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Unit testing with pytest

The practice of unit testing is this: when you write code, for every unit of software (function, subprogram, class) you create, you also write tests that ensure the software behaves as expected. Writing good tests is a learned skill; it takes time. However, with unit testing you'll likely save time and energy in the long run by identifying problems before they become serious.

Why unit testing?

It takes time to learn how to write unit tests. It takes time to write the tests themselves. Why should you, a busy ESP scientist, want to use unit testing as a part of your work? Here are some reasons why:

  • Models are software, and every piece of code you write should have tests to ensure it produces expected results.
  • People may be relying on the software you write. Stop bugs before they happen by writing tests.
  • You're probably writing code to analyze data for your thesis, or for a journal article. Write tests to check that the code is performing the analyses correctly.
  • Reviews on paper come back with requested revisions. When you modify code to make those revisions, testing lets you know if you broke anything.
  • Testing is a job skill. Not everyone has a job in academia; knowing unit testing is a useful skill if you take a job in software or data science.
  • Testing is a productivity tool! This may seem counterintuitive, since there's always additional work in testing, but it also gives you the confidence to explore and try things, knowing that your tests will let you know if you break anything.
  • Testing can make a team more efficient because untested, and possibly faulty, code can be caught before it's checked in to a repository.
  • Testing can provide metrics of success to a funding agency; e.g., the reliability of code produced on a project as measured through coverage statistics.

The pytest testing framework

There are several unit testing frameworks available in Python; e.g., nose, pytest, unittest, lettuce. At CSDMS, we use pytest.

pytest recursively searches a path for Python files that have "test" in their filename. It attempts to run any functions in these files that have "test" in their name. A simple example of using pytest is included in the lessons/best-practices directory. The module contains the function squareit:

def squareit(number):
    return number*number

The module includes one function, test_squareit, that defines a unit test for the example function:

from examples import squareit

def test_squareit():
    assert squareit(5) == 25

Note that the assert statement evaluates to True or False. A True result indicates the test passes.

Starting in the lessons/best-practices directory, run pytest with:

$ pytest -v
=============================== test session starts ================================
platform darwin -- Python 3.8.5, pytest-6.0.1, py-1.9.0, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /Users/mpiper/anaconda3/envs/espin/bin/python
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: /Users/mpiper/projects/espin/lessons/best-practices
collected 1 item PASSED                                       [100%]

================================ 1 passed in 0.02s =================================

pytest generates a report showing that the test passes.

Code coverage tools measure how much of a unit of code is evaluated by its tests. The coverage is expressed as a fraction of the total amount of code in the unit. In Python, the coverage package is used for code coverage. Run pytest and coverage together to generate coverage statistics:

$ coverage run -m pytest
=============================== test session starts ================================
platform darwin -- Python 3.8.5, pytest-6.0.1, py-1.9.0, pluggy-0.13.1
rootdir: /Users/mpiper/projects/espin/lessons/best-practices
collected 1 item .                                                           [100%]

================================ 1 passed in 0.01s =================================

Once statistics are generated, coverage can display a text report:

$ coverage report
Name               Stmts   Miss  Cover
--------------------------------------            2      0   100%       3      0   100%
TOTAL                  5      0   100%

and also an HTML report:

$ coverage html

which you can find at htmlcov/index.html.

It's important to note that while a coverage score of 100% is the goal for any project, the number itself isn't that important; it simply gives a developer a guide for where more testing can be done.

A question, a challenge

What would happen when a string is passed to squareit? Could you devise a test to catch this, then use it to suggest an improvement to squareit?


Every unit of code you write should include a test to ensure it behaves as expected. Unit testing may impose a cost in the short run, but in the long run, time and effort will likely be saved by exposing problems in your code before they become serious.

This table summarizes unit testing concepts covered in this section:

Concept Description
unit test code that checks whether another element of code produces the expected result
code coverage the amount of code evaluated by unit tests, expressed as a fraction of the total lines of code in a unit of software

This table summarizes the unit testing subcommands used in this section:

Command Description
pytest runs pytest on available unit tests
coverage runs coverage to generate code coverage stats for unit tests


  • Software Carpentry Incubator lesson on unit testing and continuous integration (in development)
  • Code Complete is a comprehensive reference for all aspects of software development; it includes a section on unit testing
  • pytest documentation
  • Clune and Rood (2011) provide a case study on how unit testing helped a NASA project
  • Ministry of Testing is an online resource for software test engineers

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