- Proposal: SE-0086
- Authors: Tony Parker anthony.parker@apple.com, Philippe Hausler phausler@apple.com
- Status: Under Review (May 9...16, 2016)
- Review manager: Doug Gregor
- SE-0069: Swift Mutability for Foundation
- v1 Initial version
As part of Swift 3 API Naming and the introduction of Swift Core Libraries, we are dropping the NS
prefix from key Foundation types in Swift.
A large proportion of the value that comes from using many programming languages derives from the libraries that ship with the compiler. These libraries provide common functionality, which in turn establish common design patterns for software written in the language. When a strong foundation of patterns and types is established, all higher level libraries and applications benefit. Code can easily interact with other libraries without awkward translation layers or annoying impedance mismatches.
With Swift, we established the most fundamental of these libraries as the Swift Standard Library. The standard library provides the most important and fundamental data structures and is intentionally kept small and focused. To provide a higher level of functionality than the standard library could (or should) include, we established another project called the Swift Core Libraries. These libraries are important enough to include on all platforms that Swift supports:
- Unit testing (swift-corelibs-xctest)
- Scheduling, multithreading, and locking primitives (swift-corelibs-dispatch)
- Internationalization, localization, additional model types, and portability (swift-corelibs-foundation)
We believe that the best way to establish these libraries as fundamental and native Swift libraries is to work towards making their naming style match the convention established by the standard library.
The first step was establishing naming conventions:
The second step was adjusting standard library API and importing the Cocoa SDK according to those conventions:
- SE-0006: Apply API Guidelines to the Standard Library
- SE-0005: Better Translation of Objective-C APIs Into Swift
The next step is to adjust the API of the Swift Core Libraries. This proposal is focused on swift-corelibs-foundation.
In addition to adopting the guidelines for method names, the names of the fundamental types should follow the spirit of the guidelines too. The type names should be clear, concise, and omit needless words or prefixes. In combination with adopting Swift semantics for many of these types (SE-0069), and continued improvement to the implementations, this will make core library API feel like it belongs to the Swift language instead of like a foreign invader.
Note: All changes proposed are for Swift only; Objective-C has no change.
We propose the following set of rules for deciding if the NS
prefix should be dropped:
- If the class is specifically for Objective-C, or inherently tied to the Objective-C runtime and
namespace, keepNS
prefix. Examples:NSObject
. - If the class is platform-specific, keep the
prefix. Many of these types are located in Foundation, but actually belong to the namespace of a higher-level framework like AppKit or UIKit. The higher level frameworks are keeping their prefixes, so these types should match. Examples:NSUserNotification
. - If the class has a value-type equivalent, then keep the
prefix, per SE-0069. Examples:NSArray
Note: As opposed to the original proposal from the beginning of Swift 3, this proposal narrows the scope of prefix-dropped types and takes advantage of Swift's ability to nest types to avoid polluting the global namespace with very general names.
The following types and symbols will drop their NS
prefix in Swift.
Objective-C Name | Swift Name | Note |
NSAttributedString | AttributedString | See note at bottom about future value types |
NSBlockOperation | BlockOperation | |
NSBundle | Bundle | |
NSByteCountFormatter | ByteCountFormatter | |
NSCache | Cache | |
NSCacheDelegate | CacheDelegate | |
NSCachedURLResponse | CachedURLResponse | |
NSCalendar | Calendar | |
NSComparisonPredicate | ComparisonPredicate | |
NSComparisonResult | ComparisonResult | |
NSCompoundPredicate | CompoundPredicate | |
NSCoder | Coder | |
NSCoding | Coding | |
NSCondition | Condition | |
NSConditionLock | ConditionLock | |
NSDateComponentsFormatter | DateComponentsFormatter | |
NSDateFormatter | DateFormatter | |
NSDateIntervalFormatter | DateIntervalFormatter | |
NSDiscardableContent | DiscardableContent | |
NSDistributedLock | DistributedLock | |
NSDistributedNotificationCenter | DistributedNotificationCenter | |
NSEnergyFormatter | EnergyFormatter | |
NSFileHandle | FileHandle | |
NSFileManager | FileManager | |
NSFileManagerDelegate | FileManagerDelegate | |
NSFileWrapper | FileWrapper | |
NSFormatter | Formatter | |
NSHashTable | HashTable | |
NSHost | Host | |
NSHTTPCookie | HTTPCookie | |
NSHTTPCookieStorage | HTTPCookieStorage | |
NSHTTPURLResponse | HTTPURLResponse | |
NSInputStream | InputStream | |
NSJSONSerialization | JSONSerialization | |
NSKeyedArchiver | KeyedArchiver | |
NSKeyedArchiverDelegate | KeyedArchiverDelegate | |
NSKeyedUnarchiver | KeyedUnarchiver | |
NSKeyedUnarchiverDelegate | KeyedUnarchiverDelegate | |
NSLengthFormatter | LengthFormatter | |
NSLocale | Locale | |
NSLock | Lock | |
NSLocking | Locking | |
NSMapTable | MapTable | |
NSMassFormatter | MassFormatter | |
NSMessagePort | MessagePort | |
NSMutableURLRequest | MutableURLRequest | |
NSNetService | NetService | |
NSNetServiceBrowser | NetServiceBrowser | |
NSNetServiceBrowserDelegate | NetServiceBrowserDelegate | |
NSNetServiceDelegate | NetServiceDelegate | |
NSNotificationCenter | NotificationCenter | |
NSNotificationName | NotificationName | |
NSNotificationQueue | NotificationQueue | |
NSNumberFormatter | NumberFormatter | |
NSOperatingSystemVersion | OperatingSystemVersion | |
NSOperation | Operation | |
NSOperationQueue | OperationQueue | |
NSOutputStream | OutputStream | The Swift standard library has a type named OutputStream which will be renamed to OutputStreamable . |
NSPersonNameComponentsFormatter | PersonNameComponentsFormatter | |
NSPipe | Pipe | |
NSPointerArray | PointerArray | |
NSPointerFunctions | PointerFunctions | |
NSPort | Port | |
NSPortDelegate | PortDelegate | |
NSPortMessage | PortMessage | |
NSPredicate | Predicate | |
NSProcessInfo | ProcessInfo | |
NSProgress | Progress | |
NSProgressReporting | ProgressReporting | |
NSPropertyListSerialization | PropertyListSerialization | |
NSPurgeableData | PurgeableData | |
NSQualityOfService | QualityOfService | |
NSRecursiveLock | RecursiveLock | |
NSRegularExpression | RegularExpression | |
NSRunLoop | RunLoop | |
NSScanner | Scanner | |
NSSocketNativeHandle | SocketNativeHandle | |
NSSocketPort | SocketPort | |
NSSortDescriptor | SortDescriptor | |
NSStream | Stream | |
NSStreamDelegate | StreamDelegate | |
NSTask | Task | |
NSTextCheckingResult | TextCheckingResult | |
NSThread | Thread | |
NSTimeInterval | TimeInterval | |
NSTimer | Timer | |
NSTimeZone | TimeZone | |
NSUndoManager | UndoManager | |
NSURLAuthenticationChallenge | URLAuthenticationChallenge | |
NSURLAuthenticationChallengeSender | URLAuthenticationChallengeSender | |
NSURLCache | URLCache | |
NSURLCredential | URLCredential | |
NSURLCredentialStorage | URLCredentialStorage | |
NSURLProtectionSpace | URLProtectionSpace | |
NSURLProtocol | URLProtocol | |
NSURLProtocolClient | URLProtocolClient | |
NSURLRequest | URLRequest | |
NSURLResponse | URLResponse | |
NSURLSession | URLSession | |
NSURLSessionConfiguration | URLSessionConfiguration | |
NSURLSessionDataDelegate | URLSessionDataDelegate | |
NSURLSessionDataTask | URLSessionDataTask | |
NSURLSessionDelegate | URLSessionDelegate | |
NSURLSessionDownloadDelegate | URLSessionDownloadDelegate | |
NSURLSessionDownloadTask | URLSessionDownloadTask | |
NSURLSessionStreamDelegate | URLSessionStreamDelegate | |
NSURLSessionStreamTask | URLSessionStreamTask | |
NSURLSessionTask | URLSessionTask | |
NSURLSessionTaskDelegate | URLSessionTaskDelegate | |
NSURLSessionUploadTask | URLSessionUploadTask | |
NSUserDefaults | UserDefaults | |
NSXMLDocument | XMLDocument | |
NSXMLElement | XMLElement | |
NSXMLNode | XMLNode | |
NSXMLParser | XMLParser | |
NSXMLParserDelegate | XMLParserDelegate |
The following types will be lifted up into a class container as a sub-type.
Old Name | New Name | Note |
NSActivityOptions | ProcessInfo.ActivityOptions | |
NSAppleEventSendOptions | NSAppleEventDescriptor.SendOptions | |
NSAttributedStringEnumerationOptions | AttributedString.EnumerationOptions | |
NSBackgroundActivityResult | NSBackgroundActivityScheduler.Result | |
NSByteCountFormatterCountStyle | ByteCountFormatter.CountStyle | |
NSByteCountFormatterUnits | ByteCountFormatter.Units | |
NSCalculationError | Decimal.CalculationError | |
NSCalendarOptions | Calendar.Options | |
NSCalendarUnit | Calendar.Unit | |
NSComparisonPredicateModifier | ComparisonPredicate.Modifier | |
NSComparisonPredicateOptions | ComparisonPredicate.Options | |
NSCompoundPredicateType | CompoundPredicate.LogicalType | |
NSDataBase64DecodingOptions | NSData.Base64DecodingOptions | Data will have a typealias |
NSDataBase64EncodingOptions | NSData.Base64EncodingOptions | Data will have a typealias |
NSDataReadingOptions | NSData.ReadingOptions | Data will have a typealias |
NSDataSearchOptions | NSData.SearchOptions | Data will have a typealias |
NSDataWritingOptions | NSData.WritingOptions | Data will have a typealias |
NSDateFormatterBehavior | DateFormatter.Behavior | |
NSDateFormatterStyle | DateFormatter.Style | |
NSDateIntervalFormatterStyle | DateIntervalFormatter.Style | |
NSDecodingFailurePolicy | Coder.DecodingFailurePolicy | |
NSDirectoryEnumerationOptions | FileManager.DirectoryEnumerationOptions | |
NSDistributedNotificationOptions | DistributedNotificationCenter.Options | |
NSEnergyFormatterUnit | EnergyFormatter.Unit | |
NSExpressionType | NSExpression.ExpressionType | |
NSFileCoordinatorReadingOptions | FileCoordinator.ReadingOptions | |
NSFileCoordinatorWritingOptions | FileCoordinator.WritingOptions | |
NSFileManagerItemReplacementOptions | FileManager.ItemReplacementOptions | |
NSFileManagerUnmountOptions | FileManager.UnmountOptions | |
NSFileVersionAddingOptions | FileVersion.AddingOptions | |
NSFileVersionReplacingOptions | FileVersion.ReplacingOptions | |
NSFileWrapperReadingOptions | FileWrapper.ReadingOptions | |
NSFileWrapperWritingOptions | FileWrapper.WritingOptions | |
NSFormattingContext | Formatter.Context | |
NSFormattingUnitStyle | Formatter.UnitStyle | |
NSHTTPCookieAcceptPolicy | HTTPCookie.AcceptPolicy | |
NSInsertionPosition | NSPositionalSpecifier.InsertionPosition | |
NSItemProviderErrorCode | NSItemProvider.ErrorCode | |
NSJSONReadingOptions | JSONSerialization.ReadingOptions | |
NSJSONWritingOptions | JSONSerialization.WritingOptions | |
NSLengthFormatterUnit | LengthFormatter.Unit | |
NSLinguisticTaggerOptions | NSLinguisticTagger.Options | |
NSLocaleLanguageDirection | Locale.LanguageDirection | |
NSMachPortOptions | NSMachPort.Options | |
NSMassFormatterUnit | MassFormatter.Unit | |
NSMatchingFlags | RegularExpression.MatchingFlags | |
NSMatchingOptions | RegularExpression.MatchingOptions | |
NSMeasurementFormatterUnitOptions | MeasurementFormatter.UnitOptions | |
NSNetServiceOptions | NetService.Options | |
NSNetServicesError | NetService.ErrorCode | |
NSNotificationCoalescing | NotificationQueue.NotificationCoalescing | |
NSNotificationSuspensionBehavior | DistributedNotificationCenter.SuspensionBehavior | |
NSNumberFormatterBehavior | NumberFormatter.Behavior | |
NSNumberFormatterPadPosition | NumberFormatter.PadPosition | |
NSNumberFormatterRoundingMode | NumberFormatter.RoundingMode | |
NSNumberFormatterStyle | NumberFormatter.Style | |
NSOperationQueuePriority | Operation.QueuePriority | |
NSPersonNameComponentsFormatterOptions | PersonNameComponentsFormatter.Options | |
NSPersonNameComponentsFormatterStyle | PersonNameComponentsFormatter.Style | |
NSPointerFunctionsOptions | PointerFunctions.Options | |
NSPostingStyle | NotificationQueue.PostingStyle | |
NSPredicateOperatorType | ComparisonPredicate.Operator | |
NSProcessInfoThermalState | ProcessInfo.ThermalState | |
NSPropertyListFormat | PropertyListSerialization.PropertyListFormat | |
NSPropertyListMutabilityOptions | PropertyListSerialization.MutabilityOptions | |
NSPropertyListReadOptions | PropertyListSerialization.ReadOptions | |
NSPropertyListWriteOptions | PropertyListSerialization.WriteOptions | |
NSRegularExpressionOptions | RegularExpression.Options | |
NSRelativePosition | NSRelativeSpecifier.RelativePosition | |
NSSearchPathDirectory | FileManager.SearchPathDirectory | |
NSSearchPathDomainMask | FileManager.SearchPathDomainMask | |
NSStreamEvent | Stream.Event | |
NSStreamStatus | Stream.Status | |
NSStringCompareOptions | NSString.CompareOptions | Also on String . See below for more information. |
NSStringEncoding | NSString.Encoding | Also on String . See below for more information. |
NSStringEncodingConversionOptions | NSString.EncodingConversionOptions | Also on String . See below for more information. |
NSStringEnumerationOptions | NSString.EnumerationOptions | |
NSTaskTerminationReason | Task.TerminationReason | |
NSTestComparisonOperation | NSSpecifierTest.TestComparisonOperation | |
NSTextCheckingType | TextCheckingResult.CheckingType | |
NSTimeZoneNameStyle | TimeZone.NameStyle | |
NSURLCacheStoragePolicy | URLCache.StoragePolicy | |
NSURLCredentialPersistence | URLCredential.Persistence | |
NSURLRelationship | FileManager.URLRelationship | |
NSURLRequestCachePolicy | URLRequest.CachePolicy | |
NSURLRequestNetworkServiceType | URLRequest.NetworkServiceType | |
NSURLSessionAuthChallengeDisposition | URLSession.AuthChallengeDisposition | |
NSURLSessionResponseDisposition | URLSession.ResponseDisposition | |
NSURLSessionTaskState | URLSessionTask.State | |
NSUserNotificationActivationType | NSUserNotification.ActivationType | |
NSVolumeEnumerationOptions | FileManager.VolumeEnumerationOptions | |
NSWhoseSubelementIdentifier | NSWhoseSpecifier.SubelementIdentifier | |
NSXMLDocumentContentKind | XMLDocument.ContentKind | |
NSXMLDTDNodeKind | XMLDTDNode.Kind | |
NSXMLNodeKind | XMLNode.Kind | |
NSXMLParserError | XMLParser.ErrorCode | |
NSXMLParserExternalEntityResolvingPolicy | XMLParser.ExternalEntityResolvingPolicy | |
NSXPCConnectionOptions | NSXPCConnection.Options |
enumeration members drop their suffix.
extension Expression {
public enum ExpressionType : UInt {
case constantValue
case evaluatedObject
case variable
case keyPath
case function
case unionSet
case intersectSet
case minusSet
case subquery
case aggregate
case anyKey
case block
@available(OSX 10.11, iOS 9.0, *)
case conditional
Enumerations associated with ComparisonPredicate
drop their suffix.
extension ComparisonPredicate {
public struct Options : OptionSet {
public init(rawValue: UInt)
public static var caseInsensitive: ComparisonPredicate.Options { get }
public static var diacriticInsensitive: ComparisonPredicate.Options { get }
public static var normalized: ComparisonPredicate.Options { get }
public enum Modifier : UInt {
case direct
case all
case any
public enum Operator : UInt {
case lessThan
case lessThanOrEqualTo
case greaterThan
case greaterThanOrEqualTo
case equalTo
case notEqualTo
case matches
case like
case beginsWith
case endsWith
case `in`
case customSelector
case contains
case between
and NSDateIntervalFormatterStyle
will drop the style suffix. no
will be renamed to none
extension DateIntervalFormatter {
@available(OSX 10.10, iOS 8.0, *)
public enum Style : UInt {
case none
case short
case medium
case long
case full
will drop the style suffix. no
will be renamed to none
extension NumberFormatter {
public enum Style : UInt {
case none
case decimal
case currency
case percent
case scientific
case spellOut
@available(OSX 10.11, iOS 9.0, *)
case ordinal
@available(OSX 10.11, iOS 9.0, *)
case currencyISOCode
@available(OSX 10.11, iOS 9.0, *)
case currencyPlural
@available(OSX 10.11, iOS 9.0, *)
case currencyAccounting
and NSXMLNodeKind
will be renamed.
extension XMLDocument {
public enum ContentKind : UInt {
case xml
case xhtml
case html
case text
extension XMLDTDNode {
public enum Kind : UInt {
case generalEntity
case parsedEntity
case unparsedEntity
case parameterEntity
case predefinedEntity
case cdataAttribute
case idAttribute
case idRefAttribute
case idRefsAttribute
case entityAttribute
case entitiesAttribute
case nmTokenAttribute
case nmTokensAttribute
case enumerationAttribute
case notationAttribute
case undefinedElementDeclaration
case emptyElementDeclaration
case anyElementDeclaration
case mixedElementDeclaration
case elementDeclarationElement
extension XMLNode {
public enum Kind : UInt {
case invalid
case document
case element
case attribute
case namespace
case processingInstruction
case comment
case text
case dtd
case entityDeclaration
case attributeDeclaration
case elementDeclaration
case notationDeclaration
Classes and types not enumerated above will keep their NS
prefix. Future API will be decided on a case-by-case basis following the rules outlined above.
has a number of free floating constants which will be renamed into members of a RawRepresentable
structure named String.Encoding
Previously the API was exposed as:
public typealias NSStringEncoding = UInt
public var NSASCIIStringEncoding: UInt { get }
public var NSNEXTSTEPStringEncoding: UInt { get }
public var NSJapaneseEUCStringEncoding: UInt { get }
public var NSUTF8StringEncoding: UInt { get }
public var NSISOLatin1StringEncoding: UInt { get }
public var NSSymbolStringEncoding: UInt { get }
public var NSNonLossyASCIIStringEncoding: UInt { get }
public var NSShiftJISStringEncoding: UInt { get }
public var NSISOLatin2StringEncoding: UInt { get }
public var NSUnicodeStringEncoding: UInt { get }
public var NSWindowsCP1251StringEncoding: UInt { get }
public var NSWindowsCP1252StringEncoding: UInt { get }
public var NSWindowsCP1253StringEncoding: UInt { get }
public var NSWindowsCP1254StringEncoding: UInt { get }
public var NSWindowsCP1250StringEncoding: UInt { get }
public var NSISO2022JPStringEncoding: UInt { get }
public var NSMacOSRomanStringEncoding: UInt { get }
public var NSUTF16StringEncoding: UInt { get }
public var NSUTF16BigEndianStringEncoding: UInt { get }
public var NSUTF16LittleEndianStringEncoding: UInt { get }
public var NSUTF32StringEncoding: UInt { get }
public var NSUTF32BigEndianStringEncoding: UInt { get }
public var NSUTF32LittleEndianStringEncoding: UInt { get }
With the renaming change String.Encoding
will be exposed as:
extension String {
public struct Encoding : RawRepresentable {
public var rawValue: UInt
public init(rawValue: UInt)
public static var ascii { get }
public static var nextstep { get }
public static var japaneseEUC { get }
public static var utf8 { get }
public static var isoLatin1 { get }
public static var symbol { get }
public static var nonLossyASCII { get }
public static var shiftJIS { get }
public static var isoLatin2 { get }
public static var unicode { get }
public static var windowsCP1251 { get }
public static var windowsCP1252 { get }
public static var windowsCP1253 { get }
public static var windowsCP1254 { get }
public static var windowsCP1250 { get }
public static var iso2022JP { get }
public static var macOSRoman { get }
public static var utf16 { get }
public static var utf16BigEndian { get }
public static var utf16LittleEndian { get }
public static var utf32 { get }
public static var utf32BigEndian { get }
public static var utf32LittleEndian { get }
All Swift projects will have to run through a migration step to use the new names.
We considered simply dropping the prefix from all types. However, this would cause quite a few conflicts with standard library types. Also, although Foundation's framework boundary is an easy place to programmatically draw the line for the drop-prefix behavior, the reality is that Foundation has API that feels like it belongs to higher level frameworks as well. We believe this approach better identifies the best candidates for dropping the prefix.
While it is tempting to consider leaving the NS
prefix on some names to "leave room" for future types, we believe we can instead mitigate any issue of possible future conflict with a variety of techniques. There are clear benefits for this proposal today:
- We have a consistent set of rules about which types keep the prefix and which ones drop it.
- There is no requirement to attempt prediction of all potential future API. Even seemingly straightforward changes now may take on a different shape given future language improvements or lessons learned.
- We believe the Foundation library and API adds real value today, and supports the goals outlined for the
If, in the future, a time comes when we wish to introduce a new concept that may want to use an unprefixed Foundation name, we have many options available to us:
- Code migration
- Extend existing name with new API
- Deprecation of existing name and replacement with new name
- Use a different name
We have used all of these techniques successfully in the past for Objective-C and Swift API.