | mHasSetFPS = false | mHasSetPid = false | mHashCtrlBattery = java.util.HashMap@320247696 (0x13169790) | mHashFixdFps = java.util.HashMap@320247736 (0x131697b8) | mHashFixdRatio = java.util.HashMap@320247776 (0x131697e0) | mHashSceneFixed = java.util.HashMap@320247816 (0x13169808) | mHashSceneFps = java.util.HashMap@320247856 (0x13169830) | mHashSceneRatio = java.util.HashMap@320247896 (0x13169858) | mHwapsFactoryImpl = null | mIntent = null | mIsAllScroll = false | mIsAnalyzedEnable = false | mIsControllAllFpsEnable = false | mIsEnterEmergencyFps = false | mIsFirstStartAnalyze = true | mIsFullScreenTouchGame = false | mIsGameInfoExist = false | mIsGameProcess = false | mIsLongMove = false | mIsLowFps = false | mIsLowFpsGame = false | mIsSceneFixed = false | mIsScreenLandScape = false | mIsSingleRegionAvailalbeGame = false | mLastDownX = 0 | mLastDownY = 0 | mLastEventTime = 0 | mLastGameType = -2 | mLastUpTime = -1 | mLevel = 0 | mLongDownUpCount = 0 | mLongPressCount = 0 | mMaxDelta = 0 | mMaxFps = 55 | mMiddleDelta = 0 | mMinFps = 30 | mMinNonplayFps = 0 | mMoveTime = 0 | mMultiTouchCount = 0 | mMyPid = -1 | mOperateExLib = null | mPerformanceDebug = false | mPkgName = null | mPowerKitFpsRequest = null | mResumeFpsByTouch = null | mResumePowerKit = null | mSceenRegion = int[9]@320247936 (0x13169880) | mScreenHeightRegion = 0 | mScreenOrientation = -2 | mScreenWidth = 0 | mScreenWidthRegion = 0 | mSdrController = null | mSdrRatio = 1.0 | mSendBroadcast = null | mSetTouchStateForNonplay = null | mShortDelta = 0 | mShortDownUpCount = 0 | mSlowScrollCount = 0 | mStartSdr = null | mStartSdrForTest = null | mStatisFps = null | mStatisFpsCount = 0 | mStopEmergency = null | mStopSdrForTest = null | mStopTouchMaxFpsTime = 0 | mTouchFpsRequest = null | mTouchMaxFps = -1 | mTouchResumeEnable = false | mUpTime = -1 | mXScrollCount = 0 | mYScrollCount = 0 | mYdpi = 0.0 | mhasFirstSetFPS = false | shadow$_klass_ = com.huawei.android.hwaps.EventAnalyzed | shadow$_monitor_ = 0 * Instance of com.android.internal.policy.DecorContext | static $classOverhead = byte[1448]@1873447849 (0x6faa8ba9) | mActivityResources = android.content.res.HwResources@320248000 (0x131698c0) | mPhoneWindow = com.android.internal.policy.HwPhoneWindow@320248048 (0x131698f0) | mWindowManager = null | mInflater = null | mOverrideConfiguration = null | mResources = null | mTheme = android.content.res.Resources$Theme@320247984 (0x131698b0) | mThemeResource = 2131689478 | mBase = by.naxa.soundrecorder.SoundRecorderApplication@317085232 (0x12e65630) | shadow$_klass_ = com.android.internal.policy.DecorContext | shadow$_monitor_ = 0 * Instance of com.android.internal.policy.HwPhoneWindow | static $classOverhead = byte[1873]@317111857 (0x12e6be31) | static IS_NOTCH_PROP = false | static TAG = "HwPhoneWindow" | static FLOATING_MASK = -2147483648 | mForceDisableBlurBehind = false | mHwDrawerFeature = false | mHwFloating = false | mHwOverlayActionBar = 0 | mIsTranslucentImmersion = false | mSplitMode = false | mToken = android.os.BinderProxy@320248456 (0x13169a88) | mActionMenuPresenterCallback = null | mActivityConfigCallback = android.app.-$Lambda$9I5WEMsoBc7l4QrNqZ4wx59yuHU@320248488 (0x13169aa8) | mAllowEnterTransitionOverlap = java.lang.Boolean@1867148768 (0x6f4a6de0) | mAllowReturnTransitionOverlap = java.lang.Boolean@1867148768 (0x6f4a6de0) | mAlwaysReadCloseOnTouchAttr = false | mAlwaysSplit = false | mAudioManager = null | mBackgroundDrawable = null | mBackgroundFadeDurationMillis = 300 | mBackgroundFallbackResource = 17170657 | mBackgroundResource = 17170657 | mBlurHeight = 1794 | mBlurRect = android.graphics.Rect@320248504 (0x13169ab8) | mBlurWidth = 1080 | mCircularProgressBar = null | mClipToOutline = true | mClosingActionMenu = false | mContentParent = android.widget.FrameLayout@320248528 (0x13169ad0) | mContentParentExplicitlySet = true | mContentScene = android.transition.Scene@320249176 (0x13169d58) | mContextMenu = null | mContextMenuCallback = com.android.internal.policy.PhoneWindow$PhoneWindowMenuCallback@320249208 (0x13169d78) | mContextMenuHelper = null | mDecor = com.android.internal.policy.DecorView@320249232 (0x13169d90) | mDecorCaptionShade = 0 | mDecorContentParent = null | mDrawables = null | mElevation = 0.0 | mEnterTransition = android.transition.Explode@320250104 (0x1316a0f8) | mExitTransition = android.transition.Explode@320250256 (0x1316a190) | mFixedHeightMajor = android.util.TypedValue@320250408 (0x1316a228) | mFixedHeightMinor = android.util.TypedValue@320250448 (0x1316a250) | mFixedWidthMajor = android.util.TypedValue@320250488 (0x1316a278) | mFixedWidthMinor = android.util.TypedValue@320250528 (0x1316a2a0) | mForceDecorInstall = false | mForcedDrawSysBarBackground = false | mForcedNavigationBarColor = false | mForcedStatusBarColor = false | mFrameResource = 0 | mHorizontalProgressBar = null | mIconRes = 0 | mInvalidatePanelMenuFeatures = 0 | mInvalidatePanelMenuPosted = false | mInvalidatePanelMenuRunnable = com.android.internal.policy.PhoneWindow$1@320250568 (0x1316a2c8) | mIsFloating = false | mIsGallery = false | mIsStartingWindow = false | mIsTranslucent = false | mIsTransparent = false | mKeyguardManager = null | mLayoutInflater = com.android.internal.policy.HwPhoneLayoutInflater@320250584 (0x1316a2d8) | mLeftIconView = null | mLoadElevation = true | mLogoRes = 0 | mMaxSize = 0 | mMediaController = null | mMinWidthMajor = android.util.TypedValue@320250632 (0x1316a308) | mMinWidthMinor = android.util.TypedValue@320250672 (0x1316a330) | mNaviWidth = 125 | mNavigationBarColor = -16777216 | mPanelChordingKey = 0 | mPanelMenuPresenterCallback = null | mPanels = com.android.internal.policy.PhoneWindow$PanelFeatureState[1]@320250712 (0x1316a358) | mPreparedPanel = null | mReenterTransition = android.transition.TransitionSet@1928713264 (0x72f5d430) | mResourcesSetFlags = 0 | mReturnTransition = android.transition.TransitionSet@1928713264 (0x72f5d430) | mRightIconView = null | mSharedElementEnterTransition = android.transition.TransitionSet@320250728 (0x1316a368) | mSharedElementExitTransition = android.transition.TransitionSet@320250880 (0x1316a400) | mSharedElementReenterTransition = android.transition.TransitionSet@1928713264 (0x72f5d430) | mSharedElementReturnTransition = android.transition.TransitionSet@1928713264 (0x72f5d430) | mSharedElementsUseOverlay = java.lang.Boolean@1867148768 (0x6f4a6de0) | mStatusBarColor = -2937041 | mSupportsPictureInPicture = true | mTakeInputQueueCallback = null | mTakeSurfaceCallback = null | mTextColor = 0 | mTheme = 2131689478 | mTitle = "Диктофон" | mTitleColor = 0 | mTitleView = null | mTransitionManager = android.transition.TransitionManager@320251032 (0x1316a498) | mUiOptions = 0 | mUseDecorContext = true | mVolumeControlStreamType = -2147483648 | mWallpaperManager = huawei.android.app.HwWallpaperManager@320251048 (0x1316a4a8) | mActiveChild = null | mAppName = "by.naxa.soundrecorder/by.naxa.soundrecorder.activities.MainActivity" | mAppToken = android.os.BinderProxy@320248456 (0x13169a88) | mCallback = androidx.appcompat.app.ToolbarActionBar$ToolbarCallbackWrapper@320251160 (0x1316a518) | mCloseOnSwipeEnabled = false | mCloseOnTouchOutside = false | mContainer = null | mContext = by.naxa.soundrecorder.activities.MainActivity@320251176 (0x1316a528) | mDefaultWindowFormat = -1 | mDestroyed = true | mFeatures = 12355 | mForcedWindowFlags = -2139029248 | mHardwareAccelerated = true | mHasChildren = false | mHasSoftInputMode = false | mHaveDimAmount = false | mHaveWindowFormat = false | mIsActive = true | mLocalFeatures = 12355 | mOnRestrictedCaptionAreaChangedListener = null | mOnWindowDismissedCallback = by.naxa.soundrecorder.activities.MainActivity@320251176 (0x1316a528) | mOnWindowSwipeDismissedCallback = null | mOverlayWithDecorCaptionEnabled = false | mRestrictedCaptionAreaRect = null | mSetCloseOnTouchOutside = false | mWindowAttributes = android.view.WindowManager$LayoutParams@320251472 (0x1316a650) | mWindowControllerCallback = by.naxa.soundrecorder.activities.MainActivity@320251176 (0x1316a528) | mWindowManager = android.view.WindowManagerImpl@320251704 (0x1316a738) | mWindowStyle = android.content.res.TypedArray@320251736 (0x1316a758) | shadow$_klass_ = com.android.internal.policy.HwPhoneWindow | shadow$_monitor_ = 0 * Instance of by.naxa.soundrecorder.activities.MainActivity | static $classOverhead = byte[4200]@319580537 (0x130c6979) | static $jacocoData = boolean[29]@319587336 (0x130c8408) | static LOG_TAG = "MainActivity" | mMessageReceiver = by.naxa.soundrecorder.activities.MainActivity$1@320254192 (0x1316b0f0) | pager = androidx.viewpager.widget.ViewPager@320254216 (0x1316b108) | tabs = com.google.android.material.tabs.TabLayout@320255048 (0x1316b448) | mDelegate = androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatDelegateImpl@320255912 (0x1316b7a8) | mResources = null | mThemeId = 2131689478 | mCreated = true | mFragments = androidx.fragment.app.FragmentController@320256048 (0x1316b830) | mHandler = androidx.fragment.app.FragmentActivity$1@320256064 (0x1316b840) | mNextCandidateRequestIndex = 0 | mPendingFragmentActivityResults = androidx.collection.SparseArrayCompat@320256096 (0x1316b860) | mRequestedPermissionsFromFragment = false | mResumed = false | mStartedActivityFromFragment = false | mStartedIntentSenderFromFragment = false | mStopped = true | mViewModelStore = null | mExtraDataMap = androidx.collection.SimpleArrayMap@320256120 (0x1316b878) | mLifecycleRegistry = androidx.lifecycle.LifecycleRegistry@320256144 (0x1316b890) | mActionBar = null | mActionModeTypeStarting = 0 | mActivityInfo = android.content.pm.ActivityInfo@320256176 (0x1316b8b0) | mActivityTransitionState = android.app.ActivityTransitionState@320256344 (0x1316b958) | mApplication = by.naxa.soundrecorder.SoundRecorderApplication@317085232 (0x12e65630) | mAutoFillResetNeeded = false | mAutofillManager = null | mAutofillPopupWindow = null | mAwareService = null | mCalled = true | mChangeCanvasToTranslucent = false | mChangingConfigurations = false | mComponent = android.content.ComponentName@320256400 (0x1316b990) | mConfigChangeFlags = 0 | mCurrentConfig = android.content.res.Configuration@320256416 (0x1316b9a0) | mCustActivity = android.app.HwCustActivityImpl@320256536 (0x1316ba18) | mDecor = null | mDefaultKeyMode = 0 | mDefaultKeySsb = null | mDestroyed = true | mDoReportFullyDrawn = false | mEmbeddedID = null | mEnableDefaultActionBarUp = false | mEnterTransitionListener = android.app.SharedElementCallback$1@1872228776 (0x6f97f1a8) | mExitTransitionListener = android.app.SharedElementCallback$1@1872228776 (0x6f97f1a8) | mFinished = true | mFragments = android.app.FragmentController@320256560 (0x1316ba30) | mHandler = android.os.Handler@320256576 (0x1316ba40) | mHasCurrentPermissionsRequest = false | mIdent = 113169518 | mInstanceTracker = android.os.StrictMode$InstanceTracker@320256608 (0x1316ba60) | mInstrumentation = android.app.Instrumentation@318119120 (0x12f61cd0) | mIntent = android.content.Intent@320256624 (0x1316ba70) | mIsFullFlag = false | mLastAutofillId = 1073741823 | mLastNonConfigurationInstances = null | mMainThread = android.app.ActivityThread@316932376 (0x12e40118) | mManagedCursors = java.util.ArrayList@320256696 (0x1316bab8) | mManagedDialogs = null | mMenuInflater = null | mParent = null | mReferrer = "com.huawei.android.launcher" | mResultCode = 0 | mResultData = null | mResumed = false | mSearchEvent = null | mSearchManager = null | mStartedActivity = false | mStopped = true | mTaskDescription = android.app.ActivityManager$TaskDescription@320256768 (0x1316bb00) | mTemporaryPause = false | mTitle = "Диктофон" | mTitleColor = 0 | mTitleReady = true | mToken = android.os.BinderProxy@320248456 (0x13169a88) | mTranslucentCallback = null | mUiThread = java.lang.Thread@1928645104 (0x72f4c9f0) | mVisibleBehind = false | mVisibleFromClient = true | mVisibleFromServer = false | mVoiceInteractor = null | mWindow = com.android.internal.policy.HwPhoneWindow@320248048 (0x131698f0) | mWindowAdded = true | mWindowManager = android.view.WindowManagerImpl@320251704 (0x1316a738) | mInflater = com.android.internal.policy.HwPhoneLayoutInflater@320250584 (0x1316a2d8) | mOverrideConfiguration = null | mResources = android.content.res.HwResources@320248000 (0x131698c0) | mTheme = android.content.res.Resources$Theme@320251800 (0x1316a798) | mThemeResource = 2131689478 | mBase = android.app.ContextImpl@320251960 (0x1316a838) | shadow$_klass_ = by.naxa.soundrecorder.activities.MainActivity | shadow$_monitor_ = -1881612116 * Instance of androidx.viewpager.widget.ViewPager | static $classOverhead = byte[7986]@317770481 (0x12f0caf1) | static SCROLL_STATE_DRAGGING = 1 | static MIN_FLING_VELOCITY = 400 | static MIN_DISTANCE_FOR_FLING = 25 | static sPositionComparator = androidx.viewpager.widget.ViewPager$ViewPositionComparator@317779288 (0x12f0ed58) | static DRAW_ORDER_FORWARD = 1 | static DEFAULT_GUTTER_SIZE = 16 | static DEFAULT_OFFSCREEN_PAGES = 1 | static INVALID_POINTER = -1 | static TAG = "ViewPager" | static CLOSE_ENOUGH = 2 | static DEBUG = false | static DRAW_ORDER_DEFAULT = 0 | static DRAW_ORDER_REVERSE = 2 | static MAX_SETTLE_DURATION = 600 | static sInterpolator = androidx.viewpager.widget.ViewPager$2@317779280 (0x12f0ed50) | static COMPARATOR = androidx.viewpager.widget.ViewPager$1@317779256 (0x12f0ed38) | static SCROLL_STATE_SETTLING = 2 | static LAYOUT_ATTRS = int[1]@317779264 (0x12f0ed40) | static SCROLL_STATE_IDLE = 0 | static USE_CACHE = false | mActivePointerId = -1 | mAdapter = by.naxa.soundrecorder.activities.MainActivity$MyAdapter@320338648 (0x1317fad8) | mAdapterChangeListeners = java.util.ArrayList@320351808 (0x13182e40) | mBottomPageBounds = 1578 | mCalledSuper = true | mChildHeightMeasureSpec = 1073743402 | mChildWidthMeasureSpec = 1073742904 | mCloseEnough = 6 | mCurItem = 1 | mDecorChildCount = 0 | mDefaultGutterSize = 48 | mDrawingOrder = 0 | mDrawingOrderedChildren = null | mEndScrollRunnable = androidx.viewpager.widget.ViewPager$3@320351832 (0x13182e58) | mExpectedAdapterCount = 2 | mFakeDragBeginTime = 0 | mFakeDragging = false | mFirstLayout = false | mFirstOffset = 0.0 | mFlingDistance = 75 | mGutterSize = 48 | mInLayout = false | mInitialMotionX = 1020.0 | mInitialMotionY = 631.0 | mInternalPageChangeListener = null | mIsBeingDragged = false | mIsScrollStarted = true | mIsUnableToDrag = false | mItems = java.util.ArrayList@320351848 (0x13182e68) | mLastMotionX = 548.0 | mLastMotionY = 606.9933 | mLastOffset = 1.0 | mLeftEdge = android.widget.EdgeEffect@320351872 (0x13182e80) | mMarginDrawable = null | mMaximumVelocity = 24000 | mMinimumVelocity = 1200 | mNeedCalculatePageOffsets = false | mObserver = androidx.viewpager.widget.ViewPager$PagerObserver@320351528 (0x13182d28) | mOffscreenPageLimit = 1 | mOnPageChangeListener = null | mOnPageChangeListeners = java.util.ArrayList@320351960 (0x13182ed8) | mPageMargin = 0 | mPageTransformer = null | mPageTransformerLayerType = 0 | mPopulatePending = false | mRestoredAdapterState = null | mRestoredClassLoader = null | mRestoredCurItem = -1 | mRightEdge = android.widget.EdgeEffect@320351984 (0x13182ef0) | mScrollState = 0 | mScroller = android.widget.Scroller@320352072 (0x13182f48) | mScrollingCacheEnabled = false | mTempItem = androidx.viewpager.widget.ViewPager$ItemInfo@320352200 (0x13182fc8) | mTempRect = android.graphics.Rect@320352232 (0x13182fe8) | mTopPageBounds = 0 | mTouchSlop = 48 | mVelocityTracker = null | mAnimationListener = null | mCachePaint = null | mChildCountWithTransientState = 0 | mChildTransformation = null | mChildren = android.view.View[12]@320352256 (0x13183000) | mChildrenCount = 0 | mChildrenInterestedInDrag = null | mCurrentDragChild = null | mCurrentDragStartEvent = null | mDefaultFocus = null | mDisappearingChildren = null | mFirstHoverTarget = null | mFirstTouchTarget = null | mFocused = null | mFocusedInCluster = null | mGroupFlags = 2375763 | mHoveredSelf = false | mInvalidateRegion = null | mInvalidationTransformation = null | mIsInterestedInDrag = false | mLastTouchDownIndex = -1 | mLastTouchDownTime = 0 | mLastTouchDownX = 0.0 | mLastTouchDownY = 0.0 | mLayoutAnimationController = null | mLayoutCalledWhileSuppressed = false | mLayoutMode = -1 | mLayoutTransitionListener = android.view.ViewGroup$2@320352320 (0x13183040) | mLocalPoint = null | mNestedScrollAxes = 0 | mOnHierarchyChangeListener = null | mPersistentDrawingCache = 2 | mPreSortedChildren = null | mSuppressLayout = false | mTempPoint = float[2]@320352336 (0x13183050) | mTooltipHoverTarget = null | mTooltipHoveredSelf = false | mTransientIndices = null | mTransientViews = null | mTransition = null | mTransitioningViews = null | mVisibilityChangingChildren = null | mAccessibilityCursorPosition = -1 | mAccessibilityDelegate = androidx.core.view.AccessibilityDelegateCompat$AccessibilityDelegateAdapter@320352360 (0x13183068) | mAccessibilityTraversalAfterId = -1 | mAccessibilityTraversalBeforeId = -1 | mAccessibilityViewId = -1 | mAnimator = null | mAttachInfo = null | mAttributes = null | mAutofillHints = null | mAutofillId = null | mAutofillViewId = -1 | mBackground = null | mBackgroundRenderNode = null | mBackgroundResource = 0 | mBackgroundSizeChanged = true | mBackgroundTint = null | mBottom = 1890 | mCachingFailed = false | mCanTouchInOtherThread = false | mClipBounds = null | mContentDescription = null | mContext = by.naxa.soundrecorder.activities.MainActivity@320251176 (0x1316a528) | mCurrentAnimation = null | mDefaultFocusHighlight = null | mDefaultFocusHighlightCache = null | mDefaultFocusHighlightEnabled = true | mDefaultFocusHighlightSizeChanged = true | mDrawableState = int[2]@1872552144 (0x6f9ce0d0) | mDrawingCache = null | mDrawingCacheBackgroundColor = 0 | mFloatingTreeObserver = null | mForceRTL = false | mForegroundInfo = null | mFrameMetricsObservers = null | mGhostView = null | mHasPerformedLongPress = false | mHwStateListAnimator = null | mID = 2131230851 | mIgnoreNextUpEvent = false | mInContextButtonPress = false | mInputEventConsistencyVerifier = null | mKeyedTags = null | mLabelForId = -1 | mLastIsOpaque = false | mLayerPaint = null | mLayerType = 0 | mLayoutInsets = null | mLayoutParams = androidx.coordinatorlayout.widget.CoordinatorLayout$LayoutParams@320352376 (0x13183078) | mLeft = 0 | mLeftPaddingDefined = false | mListenerInfo = android.view.View$ListenerInfo@320352480 (0x131830e0) | mLongClickX = NaN | mLongClickY = NaN | mMatchIdPredicate = null | mMatchLabelForPredicate = null | mMeasureCache = android.util.LongSparseLongArray@320352552 (0x13183128) | mMeasuredHeight = 1578 | mMeasuredWidth = 1080 | mMinHeight = 0 | mMinWidth = 0 | mNestedScrollingParent = null | mNextClusterForwardId = -1 | mNextFocusDownId = -1 | mNextFocusForwardId = -1 | mNextFocusLeftId = -1 | mNextFocusRightId = -1 | mNextFocusUpId = -1 | mOldHeightMeasureSpec = 1073743402 | mOldWidthMeasureSpec = 1073742904 | mOutlineProvider = android.view.ViewOutlineProvider$1@1872263200 (0x6f987820) | mOverScrollMode = 1 | mOverlay = null | mPaddingBottom = 0 | mPaddingLeft = 0 | mPaddingRight = 0 | mPaddingTop = 0 | mParent = androidx.coordinatorlayout.widget.CoordinatorLayout@320323448 (0x1317bf78) | mPendingCheckForLongPress = null | mPendingCheckForTap = null | mPerformClick = null | mPointerIcon = null | mPrivateFlags = -2128472048 | mPrivateFlags2 = 1611867688 | mPrivateFlags3 = 16 | mRecreateDisplayList = false | mRenderNode = android.view.RenderNode@320352576 (0x13183140) | mResources = android.content.res.HwResources@320248000 (0x131698c0) | mRight = 1080 | mRightPaddingDefined = false | mRoundScrollbarRenderer = null | mRunQueue = android.view.HandlerActionQueue@320352600 (0x13183158) | mScrollCache = null | mScrollIndicatorDrawable = null | mScrollX = 1080 | mScrollY = 0 | mSendViewScrolledAccessibilityEvent = null | mSendViewStateChangedAccessibilityEvent = null | mSendingHoverAccessibilityEvents = false | mStartActivityRequestWho = null | mStateListAnimator = null | mSystemUiVisibility = 0 | mTag = null | mTempNestedScrollConsumed = null | mTooltipInfo = null | mTop = 312 | mTouchDelegate = null | mTouchSlop = 24 | mTransformationInfo = android.view.View$TransformationInfo@320352616 (0x13183168) | mTransientStateCount = 0 | mTransitionName = null | mUnscaledDrawingCache = null | mUnsetPressedState = null | mUserPaddingBottom = 0 | mUserPaddingEnd = -2147483648 | mUserPaddingLeft = 0 | mUserPaddingLeftInitial = 0 | mUserPaddingRight = 0 | mUserPaddingRightInitial = 0 | mUserPaddingStart = -2147483648 | mVerticalScrollFactor = 0.0 | mVerticalScrollbarPosition = 0 | mViewCheckedResult = 1 | mViewFlags = 402653185 | mVisibilityChangeForAutofillHandler = null | mWindowAttachCount = 1 | shadow$_klass_ = androidx.viewpager.widget.ViewPager | shadow$_monitor_ = -2073244975 * Instance of by.naxa.soundrecorder.activities.MainActivity$MyAdapter | static $classOverhead = byte[300]@317846769 (0x12f1f4f1) | static $jacocoData = boolean[9]@318202056 (0x12f760c8) | fragments = java.util.ArrayList@320351544 (0x13182d38) | this$0 = by.naxa.soundrecorder.activities.MainActivity@320251176 (0x1316a528) | titles = java.util.ArrayList@320351568 (0x13182d50) | mCurTransaction = null | mCurrentPrimaryItem = by.naxa.soundrecorder.fragments.FileViewerFragment@320260696 (0x1316ca58) | mFragmentManager = androidx.fragment.app.FragmentManagerImpl@320259912 (0x1316c748) | mObservable = android.database.DataSetObservable@320351512 (0x13182d18) | mViewPagerObserver = androidx.viewpager.widget.ViewPager$PagerObserver@320351528 (0x13182d28) | shadow$_klass_ = by.naxa.soundrecorder.activities.MainActivity$MyAdapter | shadow$_monitor_ = 0 * Instance of java.util.ArrayList | static serialVersionUID = 8683452581122892189 | static $classOverhead = byte[392]@1867476785 (0x6f4f6f31) | static EMPTY_ELEMENTDATA = java.lang.Object[0]@1869988080 (0x6f75c0f0) | static DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 10 | static MAX_ARRAY_SIZE = 2147483639 | static DEFAULTCAPACITY_EMPTY_ELEMENTDATA = java.lang.Object[0]@1872465120 (0x6f9b8ce0) | elementData = java.lang.Object[10]@320351648 (0x13182da0) | size = 2 | modCount = 2 | shadow$_klass_ = java.util.ArrayList | shadow$_monitor_ = 0 * Array of java.lang.Object[] | [0] = by.naxa.soundrecorder.fragments.RecordFragment@320260496 (0x1316c990) | [1] = by.naxa.soundrecorder.fragments.FileViewerFragment@320260696 (0x1316ca58) | [2] = null | [3] = null | [4] = null | [5] = null | [6] = null | [7] = null | [8] = null | [9] = null * Instance of by.naxa.soundrecorder.fragments.RecordFragment | static MY_PERMISSIONS_REQUEST_RECORD_AUDIO_RESUME = 2 | static $classOverhead = byte[1392]@317768969 (0x12f0c509) | static $jacocoData = boolean[133]@317780544 (0x12f0f240) | static MY_PERMISSIONS_REQUEST_RECORD_AUDIO = 1 | static LOG_TAG = "RecordFragment" | isPauseButtonInState1 = true | isRecordButtonInState1 = true | listener = by.naxa.soundrecorder.fragments.RecordFragment$2@320268880 (0x1316ea50) | mChronometer = android.widget.Chronometer@320268896 (0x1316ea60) | mConnection = by.naxa.soundrecorder.fragments.RecordFragment$5@320269776 (0x1316edd0) | mMessageReceiver = by.naxa.soundrecorder.fragments.RecordFragment$1@320269792 (0x1316ede0) | mPauseButton = com.google.android.material.button.MaterialButton@320269816 (0x1316edf8) | mProgressBar = com.budiyev.android.circularprogressbar.CircularProgressBar@320270680 (0x1316f158) | mRecordButton = com.google.android.material.floatingactionbutton.FloatingActionButton@320271216 (0x1316f370) | mRecordPromptCount = 0 | mRecordingPrompt = androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatTextView@320271856 (0x1316f5f0) | mRecordingService = by.naxa.soundrecorder.services.RecordingService@320272696 (0x1316f938) | timeWhenPaused = 0 | mAdded = false | mAnimationInfo = null | mArguments = android.os.Bundle@320272784 (0x1316f990) | mBackStackNesting = 0 | mCalled = true | mChildFragmentManager = null | mChildNonConfig = null | mContainer = null | mContainerId = 0 | mDeferStart = false | mDetached = false | mFragmentId = 0 | mFragmentManager = null | mFromLayout = false | mHasMenu = false | mHidden = false | mHiddenChanged = false | mHost = null | mInLayout = false | mIndex = -1 | mInnerView = null | mIsCreated = false | mIsNewlyAdded = false | mLayoutInflater = null | mLifecycleRegistry = androidx.lifecycle.LifecycleRegistry@320272808 (0x1316f9a8) | mMenuVisible = false | mParentFragment = null | mPerformedCreateView = false | mPostponedAlpha = 0.0 | mRemoving = false | mRestored = false | mRetainInstance = false | mRetaining = false | mSavedFragmentState = null | mSavedUserVisibleHint = null | mSavedViewState = android.util.SparseArray@320272840 (0x1316f9c8) | mState = 0 | mTag = null | mTarget = null | mTargetIndex = -1 | mTargetRequestCode = 0 | mUserVisibleHint = false | mView = null | mViewLifecycleOwner = null | mViewLifecycleOwnerLiveData = androidx.lifecycle.MutableLiveData@320272864 (0x1316f9e0) | mViewLifecycleRegistry = androidx.lifecycle.LifecycleRegistry@320272904 (0x1316fa08) | mViewModelStore = androidx.lifecycle.ViewModelStore@320272936 (0x1316fa28) | mWho = null | shadow$_klass_ = by.naxa.soundrecorder.fragments.RecordFragment | shadow$_monitor_ = 0 * Excluded Refs: | Field: android.os.Message.obj | Field: android.os.Message.next | Field: android.os.Message.target | Field: android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager.mNextServedView | Field: android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager.mServedView | Field: android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager.mServedInputConnection | Field: android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager.mCurRootView | Field: android.accounts.AccountManager$AmsTask$Response.this$1 | Field: android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo.mOriginalText | Field: com.android.internal.policy.BackdropFrameRenderer.mDecorView | Field: android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver.mMessageQueue (always) | Thread:FinalizerWatchdogDaemon (always) | Thread:main (always) | Thread:LeakCanary-Heap-Dump (always) | Class:java.lang.ref.WeakReference (always) | Class:java.lang.ref.SoftReference (always) | Class:java.lang.ref.PhantomReference (always) | Class:java.lang.ref.Finalizer (always) | Class:java.lang.ref.FinalizerReference (always)
* by.naxa.soundrecorder.activities.MainActivity has leaked: * static HwNsdImpl.!(sInstance)! * ↳ HwNsdImpl.!(mEventAnalyzed)! * ↳ EventAnalyzed.!(mContext)! * ↳ DecorContext.!(mPhoneWindow)! * ↳ HwPhoneWindow.!(mContext)! * ↳ MainActivity * Reference Key: 608ed315-4f92-4405-85fc-822489030576 * Device: HUAWEI HUAWEI WAS-LX1 WAS-LX1 * Android Version: 8.0.0 API: 26 LeakCanary: 1.6.1 26145bf * Durations: watch=37453ms, gc=146ms, heap dump=1342ms, analysis=8579ms * Details: * Class android.view.HwNsdImpl | static $classOverhead = byte[340]@318122561 (0x12f62a41) | static CONFIGTYPE_BLACKLIST = 7000 | static sInstance = android.view.HwNsdImpl@318185544 (0x12f72048) | static COMPAT_MODE_ENABLE_BIT = 32768 | static CONFIGTYPE_WHITELIST = 9998 | static CONFIGTYPE_QUERYRESULTLIST = 7001 | static APS_SUPPORT_2DSDR = 4096 | static TAG = "APS" * Instance of android.view.HwNsdImpl | static $classOverhead = byte[340]@318122561 (0x12f62a41) | static CONFIGTYPE_BLACKLIST = 7000 | static sInstance = android.view.HwNsdImpl@318185544 (0x12f72048) | static COMPAT_MODE_ENABLE_BIT = 32768 | static CONFIGTYPE_WHITELIST = 9998 | static CONFIGTYPE_QUERYRESULTLIST = 7001 | static APS_SUPPORT_2DSDR = 4096 | static TAG = "APS" | mContext = null | mEventAnalyzed = com.huawei.android.hwaps.EventAnalyzed@319047200 (0x13044620) | mFpsController = null | mIsFirstEnterAPS = true | mMapCheckResult = java.util.HashMap@319047624 (0x130447c8) | mSmartLowpowerBrower = com.huawei.android.hwaps.SmartLowpowerBrowser@319047664 (0x130447f0) | shadow$_klass_ = android.view.HwNsdImpl | shadow$_monitor_ = 0 * Instance of com.huawei.android.hwaps.EventAnalyzed | static FULL_SCREEN_REGION_COUNT = 4 | static DEFAULT_MAX_DALTA = 200 | static OTHER_GAME = 3 | static MIN_POWERKIT_FPS = 15 | static ACTION_DOWN = 0 | static NODE_PATH = "/sys/class/graphics/fb0/lcd_fps_scence" | static PLR_LTR_GAME = 9 | static DEFAULT_SHORT_DALTA = 15 | static OTHER_FULL_SCREEN_GAME = 5 | static ACTION_POINTER_DOWN = 5 | static ACTION_DEFAULT = -1 | static APS_CONTROLL_ENABLE = 1 | static LANDSCAPE_SCROLL_GAME = 6 | static MAX_FLIP_TIME = 500 | static MAX_SCREEN_REGION_SIZE = 9 | static SCROLL_DEFAULT_FPS = 55 | static STOP_EMERGENCY_FPS_TIME = 30000 | static ANALYZE_TIME = 60000 | static MAX_SCREEN_REGION_ROW = 3 | static SHORT_DALTA_RATE = 0.02 | static SCROLL_STATIC_GAME = 7 | static NOT_LOW_POWER_MODE_30HZ = 0 | static DEFAULT_MIN_FPS = 30 | static DEFAULT_STUDY_BATTERY = 60 | static TWO_P_FIVE_DIMS_HIGH_GAME = 3 | static SCROLL_GAME = 2 | static DEFAULT_TARGETFPS = -1 | static RUN_GAME = 11 | static ACTION_MOVE = 2 | static ACTION_SETFPS_NONPLAY = -2 | static ON_PAUSE = 2999 | static ZERO = 0 | static ACTION_POINTER_UP = 6 | static APS_DO_NOTHING = 0 | static mStopSetFps = false | static MAX_POWERKIT_FPS = 60 | static LONG_PRESS_TIME = 1000 | static SINGLE_REGION_GAME = 4 | static TWO_P_FIVE_DIMS_LOW_GAME = 2 | static ONE = 1 | static MIDDLE_DALTA_RATE = 0.15 | static TWO_DIMS_GAME = 1 | static ACTION_UP_TO_DEFAULT_TIMR = 2000 | static APS_TOUCH_ACTION_UP = "huawei.intent.action.APS_TOUCH_ACTION_UP" | static REALTIME_DEFAULT_FPS = 55 | static ACTION_MASK = 255 | static ACTION_UP = 1 | static MAX_DALTA_RATE = 0.2 | static KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN = 25 | static STRATEGY_TIME = 3000 | static VERSION = "" | static KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP = 24 | static TAG = "Hwaps" | static PLR_LDF_GAME = 8 | static MAX_SCREEN_REGION_INDEX = 2 | static APS_LOW_FPS_GAME = "huawei.intent.action.APS_LOW_FPS_GAME" | static NOT_DRAW_WITHOUT_DRAG = 10 | static DEFAULT_MAX_FPS = 55 | static SCREEN_WIDTH = 1080 | static STOP_TOUCH_MAX_FPS_TIME = 3000 | static DEFAULT_BASE_Y_DPI = 244 | static STRATEGY_GAME = 1 | static LOW_POWER_MODE_30HZ = 1 | static $classOverhead = byte[665]@318130289 (0x12f64871) | static DEFAULT_GAME = 0 | static SCREEN_REGION_RATE = 3 | static DEFAULT_MIDDLE_DALTA = 150 | static UNINITED_DEFAULT_VALUE = -1 | static LOW_POWER_MODE = 1 | static mIdentifyGameType = java.lang.String[12]@319964904 (0x131246e8) | static APS_NOT_LOW_FPS_GAME = "huawei.intent.action.APS_NOT_LOW_FPS_GAME" | static CUST_GAME_TYPE = 9999 | static DEFAULT_BATTERY = 20 | static ACTION_CANCEL = 3 | static CUST_APP_TYPE = 9998 | static APS_TOUCH_ACTION_DOWN = "huawei.intent.action.APS_TOUCH_ACTION_DOWN" | static REALTIME_GAME = 0 | static HIGH_POWER_MODE = 0 | static APS_TOUCH_KEYCODE_VOLUME = "huawei.intent.action.APS_TOUCH_KEYCODE_VOLUME" | static ACTION_OUTSIDE = 4 | static APS_ANALYZE_ENABLE = 2 | static OTHERS_DEFAULT_FPS = 45 | static THREE_DIMS_GAME = 4 | isXScroll = false | isYScroll = false | mAction = 0 | mActivityManager = null | mAdCheck = com.huawei.android.hwaps.AdCheck@319606352 (0x130cce50) | mApsLdfGameIdentify = null | mApsLtrGameIdentify = null | mApsManager = null | mApsTest = null | mApsThermal = null | mApsUserFeedback = null | mAvageDownUpLongTime = 0 | mAverageFps = 0 | mBatteryLimitStudyValue = -1 | mBatteryLimitValue = -1 | mBeginAnalyzeTime = 0 | mCanUseDebug = false | mClickCount = 0 | mConsecutiveShortDownUpCount = 0 | mContext = com.android.internal.policy.DecorContext@319606368 (0x130cce60) | mControlByAppSelf = false | mCurrentDownTime = 0 | mDesignatedFps = 60 | mDesignatedSdrRatio = 1.0 | mDownMoveInterval = 0 | mDownUpInterval = 0 | mDownUpLongSum = 0 | mDownUpShortSum = 0 | mEmergencyFpsRequest = null | mExactlyFpsRequest = null | mFirstTimeResumeFps = true | mFpsRequest = null | mGameState = com.huawei.android.hwaps.GameState@319606416 (0x130cce90) | mGameType = 0 | mHandler = android.os.Handler@319606424 (0x130cce98) | mHasIdentifyProcess = false | mHasIncreaseHighFPS = false | mHasIncreaseLowFPS = false | mHasOnPaused = false | mHasReleaseAPS = false | mHasSetFPS = false | mHasSetPid = false | mHashCtrlBattery = java.util.HashMap@319606456 (0x130cceb8) | mHashFixdFps = java.util.HashMap@319606496 (0x130ccee0) | mHashFixdRatio = java.util.HashMap@319606536 (0x130ccf08) | mHashSceneFixed = java.util.HashMap@319606576 (0x130ccf30) | mHashSceneFps = java.util.HashMap@319606616 (0x130ccf58) | mHashSceneRatio = java.util.HashMap@319606656 (0x130ccf80) | mHwapsFactoryImpl = null | mIntent = null | mIsAllScroll = false | mIsAnalyzedEnable = false | mIsControllAllFpsEnable = false | mIsEnterEmergencyFps = false | mIsFirstStartAnalyze = true | mIsFullScreenTouchGame = false | mIsGameInfoExist = false | mIsGameProcess = false | mIsLongMove = false | mIsLowFps = false | mIsLowFpsGame = false | mIsSceneFixed = false | mIsScreenLandScape = false | mIsSingleRegionAvailalbeGame = false | mLastDownX = 0 | mLastDownY = 0 | mLastEventTime = 0 | mLastGameType = -2 | mLastUpTime = -1 | mLevel = 0 | mLongDownUpCount = 0 | mLongPressCount = 0 | mMaxDelta = 0 | mMaxFps = 55 | mMiddleDelta = 0 | mMinFps = 30 | mMinNonplayFps = 0 | mMoveTime = 0 | mMultiTouchCount = 0 | mMyPid = -1 | mOperateExLib = null | mPerformanceDebug = false | mPkgName = null | mPowerKitFpsRequest = null | mResumeFpsByTouch = null | mResumePowerKit = null | mSceenRegion = int[9]@319606696 (0x130ccfa8) | mScreenHeightRegion = 0 | mScreenOrientation = -2 | mScreenWidth = 0 | mScreenWidthRegion = 0 | mSdrController = null | mSdrRatio = 1.0 | mSendBroadcast = null | mSetTouchStateForNonplay = null | mShortDelta = 0 | mShortDownUpCount = 0 | mSlowScrollCount = 0 | mStartSdr = null | mStartSdrForTest = null | mStatisFps = null | mStatisFpsCount = 0 | mStopEmergency = null | mStopSdrForTest = null | mStopTouchMaxFpsTime = 0 | mTouchFpsRequest = null | mTouchMaxFps = -1 | mTouchResumeEnable = false | mUpTime = -1 | mXScrollCount = 0 | mYScrollCount = 0 | mYdpi = 0.0 | mhasFirstSetFPS = false | shadow$_klass_ = com.huawei.android.hwaps.EventAnalyzed | shadow$_monitor_ = 0 * Instance of com.android.internal.policy.DecorContext | static $classOverhead = byte[1448]@1873447849 (0x6faa8ba9) | mActivityResources = android.content.res.HwResources@319606760 (0x130ccfe8) | mPhoneWindow = com.android.internal.policy.HwPhoneWindow@319606808 (0x130cd018) | mWindowManager = null | mInflater = null | mOverrideConfiguration = null | mResources = null | mTheme = android.content.res.Resources$Theme@319606744 (0x130ccfd8) | mThemeResource = 2131689478 | mBase = by.naxa.soundrecorder.SoundRecorderApplication@318098208 (0x12f5cb20) | shadow$_klass_ = com.android.internal.policy.DecorContext | shadow$_monitor_ = 0 * Instance of com.android.internal.policy.HwPhoneWindow | static $classOverhead = byte[1873]@318124961 (0x12f633a1) | static IS_NOTCH_PROP = false | static TAG = "HwPhoneWindow" | static FLOATING_MASK = -2147483648 | mForceDisableBlurBehind = false | mHwDrawerFeature = false | mHwFloating = false | mHwOverlayActionBar = 0 | mIsTranslucentImmersion = false | mSplitMode = false | mToken = android.os.BinderProxy@319607216 (0x130cd1b0) | mActionMenuPresenterCallback = null | mActivityConfigCallback = android.app.-$Lambda$9I5WEMsoBc7l4QrNqZ4wx59yuHU@319607248 (0x130cd1d0) | mAllowEnterTransitionOverlap = java.lang.Boolean@1867148768 (0x6f4a6de0) | mAllowReturnTransitionOverlap = java.lang.Boolean@1867148768 (0x6f4a6de0) | mAlwaysReadCloseOnTouchAttr = false | mAlwaysSplit = false | mAudioManager = null | mBackgroundDrawable = null | mBackgroundFadeDurationMillis = 300 | mBackgroundFallbackResource = 17170657 | mBackgroundResource = 17170657 | mBlurHeight = 1794 | mBlurRect = android.graphics.Rect@319607264 (0x130cd1e0) | mBlurWidth = 1080 | mCircularProgressBar = null | mClipToOutline = true | mClosingActionMenu = false | mContentParent = android.widget.FrameLayout@319607288 (0x130cd1f8) | mContentParentExplicitlySet = true | mContentScene = android.transition.Scene@319607936 (0x130cd480) | mContextMenu = null | mContextMenuCallback = com.android.internal.policy.PhoneWindow$PhoneWindowMenuCallback@319607968 (0x130cd4a0) | mContextMenuHelper = null | mDecor = com.android.internal.policy.DecorView@319607992 (0x130cd4b8) | mDecorCaptionShade = 0 | mDecorContentParent = null | mDrawables = null | mElevation = 0.0 | mEnterTransition = android.transition.Explode@319608864 (0x130cd820) | mExitTransition = android.transition.Explode@319609016 (0x130cd8b8) | mFixedHeightMajor = android.util.TypedValue@319609168 (0x130cd950) | mFixedHeightMinor = android.util.TypedValue@319609208 (0x130cd978) | mFixedWidthMajor = android.util.TypedValue@319609248 (0x130cd9a0) | mFixedWidthMinor = android.util.TypedValue@319609288 (0x130cd9c8) | mForceDecorInstall = false | mForcedDrawSysBarBackground = false | mForcedNavigationBarColor = false | mForcedStatusBarColor = false | mFrameResource = 0 | mHorizontalProgressBar = null | mIconRes = 0 | mInvalidatePanelMenuFeatures = 0 | mInvalidatePanelMenuPosted = false | mInvalidatePanelMenuRunnable = com.android.internal.policy.PhoneWindow$1@319609328 (0x130cd9f0) | mIsFloating = false | mIsGallery = false | mIsStartingWindow = false | mIsTranslucent = false | mIsTransparent = false | mKeyguardManager = null | mLayoutInflater = com.android.internal.policy.HwPhoneLayoutInflater@319609344 (0x130cda00) | mLeftIconView = null | mLoadElevation = true | mLogoRes = 0 | mMaxSize = 0 | mMediaController = null | mMinWidthMajor = android.util.TypedValue@319609392 (0x130cda30) | mMinWidthMinor = android.util.TypedValue@319609432 (0x130cda58) | mNaviWidth = 125 | mNavigationBarColor = -16777216 | mPanelChordingKey = 0 | mPanelMenuPresenterCallback = null | mPanels = com.android.internal.policy.PhoneWindow$PanelFeatureState[1]@319609472 (0x130cda80) | mPreparedPanel = null | mReenterTransition = android.transition.TransitionSet@1928713264 (0x72f5d430) | mResourcesSetFlags = 0 | mReturnTransition = android.transition.TransitionSet@1928713264 (0x72f5d430) | mRightIconView = null | mSharedElementEnterTransition = android.transition.TransitionSet@319609488 (0x130cda90) | mSharedElementExitTransition = android.transition.TransitionSet@319609640 (0x130cdb28) | mSharedElementReenterTransition = android.transition.TransitionSet@1928713264 (0x72f5d430) | mSharedElementReturnTransition = android.transition.TransitionSet@1928713264 (0x72f5d430) | mSharedElementsUseOverlay = java.lang.Boolean@1867148768 (0x6f4a6de0) | mStatusBarColor = -2937041 | mSupportsPictureInPicture = true | mTakeInputQueueCallback = null | mTakeSurfaceCallback = null | mTextColor = 0 | mTheme = 2131689478 | mTitle = "Диктофон" | mTitleColor = 0 | mTitleView = null | mTransitionManager = android.transition.TransitionManager@319609792 (0x130cdbc0) | mUiOptions = 0 | mUseDecorContext = true | mVolumeControlStreamType = -2147483648 | mWallpaperManager = huawei.android.app.HwWallpaperManager@319609808 (0x130cdbd0) | mActiveChild = null | mAppName = "by.naxa.soundrecorder/by.naxa.soundrecorder.activities.MainActivity" | mAppToken = android.os.BinderProxy@319607216 (0x130cd1b0) | mCallback = androidx.appcompat.app.ToolbarActionBar$ToolbarCallbackWrapper@319609920 (0x130cdc40) | mCloseOnSwipeEnabled = false | mCloseOnTouchOutside = false | mContainer = null | mContext = by.naxa.soundrecorder.activities.MainActivity@319609936 (0x130cdc50) | mDefaultWindowFormat = -1 | mDestroyed = true | mFeatures = 12355 | mForcedWindowFlags = -2139029248 | mHardwareAccelerated = true | mHasChildren = false | mHasSoftInputMode = false | mHaveDimAmount = false | mHaveWindowFormat = false | mIsActive = true | mLocalFeatures = 12355 | mOnRestrictedCaptionAreaChangedListener = null | mOnWindowDismissedCallback = by.naxa.soundrecorder.activities.MainActivity@319609936 (0x130cdc50) | mOnWindowSwipeDismissedCallback = null | mOverlayWithDecorCaptionEnabled = false | mRestrictedCaptionAreaRect = null | mSetCloseOnTouchOutside = false | mWindowAttributes = android.view.WindowManager$LayoutParams@319610232 (0x130cdd78) | mWindowControllerCallback = by.naxa.soundrecorder.activities.MainActivity@319609936 (0x130cdc50) | mWindowManager = android.view.WindowManagerImpl@319610464 (0x130cde60) | mWindowStyle = android.content.res.TypedArray@319610496 (0x130cde80) | shadow$_klass_ = com.android.internal.policy.HwPhoneWindow | shadow$_monitor_ = 0 * Instance of by.naxa.soundrecorder.activities.MainActivity | static $classOverhead = byte[4200]@319048169 (0x130449e9) | static $jacocoData = boolean[29]@319596384 (0x130ca760) | static LOG_TAG = "MainActivity" | mMessageReceiver = by.naxa.soundrecorder.activities.MainActivity$1@319612952 (0x130ce818) | pager = androidx.viewpager.widget.ViewPager@319612976 (0x130ce830) | tabs = com.google.android.material.tabs.TabLayout@319613808 (0x130ceb70) | mDelegate = androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatDelegateImpl@319614672 (0x130ceed0) | mResources = null | mThemeId = 2131689478 | mCreated = true | mFragments = androidx.fragment.app.FragmentController@319614808 (0x130cef58) | mHandler = androidx.fragment.app.FragmentActivity$1@319614824 (0x130cef68) | mNextCandidateRequestIndex = 0 | mPendingFragmentActivityResults = androidx.collection.SparseArrayCompat@319614856 (0x130cef88) | mRequestedPermissionsFromFragment = false | mResumed = false | mStartedActivityFromFragment = false | mStartedIntentSenderFromFragment = false | mStopped = true | mViewModelStore = null | mExtraDataMap = androidx.collection.SimpleArrayMap@319614880 (0x130cefa0) | mLifecycleRegistry = androidx.lifecycle.LifecycleRegistry@319614904 (0x130cefb8) | mActionBar = null | mActionModeTypeStarting = 0 | mActivityInfo = android.content.pm.ActivityInfo@319614936 (0x130cefd8) | mActivityTransitionState = android.app.ActivityTransitionState@319615104 (0x130cf080) | mApplication = by.naxa.soundrecorder.SoundRecorderApplication@318098208 (0x12f5cb20) | mAutoFillResetNeeded = false | mAutofillManager = null | mAutofillPopupWindow = null | mAwareService = null | mCalled = true | mChangeCanvasToTranslucent = false | mChangingConfigurations = false | mComponent = android.content.ComponentName@319615160 (0x130cf0b8) | mConfigChangeFlags = 0 | mCurrentConfig = android.content.res.Configuration@319615176 (0x130cf0c8) | mCustActivity = android.app.HwCustActivityImpl@319615296 (0x130cf140) | mDecor = null | mDefaultKeyMode = 0 | mDefaultKeySsb = null | mDestroyed = true | mDoReportFullyDrawn = false | mEmbeddedID = null | mEnableDefaultActionBarUp = false | mEnterTransitionListener = android.app.SharedElementCallback$1@1872228776 (0x6f97f1a8) | mExitTransitionListener = android.app.SharedElementCallback$1@1872228776 (0x6f97f1a8) | mFinished = true | mFragments = android.app.FragmentController@319615320 (0x130cf158) | mHandler = android.os.Handler@319615336 (0x130cf168) | mHasCurrentPermissionsRequest = false | mIdent = 113169518 | mInstanceTracker = android.os.StrictMode$InstanceTracker@319615368 (0x130cf188) | mInstrumentation = android.app.Instrumentation@319054344 (0x13046208) | mIntent = android.content.Intent@319615384 (0x130cf198) | mIsFullFlag = false | mLastAutofillId = 1073741823 | mLastNonConfigurationInstances = null | mMainThread = android.app.ActivityThread@317980952 (0x12f40118) | mManagedCursors = java.util.ArrayList@319615456 (0x130cf1e0) | mManagedDialogs = null | mMenuInflater = null | mParent = null | mReferrer = "com.huawei.android.launcher" | mResultCode = 0 | mResultData = null | mResumed = false | mSearchEvent = null | mSearchManager = null | mStartedActivity = false | mStopped = true | mTaskDescription = android.app.ActivityManager$TaskDescription@319615528 (0x130cf228) | mTemporaryPause = false | mTitle = "Диктофон" | mTitleColor = 0 | mTitleReady = true | mToken = android.os.BinderProxy@319607216 (0x130cd1b0) | mTranslucentCallback = null | mUiThread = java.lang.Thread@1928645104 (0x72f4c9f0) | mVisibleBehind = false | mVisibleFromClient = true | mVisibleFromServer = false | mVoiceInteractor = null | mWindow = com.android.internal.policy.HwPhoneWindow@319606808 (0x130cd018) | mWindowAdded = true | mWindowManager = android.view.WindowManagerImpl@319610464 (0x130cde60) | mInflater = com.android.internal.policy.HwPhoneLayoutInflater@319609344 (0x130cda00) | mOverrideConfiguration = null | mResources = android.content.res.HwResources@319606760 (0x130ccfe8) | mTheme = android.content.res.Resources$Theme@319610560 (0x130cdec0) | mThemeResource = 2131689478 | mBase = android.app.ContextImpl@319610720 (0x130cdf60) | shadow$_klass_ = by.naxa.soundrecorder.activities.MainActivity | shadow$_monitor_ = -1881612116 * Excluded Refs: | Field: android.os.Message.obj | Field: android.os.Message.next | Field: android.os.Message.target | Field: android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager.mNextServedView | Field: android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager.mServedView | Field: android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager.mServedInputConnection | Field: android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager.mCurRootView | Field: android.accounts.AccountManager$AmsTask$Response.this$1 | Field: android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo.mOriginalText | Field: com.android.internal.policy.BackdropFrameRenderer.mDecorView | Field: android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver.mMessageQueue (always) | Thread:FinalizerWatchdogDaemon (always) | Thread:main (always) | Thread:LeakCanary-Heap-Dump (always) | Class:java.lang.ref.WeakReference (always) | Class:java.lang.ref.SoftReference (always) | Class:java.lang.ref.PhantomReference (always) | Class:java.lang.ref.Finalizer (always) | Class:java.lang.ref.FinalizerReference (always)
* by.naxa.soundrecorder.fragments.FileViewerFragment has leaked: * static HwNsdImpl.!(sInstance)! * ↳ HwNsdImpl.!(mEventAnalyzed)! * ↳ EventAnalyzed.!(mContext)! * ↳ DecorContext.!(mPhoneWindow)! * ↳ HwPhoneWindow.!(mContext)! * ↳ MainActivity.pager * ↳ ViewPager.mAdapter * ↳ MainActivity$MyAdapter.mCurrentPrimaryItem * ↳ FileViewerFragment * Reference Key: 04063a0e-cca7-41c7-be90-a2a56930f913 * Device: HUAWEI HUAWEI WAS-LX1 WAS-LX1 * Android Version: 8.0.0 API: 26 LeakCanary: 1.6.1 26145bf * Durations: watch=160886ms, gc=164ms, heap dump=1305ms, analysis=11126ms * Details: * Class android.view.HwNsdImpl | static $classOverhead = byte[340]@323142449 (0x1342c331) | static CONFIGTYPE_BLACKLIST = 7000 | static sInstance = android.view.HwNsdImpl@324811960 (0x135c3cb8) | static COMPAT_MODE_ENABLE_BIT = 32768 | static CONFIGTYPE_WHITELIST = 9998 | static CONFIGTYPE_QUERYRESULTLIST = 7001 | static APS_SUPPORT_2DSDR = 4096 | static TAG = "APS" * Instance of android.view.HwNsdImpl | static $classOverhead = byte[340]@323142449 (0x1342c331) | static CONFIGTYPE_BLACKLIST = 7000 | static sInstance = android.view.HwNsdImpl@324811960 (0x135c3cb8) | static COMPAT_MODE_ENABLE_BIT = 32768 | static CONFIGTYPE_WHITELIST = 9998 | static CONFIGTYPE_QUERYRESULTLIST = 7001 | static APS_SUPPORT_2DSDR = 4096 | static TAG = "APS" | mContext = null | mEventAnalyzed = com.huawei.android.hwaps.EventAnalyzed@324811992 (0x135c3cd8) | mFpsController = null | mIsFirstEnterAPS = true | mMapCheckResult = java.util.HashMap@324812416 (0x135c3e80) | mSmartLowpowerBrower = com.huawei.android.hwaps.SmartLowpowerBrowser@324812456 (0x135c3ea8) | shadow$_klass_ = android.view.HwNsdImpl | shadow$_monitor_ = 0 * Instance of com.huawei.android.hwaps.EventAnalyzed | static FULL_SCREEN_REGION_COUNT = 4 | static DEFAULT_MAX_DALTA = 200 | static OTHER_GAME = 3 | static MIN_POWERKIT_FPS = 15 | static ACTION_DOWN = 0 | static NODE_PATH = "/sys/class/graphics/fb0/lcd_fps_scence" | static PLR_LTR_GAME = 9 | static DEFAULT_SHORT_DALTA = 15 | static OTHER_FULL_SCREEN_GAME = 5 | static ACTION_POINTER_DOWN = 5 | static ACTION_DEFAULT = -1 | static APS_CONTROLL_ENABLE = 1 | static LANDSCAPE_SCROLL_GAME = 6 | static MAX_FLIP_TIME = 500 | static MAX_SCREEN_REGION_SIZE = 9 | static SCROLL_DEFAULT_FPS = 55 | static STOP_EMERGENCY_FPS_TIME = 30000 | static ANALYZE_TIME = 60000 | static MAX_SCREEN_REGION_ROW = 3 | static SHORT_DALTA_RATE = 0.02 | static SCROLL_STATIC_GAME = 7 | static NOT_LOW_POWER_MODE_30HZ = 0 | static DEFAULT_MIN_FPS = 30 | static DEFAULT_STUDY_BATTERY = 60 | static TWO_P_FIVE_DIMS_HIGH_GAME = 3 | static SCROLL_GAME = 2 | static DEFAULT_TARGETFPS = -1 | static RUN_GAME = 11 | static ACTION_MOVE = 2 | static ACTION_SETFPS_NONPLAY = -2 | static ON_PAUSE = 2999 | static ZERO = 0 | static ACTION_POINTER_UP = 6 | static APS_DO_NOTHING = 0 | static mStopSetFps = false | static MAX_POWERKIT_FPS = 60 | static LONG_PRESS_TIME = 1000 | static SINGLE_REGION_GAME = 4 | static TWO_P_FIVE_DIMS_LOW_GAME = 2 | static ONE = 1 | static MIDDLE_DALTA_RATE = 0.15 | static TWO_DIMS_GAME = 1 | static ACTION_UP_TO_DEFAULT_TIMR = 2000 | static APS_TOUCH_ACTION_UP = "huawei.intent.action.APS_TOUCH_ACTION_UP" | static REALTIME_DEFAULT_FPS = 55 | static ACTION_MASK = 255 | static ACTION_UP = 1 | static MAX_DALTA_RATE = 0.2 | static KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN = 25 | static STRATEGY_TIME = 3000 | static VERSION = "" | static KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP = 24 | static TAG = "Hwaps" | static PLR_LDF_GAME = 8 | static MAX_SCREEN_REGION_INDEX = 2 | static APS_LOW_FPS_GAME = "huawei.intent.action.APS_LOW_FPS_GAME" | static NOT_DRAW_WITHOUT_DRAG = 10 | static DEFAULT_MAX_FPS = 55 | static SCREEN_WIDTH = 1080 | static STOP_TOUCH_MAX_FPS_TIME = 3000 | static DEFAULT_BASE_Y_DPI = 244 | static STRATEGY_GAME = 1 | static LOW_POWER_MODE_30HZ = 1 | static $classOverhead = byte[665]@323151009 (0x1342e4a1) | static DEFAULT_GAME = 0 | static SCREEN_REGION_RATE = 3 | static DEFAULT_MIDDLE_DALTA = 150 | static UNINITED_DEFAULT_VALUE = -1 | static LOW_POWER_MODE = 1 | static mIdentifyGameType = java.lang.String[12]@324810432 (0x135c36c0) | static APS_NOT_LOW_FPS_GAME = "huawei.intent.action.APS_NOT_LOW_FPS_GAME" | static CUST_GAME_TYPE = 9999 | static DEFAULT_BATTERY = 20 | static ACTION_CANCEL = 3 | static CUST_APP_TYPE = 9998 | static APS_TOUCH_ACTION_DOWN = "huawei.intent.action.APS_TOUCH_ACTION_DOWN" | static REALTIME_GAME = 0 | static HIGH_POWER_MODE = 0 | static APS_TOUCH_KEYCODE_VOLUME = "huawei.intent.action.APS_TOUCH_KEYCODE_VOLUME" | static ACTION_OUTSIDE = 4 | static APS_ANALYZE_ENABLE = 2 | static OTHERS_DEFAULT_FPS = 45 | static THREE_DIMS_GAME = 4 | isXScroll = false | isYScroll = false | mAction = 0 | mActivityManager = null | mAdCheck = com.huawei.android.hwaps.AdCheck@324810736 (0x135c37f0) | mApsLdfGameIdentify = null | mApsLtrGameIdentify = null | mApsManager = null | mApsTest = null | mApsThermal = null | mApsUserFeedback = null | mAvageDownUpLongTime = 0 | mAverageFps = 0 | mBatteryLimitStudyValue = -1 | mBatteryLimitValue = -1 | mBeginAnalyzeTime = 0 | mCanUseDebug = false | mClickCount = 0 | mConsecutiveShortDownUpCount = 0 | mContext = com.android.internal.policy.DecorContext@324812704 (0x135c3fa0) | mControlByAppSelf = false | mCurrentDownTime = 0 | mDesignatedFps = 60 | mDesignatedSdrRatio = 1.0 | mDownMoveInterval = 0 | mDownUpInterval = 0 | mDownUpLongSum = 0 | mDownUpShortSum = 0 | mEmergencyFpsRequest = null | mExactlyFpsRequest = null | mFirstTimeResumeFps = true | mFpsRequest = null | mGameState = com.huawei.android.hwaps.GameState@324812752 (0x135c3fd0) | mGameType = 0 | mHandler = android.os.Handler@324812760 (0x135c3fd8) | mHasIdentifyProcess = false | mHasIncreaseHighFPS = false | mHasIncreaseLowFPS = false | mHasOnPaused = false | mHasReleaseAPS = false | mHasSetFPS = false | mHasSetPid = false | mHashCtrlBattery = java.util.HashMap@324812792 (0x135c3ff8) | mHashFixdFps = java.util.HashMap@324812832 (0x135c4020) | mHashFixdRatio = java.util.HashMap@324812872 (0x135c4048) | mHashSceneFixed = java.util.HashMap@324812912 (0x135c4070) | mHashSceneFps = java.util.HashMap@324812952 (0x135c4098) | mHashSceneRatio = java.util.HashMap@324812992 (0x135c40c0) | mHwapsFactoryImpl = null | mIntent = null | mIsAllScroll = false | mIsAnalyzedEnable = false | mIsControllAllFpsEnable = false | mIsEnterEmergencyFps = false | mIsFirstStartAnalyze = true | mIsFullScreenTouchGame = false | mIsGameInfoExist = false | mIsGameProcess = false | mIsLongMove = false | mIsLowFps = false | mIsLowFpsGame = false | mIsSceneFixed = false | mIsScreenLandScape = false | mIsSingleRegionAvailalbeGame = false | mLastDownX = 0 | mLastDownY = 0 | mLastEventTime = 0 | mLastGameType = -2 | mLastUpTime = -1 | mLevel = 0 | mLongDownUpCount = 0 | mLongPressCount = 0 | mMaxDelta = 0 | mMaxFps = 55 | mMiddleDelta = 0 | mMinFps = 30 | mMinNonplayFps = 0 | mMoveTime = 0 | mMultiTouchCount = 0 | mMyPid = -1 | mOperateExLib = null | mPerformanceDebug = false | mPkgName = null | mPowerKitFpsRequest = null | mResumeFpsByTouch = null | mResumePowerKit = null | mSceenRegion = int[9]@324813032 (0x135c40e8) | mScreenHeightRegion = 0 | mScreenOrientation = -2 | mScreenWidth = 0 | mScreenWidthRegion = 0 | mSdrController = null | mSdrRatio = 1.0 | mSendBroadcast = null | mSetTouchStateForNonplay = null | mShortDelta = 0 | mShortDownUpCount = 0 | mSlowScrollCount = 0 | mStartSdr = null | mStartSdrForTest = null | mStatisFps = null | mStatisFpsCount = 0 | mStopEmergency = null | mStopSdrForTest = null | mStopTouchMaxFpsTime = 0 | mTouchFpsRequest = null | mTouchMaxFps = -1 | mTouchResumeEnable = false | mUpTime = -1 | mXScrollCount = 0 | mYScrollCount = 0 | mYdpi = 0.0 | mhasFirstSetFPS = false | shadow$_klass_ = com.huawei.android.hwaps.EventAnalyzed | shadow$_monitor_ = 0 * Instance of com.android.internal.policy.DecorContext | static $classOverhead = byte[1448]@1873447849 (0x6faa8ba9) | mActivityResources = android.content.res.HwResources@324813096 (0x135c4128) | mPhoneWindow = com.android.internal.policy.HwPhoneWindow@324813144 (0x135c4158) | mWindowManager = null | mInflater = null | mOverrideConfiguration = null | mResources = null | mTheme = android.content.res.Resources$Theme@324813080 (0x135c4118) | mThemeResource = 2131689478 | mBase = by.naxa.soundrecorder.SoundRecorderApplication@323115312 (0x13425930) | shadow$_klass_ = com.android.internal.policy.DecorContext | shadow$_monitor_ = 0 * Instance of com.android.internal.policy.HwPhoneWindow | static $classOverhead = byte[1873]@323144617 (0x1342cba9) | static IS_NOTCH_PROP = false | static TAG = "HwPhoneWindow" | static FLOATING_MASK = -2147483648 | mForceDisableBlurBehind = false | mHwDrawerFeature = false | mHwFloating = false | mHwOverlayActionBar = 0 | mIsTranslucentImmersion = false | mSplitMode = false | mToken = android.os.BinderProxy@324813552 (0x135c42f0) | mActionMenuPresenterCallback = null | mActivityConfigCallback = android.app.-$Lambda$9I5WEMsoBc7l4QrNqZ4wx59yuHU@324813584 (0x135c4310) | mAllowEnterTransitionOverlap = java.lang.Boolean@1867148768 (0x6f4a6de0) | mAllowReturnTransitionOverlap = java.lang.Boolean@1867148768 (0x6f4a6de0) | mAlwaysReadCloseOnTouchAttr = false | mAlwaysSplit = false | mAudioManager = null | mBackgroundDrawable = null | mBackgroundFadeDurationMillis = 300 | mBackgroundFallbackResource = 17170657 | mBackgroundResource = 17170657 | mBlurHeight = 1794 | mBlurRect = android.graphics.Rect@324813600 (0x135c4320) | mBlurWidth = 1080 | mCircularProgressBar = null | mClipToOutline = true | mClosingActionMenu = false | mContentParent = android.widget.FrameLayout@324813624 (0x135c4338) | mContentParentExplicitlySet = true | mContentScene = android.transition.Scene@324814272 (0x135c45c0) | mContextMenu = null | mContextMenuCallback = com.android.internal.policy.PhoneWindow$PhoneWindowMenuCallback@324814304 (0x135c45e0) | mContextMenuHelper = null | mDecor = com.android.internal.policy.DecorView@324814328 (0x135c45f8) | mDecorCaptionShade = 0 | mDecorContentParent = null | mDrawables = null | mElevation = 0.0 | mEnterTransition = android.transition.Explode@324815200 (0x135c4960) | mExitTransition = android.transition.Explode@324815352 (0x135c49f8) | mFixedHeightMajor = android.util.TypedValue@324815504 (0x135c4a90) | mFixedHeightMinor = android.util.TypedValue@324815544 (0x135c4ab8) | mFixedWidthMajor = android.util.TypedValue@324815584 (0x135c4ae0) | mFixedWidthMinor = android.util.TypedValue@324815624 (0x135c4b08) | mForceDecorInstall = false | mForcedDrawSysBarBackground = false | mForcedNavigationBarColor = false | mForcedStatusBarColor = false | mFrameResource = 0 | mHorizontalProgressBar = null | mIconRes = 0 | mInvalidatePanelMenuFeatures = 0 | mInvalidatePanelMenuPosted = false | mInvalidatePanelMenuRunnable = com.android.internal.policy.PhoneWindow$1@324815664 (0x135c4b30) | mIsFloating = false | mIsGallery = false | mIsStartingWindow = false | mIsTranslucent = false | mIsTransparent = false | mKeyguardManager = null | mLayoutInflater = com.android.internal.policy.HwPhoneLayoutInflater@324815680 (0x135c4b40) | mLeftIconView = null | mLoadElevation = true | mLogoRes = 0 | mMaxSize = 0 | mMediaController = null | mMinWidthMajor = android.util.TypedValue@324815728 (0x135c4b70) | mMinWidthMinor = android.util.TypedValue@324815768 (0x135c4b98) | mNaviWidth = 125 | mNavigationBarColor = -16777216 | mPanelChordingKey = 0 | mPanelMenuPresenterCallback = null | mPanels = com.android.internal.policy.PhoneWindow$PanelFeatureState[1]@324815808 (0x135c4bc0) | mPreparedPanel = null | mReenterTransition = android.transition.TransitionSet@1928713264 (0x72f5d430) | mResourcesSetFlags = 0 | mReturnTransition = android.transition.TransitionSet@1928713264 (0x72f5d430) | mRightIconView = null | mSharedElementEnterTransition = android.transition.TransitionSet@324815824 (0x135c4bd0) | mSharedElementExitTransition = android.transition.TransitionSet@324815976 (0x135c4c68) | mSharedElementReenterTransition = android.transition.TransitionSet@1928713264 (0x72f5d430) | mSharedElementReturnTransition = android.transition.TransitionSet@1928713264 (0x72f5d430) | mSharedElementsUseOverlay = java.lang.Boolean@1867148768 (0x6f4a6de0) | mStatusBarColor = -2937041 | mSupportsPictureInPicture = true | mTakeInputQueueCallback = null | mTakeSurfaceCallback = null | mTextColor = 0 | mTheme = 2131689478 | mTitle = "Диктофон" | mTitleColor = 0 | mTitleView = null | mTransitionManager = android.transition.TransitionManager@324816128 (0x135c4d00) | mUiOptions = 0 | mUseDecorContext = true | mVolumeControlStreamType = -2147483648 | mWallpaperManager = huawei.android.app.HwWallpaperManager@324816144 (0x135c4d10) | mActiveChild = null | mAppName = "by.naxa.soundrecorder/by.naxa.soundrecorder.activities.MainActivity" | mAppToken = android.os.BinderProxy@324813552 (0x135c42f0) | mCallback = androidx.appcompat.app.ToolbarActionBar$ToolbarCallbackWrapper@324816256 (0x135c4d80) | mCloseOnSwipeEnabled = false | mCloseOnTouchOutside = false | mContainer = null | mContext = by.naxa.soundrecorder.activities.MainActivity@324816272 (0x135c4d90) | mDefaultWindowFormat = -1 | mDestroyed = true | mFeatures = 12355 | mForcedWindowFlags = -2139029248 | mHardwareAccelerated = true | mHasChildren = false | mHasSoftInputMode = false | mHaveDimAmount = false | mHaveWindowFormat = false | mIsActive = true | mLocalFeatures = 12355 | mOnRestrictedCaptionAreaChangedListener = null | mOnWindowDismissedCallback = by.naxa.soundrecorder.activities.MainActivity@324816272 (0x135c4d90) | mOnWindowSwipeDismissedCallback = null | mOverlayWithDecorCaptionEnabled = false | mRestrictedCaptionAreaRect = null | mSetCloseOnTouchOutside = false | mWindowAttributes = android.view.WindowManager$LayoutParams@324816568 (0x135c4eb8) | mWindowControllerCallback = by.naxa.soundrecorder.activities.MainActivity@324816272 (0x135c4d90) | mWindowManager = android.view.WindowManagerImpl@324816800 (0x135c4fa0) | mWindowStyle = android.content.res.TypedArray@324816832 (0x135c4fc0) | shadow$_klass_ = com.android.internal.policy.HwPhoneWindow | shadow$_monitor_ = 0 * Instance of by.naxa.soundrecorder.activities.MainActivity | static $classOverhead = byte[4200]@323346081 (0x1345dea1) | static $jacocoData = boolean[29]@324240072 (0x135382c8) | static LOG_TAG = "MainActivity" | mMessageReceiver = by.naxa.soundrecorder.activities.MainActivity$1@324819288 (0x135c5958) | pager = androidx.viewpager.widget.ViewPager@324819312 (0x135c5970) | tabs = com.google.android.material.tabs.TabLayout@324820144 (0x135c5cb0) | mDelegate = androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatDelegateImpl@324821008 (0x135c6010) | mResources = null | mThemeId = 2131689478 | mCreated = true | mFragments = androidx.fragment.app.FragmentController@324821144 (0x135c6098) | mHandler = androidx.fragment.app.FragmentActivity$1@324821160 (0x135c60a8) | mNextCandidateRequestIndex = 0 | mPendingFragmentActivityResults = androidx.collection.SparseArrayCompat@324821192 (0x135c60c8) | mRequestedPermissionsFromFragment = false | mResumed = false | mStartedActivityFromFragment = false | mStartedIntentSenderFromFragment = false | mStopped = true | mViewModelStore = null | mExtraDataMap = androidx.collection.SimpleArrayMap@324821216 (0x135c60e0) | mLifecycleRegistry = androidx.lifecycle.LifecycleRegistry@324821240 (0x135c60f8) | mActionBar = null | mActionModeTypeStarting = 0 | mActivityInfo = android.content.pm.ActivityInfo@324821272 (0x135c6118) | mActivityTransitionState = android.app.ActivityTransitionState@324821440 (0x135c61c0) | mApplication = by.naxa.soundrecorder.SoundRecorderApplication@323115312 (0x13425930) | mAutoFillResetNeeded = false | mAutofillManager = null | mAutofillPopupWindow = null | mAwareService = null | mCalled = true | mChangeCanvasToTranslucent = false | mChangingConfigurations = false | mComponent = android.content.ComponentName@324821496 (0x135c61f8) | mConfigChangeFlags = 0 | mCurrentConfig = android.content.res.Configuration@324821512 (0x135c6208) | mCustActivity = android.app.HwCustActivityImpl@324821632 (0x135c6280) | mDecor = null | mDefaultKeyMode = 0 | mDefaultKeySsb = null | mDestroyed = true | mDoReportFullyDrawn = false | mEmbeddedID = null | mEnableDefaultActionBarUp = false | mEnterTransitionListener = android.app.SharedElementCallback$1@1872228776 (0x6f97f1a8) | mExitTransitionListener = android.app.SharedElementCallback$1@1872228776 (0x6f97f1a8) | mFinished = true | mFragments = android.app.FragmentController@324821656 (0x135c6298) | mHandler = android.os.Handler@324821672 (0x135c62a8) | mHasCurrentPermissionsRequest = false | mIdent = 113169518 | mInstanceTracker = android.os.StrictMode$InstanceTracker@324821704 (0x135c62c8) | mInstrumentation = android.app.Instrumentation@324193000 (0x1352cae8) | mIntent = android.content.Intent@324821720 (0x135c62d8) | mIsFullFlag = false | mLastAutofillId = 1073741823 | mLastNonConfigurationInstances = null | mMainThread = android.app.ActivityThread@322961688 (0x13400118) | mManagedCursors = java.util.ArrayList@324821792 (0x135c6320) | mManagedDialogs = null | mMenuInflater = null | mParent = null | mReferrer = "com.huawei.android.launcher" | mResultCode = 0 | mResultData = null | mResumed = false | mSearchEvent = null | mSearchManager = null | mStartedActivity = false | mStopped = true | mTaskDescription = android.app.ActivityManager$TaskDescription@324821864 (0x135c6368) | mTemporaryPause = false | mTitle = "Диктофон" | mTitleColor = 0 | mTitleReady = true | mToken = android.os.BinderProxy@324813552 (0x135c42f0) | mTranslucentCallback = null | mUiThread = java.lang.Thread@1928645104 (0x72f4c9f0) | mVisibleBehind = false | mVisibleFromClient = true | mVisibleFromServer = false | mVoiceInteractor = null | mWindow = com.android.internal.policy.HwPhoneWindow@324813144 (0x135c4158) | mWindowAdded = true | mWindowManager = android.view.WindowManagerImpl@324816800 (0x135c4fa0) | mInflater = com.android.internal.policy.HwPhoneLayoutInflater@324815680 (0x135c4b40) | mOverrideConfiguration = null | mResources = android.content.res.HwResources@324813096 (0x135c4128) | mTheme = android.content.res.Resources$Theme@324816896 (0x135c5000) | mThemeResource = 2131689478 | mBase = android.app.ContextImpl@324817056 (0x135c50a0) | shadow$_klass_ = by.naxa.soundrecorder.activities.MainActivity | shadow$_monitor_ = -1881612116 * Instance of androidx.viewpager.widget.ViewPager | static $classOverhead = byte[7986]@323301105 (0x13452ef1) | static SCROLL_STATE_DRAGGING = 1 | static MIN_FLING_VELOCITY = 400 | static MIN_DISTANCE_FOR_FLING = 25 | static sPositionComparator = androidx.viewpager.widget.ViewPager$ViewPositionComparator@324298136 (0x13546598) | static DRAW_ORDER_FORWARD = 1 | static DEFAULT_GUTTER_SIZE = 16 | static DEFAULT_OFFSCREEN_PAGES = 1 | static INVALID_POINTER = -1 | static TAG = "ViewPager" | static CLOSE_ENOUGH = 2 | static DEBUG = false | static DRAW_ORDER_DEFAULT = 0 | static DRAW_ORDER_REVERSE = 2 | static MAX_SETTLE_DURATION = 600 | static sInterpolator = androidx.viewpager.widget.ViewPager$2@324087344 (0x13512e30) | static COMPARATOR = androidx.viewpager.widget.ViewPager$1@324298112 (0x13546580) | static SCROLL_STATE_SETTLING = 2 | static LAYOUT_ATTRS = int[1]@324298120 (0x13546588) | static SCROLL_STATE_IDLE = 0 | static USE_CACHE = false | mActivePointerId = -1 | mAdapter = by.naxa.soundrecorder.activities.MainActivity$MyAdapter@324903744 (0x135da340) | mAdapterChangeListeners = java.util.ArrayList@324916856 (0x135dd678) | mBottomPageBounds = 1578 | mCalledSuper = true | mChildHeightMeasureSpec = 1073743402 | mChildWidthMeasureSpec = 1073742904 | mCloseEnough = 6 | mCurItem = 1 | mDecorChildCount = 0 | mDefaultGutterSize = 48 | mDrawingOrder = 0 | mDrawingOrderedChildren = null | mEndScrollRunnable = androidx.viewpager.widget.ViewPager$3@324916880 (0x135dd690) | mExpectedAdapterCount = 2 | mFakeDragBeginTime = 0 | mFakeDragging = false | mFirstLayout = false | mFirstOffset = 0.0 | mFlingDistance = 75 | mGutterSize = 48 | mInLayout = false | mInitialMotionX = 1020.0 | mInitialMotionY = 631.0 | mInternalPageChangeListener = null | mIsBeingDragged = false | mIsScrollStarted = true | mIsUnableToDrag = false | mItems = java.util.ArrayList@324916896 (0x135dd6a0) | mLastMotionX = 548.0 | mLastMotionY = 606.9933 | mLastOffset = 1.0 | mLeftEdge = android.widget.EdgeEffect@324916920 (0x135dd6b8) | mMarginDrawable = null | mMaximumVelocity = 24000 | mMinimumVelocity = 1200 | mNeedCalculatePageOffsets = false | mObserver = androidx.viewpager.widget.ViewPager$PagerObserver@324916576 (0x135dd560) | mOffscreenPageLimit = 1 | mOnPageChangeListener = null | mOnPageChangeListeners = java.util.ArrayList@324917008 (0x135dd710) | mPageMargin = 0 | mPageTransformer = null | mPageTransformerLayerType = 0 | mPopulatePending = false | mRestoredAdapterState = null | mRestoredClassLoader = null | mRestoredCurItem = -1 | mRightEdge = android.widget.EdgeEffect@324917032 (0x135dd728) | mScrollState = 0 | mScroller = android.widget.Scroller@324917120 (0x135dd780) | mScrollingCacheEnabled = false | mTempItem = androidx.viewpager.widget.ViewPager$ItemInfo@324917248 (0x135dd800) | mTempRect = android.graphics.Rect@324917280 (0x135dd820) | mTopPageBounds = 0 | mTouchSlop = 48 | mVelocityTracker = null | mAnimationListener = null | mCachePaint = null | mChildCountWithTransientState = 0 | mChildTransformation = null | mChildren = android.view.View[12]@324917304 (0x135dd838) | mChildrenCount = 0 | mChildrenInterestedInDrag = null | mCurrentDragChild = null | mCurrentDragStartEvent = null | mDefaultFocus = null | mDisappearingChildren = null | mFirstHoverTarget = null | mFirstTouchTarget = null | mFocused = null | mFocusedInCluster = null | mGroupFlags = 2375763 | mHoveredSelf = false | mInvalidateRegion = null | mInvalidationTransformation = null | mIsInterestedInDrag = false | mLastTouchDownIndex = -1 | mLastTouchDownTime = 0 | mLastTouchDownX = 0.0 | mLastTouchDownY = 0.0 | mLayoutAnimationController = null | mLayoutCalledWhileSuppressed = false | mLayoutMode = -1 | mLayoutTransitionListener = android.view.ViewGroup$2@324917368 (0x135dd878) | mLocalPoint = null | mNestedScrollAxes = 0 | mOnHierarchyChangeListener = null | mPersistentDrawingCache = 2 | mPreSortedChildren = null | mSuppressLayout = false | mTempPoint = float[2]@324917384 (0x135dd888) | mTooltipHoverTarget = null | mTooltipHoveredSelf = false | mTransientIndices = null | mTransientViews = null | mTransition = null | mTransitioningViews = null | mVisibilityChangingChildren = null | mAccessibilityCursorPosition = -1 | mAccessibilityDelegate = androidx.core.view.AccessibilityDelegateCompat$AccessibilityDelegateAdapter@324917408 (0x135dd8a0) | mAccessibilityTraversalAfterId = -1 | mAccessibilityTraversalBeforeId = -1 | mAccessibilityViewId = -1 | mAnimator = null | mAttachInfo = null | mAttributes = null | mAutofillHints = null | mAutofillId = null | mAutofillViewId = -1 | mBackground = null | mBackgroundRenderNode = null | mBackgroundResource = 0 | mBackgroundSizeChanged = true | mBackgroundTint = null | mBottom = 1890 | mCachingFailed = false | mCanTouchInOtherThread = false | mClipBounds = null | mContentDescription = null | mContext = by.naxa.soundrecorder.activities.MainActivity@324816272 (0x135c4d90) | mCurrentAnimation = null | mDefaultFocusHighlight = null | mDefaultFocusHighlightCache = null | mDefaultFocusHighlightEnabled = true | mDefaultFocusHighlightSizeChanged = true | mDrawableState = int[2]@1872552144 (0x6f9ce0d0) | mDrawingCache = null | mDrawingCacheBackgroundColor = 0 | mFloatingTreeObserver = null | mForceRTL = false | mForegroundInfo = null | mFrameMetricsObservers = null | mGhostView = null | mHasPerformedLongPress = false | mHwStateListAnimator = null | mID = 2131230851 | mIgnoreNextUpEvent = false | mInContextButtonPress = false | mInputEventConsistencyVerifier = null | mKeyedTags = null | mLabelForId = -1 | mLastIsOpaque = false | mLayerPaint = null | mLayerType = 0 | mLayoutInsets = null | mLayoutParams = androidx.coordinatorlayout.widget.CoordinatorLayout$LayoutParams@324917424 (0x135dd8b0) | mLeft = 0 | mLeftPaddingDefined = false | mListenerInfo = android.view.View$ListenerInfo@324917528 (0x135dd918) | mLongClickX = NaN | mLongClickY = NaN | mMatchIdPredicate = null | mMatchLabelForPredicate = null | mMeasureCache = android.util.LongSparseLongArray@324917600 (0x135dd960) | mMeasuredHeight = 1578 | mMeasuredWidth = 1080 | mMinHeight = 0 | mMinWidth = 0 | mNestedScrollingParent = null | mNextClusterForwardId = -1 | mNextFocusDownId = -1 | mNextFocusForwardId = -1 | mNextFocusLeftId = -1 | mNextFocusRightId = -1 | mNextFocusUpId = -1 | mOldHeightMeasureSpec = 1073743402 | mOldWidthMeasureSpec = 1073742904 | mOutlineProvider = android.view.ViewOutlineProvider$1@1872263200 (0x6f987820) | mOverScrollMode = 1 | mOverlay = null | mPaddingBottom = 0 | mPaddingLeft = 0 | mPaddingRight = 0 | mPaddingTop = 0 | mParent = androidx.coordinatorlayout.widget.CoordinatorLayout@324888544 (0x135d67e0) | mPendingCheckForLongPress = null | mPendingCheckForTap = null | mPerformClick = null | mPointerIcon = null | mPrivateFlags = -2128472048 | mPrivateFlags2 = 1611867688 | mPrivateFlags3 = 16 | mRecreateDisplayList = false | mRenderNode = android.view.RenderNode@324917624 (0x135dd978) | mResources = android.content.res.HwResources@324813096 (0x135c4128) | mRight = 1080 | mRightPaddingDefined = false | mRoundScrollbarRenderer = null | mRunQueue = android.view.HandlerActionQueue@324917648 (0x135dd990) | mScrollCache = null | mScrollIndicatorDrawable = null | mScrollX = 1080 | mScrollY = 0 | mSendViewScrolledAccessibilityEvent = null | mSendViewStateChangedAccessibilityEvent = null | mSendingHoverAccessibilityEvents = false | mStartActivityRequestWho = null | mStateListAnimator = null | mSystemUiVisibility = 0 | mTag = null | mTempNestedScrollConsumed = null | mTooltipInfo = null | mTop = 312 | mTouchDelegate = null | mTouchSlop = 24 | mTransformationInfo = android.view.View$TransformationInfo@324917664 (0x135dd9a0) | mTransientStateCount = 0 | mTransitionName = null | mUnscaledDrawingCache = null | mUnsetPressedState = null | mUserPaddingBottom = 0 | mUserPaddingEnd = -2147483648 | mUserPaddingLeft = 0 | mUserPaddingLeftInitial = 0 | mUserPaddingRight = 0 | mUserPaddingRightInitial = 0 | mUserPaddingStart = -2147483648 | mVerticalScrollFactor = 0.0 | mVerticalScrollbarPosition = 0 | mViewCheckedResult = 1 | mViewFlags = 402653185 | mVisibilityChangeForAutofillHandler = null | mWindowAttachCount = 1 | shadow$_klass_ = androidx.viewpager.widget.ViewPager | shadow$_monitor_ = -2073244975 * Instance of by.naxa.soundrecorder.activities.MainActivity$MyAdapter | static $classOverhead = byte[300]@323345657 (0x1345dcf9) | static $jacocoData = boolean[9]@324236728 (0x135375b8) | fragments = java.util.ArrayList@324916592 (0x135dd570) | this$0 = by.naxa.soundrecorder.activities.MainActivity@324816272 (0x135c4d90) | titles = java.util.ArrayList@324916616 (0x135dd588) | mCurTransaction = null | mCurrentPrimaryItem = by.naxa.soundrecorder.fragments.FileViewerFragment@324825792 (0x135c72c0) | mFragmentManager = androidx.fragment.app.FragmentManagerImpl@324825008 (0x135c6fb0) | mObservable = android.database.DataSetObservable@324916560 (0x135dd550) | mViewPagerObserver = androidx.viewpager.widget.ViewPager$PagerObserver@324916576 (0x135dd560) | shadow$_klass_ = by.naxa.soundrecorder.activities.MainActivity$MyAdapter | shadow$_monitor_ = 0 * Instance of by.naxa.soundrecorder.fragments.FileViewerFragment | static $classOverhead = byte[1384]@323352201 (0x1345f689) | static $jacocoData = boolean[18]@324237640 (0x13537948) | static LOG_TAG = "FileViewerFragment" | mFileViewerAdapter = by.naxa.soundrecorder.adapters.FileViewerAdapter@324825952 (0x135c7360) | observer = by.naxa.soundrecorder.fragments.FileViewerFragment$1@324825984 (0x135c7380) | mAdded = false | mAnimationInfo = null | mArguments = android.os.Bundle@324826008 (0x135c7398) | mBackStackNesting = 0 | mCalled = true | mChildFragmentManager = null | mChildNonConfig = null | mContainer = null | mContainerId = 0 | mDeferStart = false | mDetached = false | mFragmentId = 0 | mFragmentManager = null | mFromLayout = false | mHasMenu = false | mHidden = false | mHiddenChanged = false | mHost = null | mInLayout = false | mIndex = -1 | mInnerView = null | mIsCreated = false | mIsNewlyAdded = false | mLayoutInflater = null | mLifecycleRegistry = androidx.lifecycle.LifecycleRegistry@324826032 (0x135c73b0) | mMenuVisible = true | mParentFragment = null | mPerformedCreateView = false | mPostponedAlpha = 0.0 | mRemoving = false | mRestored = false | mRetainInstance = false | mRetaining = false | mSavedFragmentState = null | mSavedUserVisibleHint = null | mSavedViewState = android.util.SparseArray@324826064 (0x135c73d0) | mState = 0 | mTag = null | mTarget = null | mTargetIndex = -1 | mTargetRequestCode = 0 | mUserVisibleHint = true | mView = null | mViewLifecycleOwner = null | mViewLifecycleOwnerLiveData = androidx.lifecycle.MutableLiveData@324826088 (0x135c73e8) | mViewLifecycleRegistry = androidx.lifecycle.LifecycleRegistry@324826128 (0x135c7410) | mViewModelStore = androidx.lifecycle.ViewModelStore@324826160 (0x135c7430) | mWho = null | shadow$_klass_ = by.naxa.soundrecorder.fragments.FileViewerFragment | shadow$_monitor_ = 0 * Excluded Refs: | Field: android.os.Message.obj | Field: android.os.Message.next | Field: android.os.Message.target | Field: android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager.mNextServedView | Field: android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager.mServedView | Field: android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager.mServedInputConnection | Field: android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager.mCurRootView | Field: android.accounts.AccountManager$AmsTask$Response.this$1 | Field: android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo.mOriginalText | Field: com.android.internal.policy.BackdropFrameRenderer.mDecorView | Field: android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver.mMessageQueue (always) | Thread:FinalizerWatchdogDaemon (always) | Thread:main (always) | Thread:LeakCanary-Heap-Dump (always) | Class:java.lang.ref.WeakReference (always) | Class:java.lang.ref.SoftReference (always) | Class:java.lang.ref.PhantomReference (always) | Class:java.lang.ref.Finalizer (always) | Class:java.lang.ref.FinalizerReference (always)
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
#37 fix possible memory leaks
#35 Prevent misclicks on cards
No branches or pull requests
Device: Huawei
In by.naxa.soundrecorder:2.0.2:202.
Leak traces:
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: