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Shopify CLI packaged for Nix

This is the shopify-cli packaged for Nix.


nix profile install github:mrhenry/nix-shopify-cli

Alternatively you can just run the CLI directly without permanently installing it:

nix run github:mrhenry/nix-shopify-cli -- <args>

Usage as a flake


Add nix-shopify-cli to your flake.nix:

  inputs.nix-shopify-cli.url = "*.tar.gz";

  outputs = { self, nix-shopify-cli }: {
    # Use in your outputs

Supported Systems

  • x86_64-linux
  • x86_64-darwin
  • aarch64-linux
  • aarch64-darwin


nix build
nix flake check

How to build a new version of shopify

  1. Update the package.json with the new version
  2. Run npm install && rm -rf node_modules (we only care about the lock file).
  3. Run nix flake check, Nix will complain that the download hash is outdated.
  4. Update downloadHash in default.nix with the new hash.
  5. Run nix flake check again, now it should build the new version.
  6. Run nix run -- <some args> to test the new version.
  7. When you are happy with the new version:
    1. push the changes to GitHub
    2. nix develop --command do-release
    3. Publish the draft release on github