Given an n x n 2D matrix, rotate it 90 degrees clockwise.
Prototype: def rotate_2d_matrix(matrix):
Do not return anything. The matrix must be edited in-place.
You can assume the matrix will have 2 dimensions and will not be empty.
- Given a list of list of integers, find a way to rotate and modify in-place
- Create a working copy so that i can reference the original
- Have row index pointer and column index pointer variables for iterating the matrix
- top row moves => right
- where the right has column index == len(row) - 1
- copying columns from right to left of the current row and placing them from bottom row (len(matrix) - 1) to top row (0) (incrementing the row index when moving from left to right)
- right row moves => bottom
- where the bottom has row index == len(matrix) - 1
- copying columns from bottom to top of the side and placing them from left (0) to right (len(row) - 1) (decrementing the column index when moving from top to bottom)
- bottom row moves => left
- where the left has column index == 0
- copying columns from left to right of the row and placing them from top row (0) to bottom row (len(matrix) - 1) (incrementing the row index when moving from left to right)
- left row moves => top
- where the top has row index == 0
- copying columns from top to bottom of the side and placing them from right (len(row) - 1) to left (0) (decrementing the column index when moving from top to bottom)
- middle rows moves =>
- to the column index == (previous used column index - 1)
- copying columns from left to right of the row and placing them in fitting positions (incrementing the row index when moving from left to right)
- Therefore to fill values from the first row, first column to the last row, last column =>
- starting from left (column index 0) until right (column index len(row) - 1)
- copy column values from bottom row (len(matrix) - 1) to top row (0) of the matrix (decrementing the row index when copying from left to right in each row) and inserting them from left (0) to right (len(row) - 1) in each row (incrementing the column index when moving from top to bottom)
Space Complexity => O(n) Time Complexity => O(n)
[[1, 2],
[3, 4]]
-- top => right
0, 0 => 0, 1
0, 1 => 1, 1
-- bottom => left
1, 0 => 0, 0
1, 1 => 1, 0
-- Therefore
1, 0 => 0, 0
0, 0 => 0, 1
1, 1 => 1, 0
0, 1 => 1, 1
[[1, 2, 3],
[4, 5, 6],
[7, 8, 9]]
-- top => right
0, 0 => 0, 2
0, 1 => 1, 2
0, 2 => 2, 2
-- middle => prev_column - 1
1, 0 => 0, 1
1, 1 => 1, 1
1, 2 => 2, 1
-- bottom => left
2, 0 => 0, 0
2, 1 => 1, 0
2, 2 => 2, 0
-- Therefore
2, 0 => 0, 0
1, 0 => 0, 1
0, 0 => 0, 2
2, 1 => 1, 0
1, 1 => 1, 1
0, 1 => 1, 2
2, 2 => 2, 0
1, 2 => 2, 1
0, 2 => 2, 2
[[1, 2, 3, 4],
[5, 6, 7, 8],
[9, 10, 11, 12],
[13, 14, 15, 16]]
-- top => right
0, 0 => 0, 3
0, 1 => 1, 3
0, 2 => 2, 3
0, 3 => 3, 3
-- 2nd => prev_column - 1
1, 0 => 0, 2
1, 1 => 1, 2
1, 2 => 2, 2
1, 3 => 3, 2
-- 3rd => prev_column - 1
2, 0 => 0, 1
2, 1 => 1, 1
2, 2 => 2, 1
2, 3 => 3, 1
-- bottom => left
3, 0 => 0, 0
3, 1 => 1, 0
3, 2 => 2, 0
3, 3 => 3, 0
-- Therefore
3, 0 => 0, 0
2, 0 => 0, 1
1, 0 => 0, 2
0, 0 => 0, 3
3, 1 => 1, 0
2, 1 => 1, 1
1, 1 => 1, 2
0, 1 => 1, 3
3, 2 => 2, 0
2, 2 => 2, 1
1, 2 => 2, 2
0, 2 => 2, 3
3, 3 => 3, 0
2, 3 => 3, 1
1, 3 => 3, 2
0, 3 => 3, 3
- Given a list of list of integers, find a way to rotate and modify in-place
- Use xor bit manipluation to swap values in two different locations
- Use row index pointer and column index pointer variables for iterating the matrix
- Transpose each row r from the first row with column c from the first column in matrix
- set row_index = 0
- set col_index = 0
- Loop each row from col_index until end of row
- swap the value in current location with its reverse location: matrix[r][c] swaps with matrix[c][r]
- Continue off in the next row starting from the last value of col_index
- Reverse each row
- Iterating each row swap values from left with right until the midpoint:
- matrix[r][index] swaps with matrix[r][row_size - 1 - index]
- Iterating each row swap values from left with right until the midpoint:
Space Complexity => O(1) Time Complexity => O(n)
[[1, 2],
[3, 4]]
- Transpose row n with column n
[[1, 3],
[2, 4]]
- Reverse each row
[[3, 1],
[4, 2]]
[[1, 2, 3],
[4, 5, 6],
[7, 8, 9]]
- Transpose row n with column n
[[1, 4, 7],
[2, 5, 8],
[3, 6, 9]]
- Reverse each row
[[7, 4, 1],
[8, 5, 2],
[9, 6, 3]]
[[1, 2, 3, 4],
[5, 6, 7, 8],
[9, 10, 11, 12],
[13, 14, 15, 16]]
- Transpose row n with column n
[[1, 5, 9, 13],
[2, 6, 10, 14],
[3, 7, 11, 15],
[4, 8, 12, 16]]
- Reverse each row
[[13, 9, 5, 1],
[14, 10, 6, 2],
[15, 11, 7, 3],
[16, 12, 8, 4]]