The Beanstalkd adapter uses the Pheanstalk library.
You need to require the library in composer:
"require": {
"myclabs/work": "*",
"pda/pheanstalk": "~2.0"
On your client side (MVC application for example):
// Connect to the Beanstalkd server
$connection = new Pheanstalk_Pheanstalk('');
// Use the following tube
$tube = 'my_tube';
$workDispatcher = new BeanstalkdWorkDispatcher($connection, $tube);
// Run a task in background
$task = new MyTask();
On the worker side (this script is meant to be run continuously as a deamon):
// Connect to the RabbitMQ server
$connection = new Pheanstalk_Pheanstalk('');
// Use the following tube
$tube = 'my_tube';
$worker = new BeanstalkdWorker($connection, $tube);
$worker->registerTaskExecutor('MyTask', new MyTaskExecutor());
// Execute tasks
The Beanstalkd adapter doesn't support the features provided by the SynchronousWorkDispatcher
In other words, you can't run a task and wait for it to finish, because Beanstalkd doesn't offer that feature.
If you really need that feature, use another adapter that supports it (for example the RabbitMQ adapter).