😄 cryptoguess automatically detects and parses cryptography keys from files
$ find test/ -type f | xargs cryptoguess
test/pem-rsa-pubkey.txt: potential candidates: PEM encoded data: x509: DER encoded public key, PEM encoded data
test/jwt-token.txt: JWT signed token
test/ssh-rsa-authorized-key.txt: SSH authorized key
test/rsa-pubkey.txt: potential candidates: BASE64 encoded data: x509: DER encoded public key, BASE64 encoded data
test/crypto-memory/D.der: x509: PKCS#1 public key (RSA) in ASN.1 DER form
test/crypto-memory/E: PEM encoded data
test/crypto-memory/A.pub: SSH authorized key
test/crypto-memory/A: PEM encoded data
test/crypto-memory/B.pem: potential candidates: PEM encoded data: x509: PKCS#1 public key (RSA) in ASN.1 DER form, PEM encoded data
test/crypto-memory/B.pub: SSH authorized key
test/crypto-memory/D.with-password: PEM encoded data
test/crypto-memory/C.pub: SSH authorized key
test/crypto-memory/D: potential candidates: PEM encoded data: x509: PKCS#1 private key (RSA) in ASN.1 DER form, PEM encoded data
test/crypto-memory/D.pub: SSH authorized key
test/crypto-memory/A.der: x509: PKCS#1 public key (RSA) in ASN.1 DER form
test/crypto-memory/B: PEM encoded data
test/crypto-memory/C: PEM encoded data
test/crypto-memory/B.der: x509: PKCS#1 public key (RSA) in ASN.1 DER form
test/crypto-memory/F.pem: potential candidates: PEM encoded data: x509: PKCS#1 public key (RSA) in ASN.1 DER form, PEM encoded data
test/crypto-memory/D.pem: potential candidates: PEM encoded data: x509: PKCS#1 public key (RSA) in ASN.1 DER form, PEM encoded data
test/crypto-memory/F.pub: SSH authorized key
test/crypto-memory/A.pem: potential candidates: PEM encoded data: x509: PKCS#1 public key (RSA) in ASN.1 DER form, PEM encoded data
test/crypto-memory/F.der: x509: PKCS#1 public key (RSA) in ASN.1 DER form
$ find test/ -type f | xargs file
test/pem-rsa-pubkey.txt: ASCII text
test/jwt-token.txt: ASCII text, with very long lines, with no line terminators
test/ssh-rsa-authorized-key.txt: OpenSSH RSA public key
test/rsa-pubkey.txt: ASCII text, with very long lines, with no line terminators
test/crypto-memory/D.der: data
test/crypto-memory/E: OpenSSH private key
test/crypto-memory/A.pub: OpenSSH RSA public key
test/crypto-memory/A: OpenSSH private key
test/crypto-memory/B.pem: ASCII text
test/crypto-memory/B.pub: OpenSSH RSA public key
test/crypto-memory/D.with-password: PEM RSA private key
test/crypto-memory/C.pub: OpenSSH ED25519 public key
test/crypto-memory/D: PEM RSA private key
test/crypto-memory/D.pub: OpenSSH RSA public key
test/crypto-memory/A.der: data
test/crypto-memory/B: OpenSSH private key
test/crypto-memory/C: OpenSSH private key
test/crypto-memory/B.der: data
test/crypto-memory/F.pem: ASCII text
test/crypto-memory/D.pem: ASCII text
test/crypto-memory/F.pub: OpenSSH RSA public key
test/crypto-memory/A.pem: ASCII text
test/crypto-memory/F.der: data
$ cryptoguess --debug test/ssh-rsa-authorized-key.txt
test/ssh-rsa-authorized-key.txt: SSH authorized key
- PEM encoded data: err: no PEM data found
- SSH authorized key: *cryptoguess.ParsedSSHAuthorizedKey: &{0xc00005c8c0 lorem ipsum []}
- x509 DER encoded public key: err: asn1: structure error: tags don't match (16 vs {class:1 tag:19 length:115 isCompound:true}) {optional:false explicit:false application:false private:false defaultValue:<nil> tag:<nil> stringType:0 timeType:0 set:false omitEmpty:false} publicKeyInfo @2
$ cryptoguess -h
cryptoguess - A new cli application
cryptoguess [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--debug, -D (default: false)
--list, -l (default: false)
--help, -h show help (default: false)
--version, -v print the version (default: false)
Encoding | Status | Recursive |
aes | 🔴 | 🔴 |
ascii85 | 🔴 | 🔴 |
asn1 | 🔴 | 🔴 |
base32 | 🔴 | 🔴 |
base64 | ✅ | ✅ |
cipher | 🔴 | 🔴 |
csv | 🔴 | 🔴 |
des | 🔴 | 🔴 |
dsa | 🔴 | 🔴 |
ecdsa | 🔴 | 🔴 |
elliptic | 🔴 | 🔴 |
encodings (utf-8) | 🔴 | 🔴 |
encrypted jwt | 🔴 | 🔴 |
gob | 🔴 | 🔴 |
gzip,lzw,... | 🔴 | 🔴 |
json | 🔴 | 🔴 |
pem | ✅ | ✅ |
rsa | 🔴 | 🔴 |
signed jwt | ✅ | 🔴 |
ssh | ✅ | 🔴 |
tls | 🔴 | 🔴 |
url escaped | 🔴 | 🔴 |
x509: DER certificate list | ✅ | n/a |
x509: Elliptic Curve private key | ✅ | n/a |
x509: PKCS#1 RSA private key | ✅ | n/a |
x509: PKCS#8 private key | ✅ | n/a |
x509: PKCS#8 public key | ✅ | n/a |
x509: PKIX public key | ✅ | n/a |
x509: certificate | ✅ | n/a |
x509: certificate list | ✅ | n/a |
x509: certificate request | ✅ | n/a |
x509: certificates | ✅ | n/a |
xml | 🔴 | 🔴 |
$ go get -u moul.io/cryptoguess
$ go get -u moul.io/cryptoguess/cryptoguess
See https://godoc.org/moul.io/cryptoguess/cryptoguess
© 2019-2021 Manfred Touron - Apache-2.0 License