Transform the request sent by a client on the fly on Janus, before hitting the upstream server.
The plain request transformer config:
"request_transformer": {
"enabled": true,
"config": {
"add": {
"headers": {
"X-Something": "Value"
"querystring": {
"test": "value"
"append": {
"headers": {
"X-Something-More": "Value"
"querystring": {
"extra": "stuff"
"replace": {
"headers": {
"X-Something": "New Value"
"querystring": {
"test": "new value"
"remove": {
"headers": {
"X-Something": ""
"querystring": {
"test": ""
Here is a simple definition of the available configurations.
Configuration | Description |
name | Name of the plugin to use, in this case: request-transformer |
config.remove.headers | List of header names. Unset the headers with the given name. |
config.remove.querystring | List of querystring names. Remove the querystring if it is present. |
config.replace.headers | List of headername:value pairs. If and only if the header is already set, replace its old value with the new one. Ignored if the header is not already set. |
config.replace.querystring | List of queryname:value pairs. If and only if the header is already set, replace its old value with the new one. Ignored if the header is not already set. |
config.add.headers | List of headername:value pairs. If and only if the header is not already set, set a new header with the given value. Ignored if the header is already set. |
config.add.querystring | List of queryname:value pairs. If and only if the querystring is not already set, set a new querystring with the given value. Ignored if the header is already set. |
config.append.headers | List of headername:value pairs. If the header is not set, set it with the given value. If it is already set, a new header with the same name and the new value will be set. |
config.append.querystring | List of queryname:value pairs. If the querystring is not set, set it with the given value. If it is already set, a new querystring with the same name and the new value will be set. |
Plugin performs the response transformation in following order
remove --> replace --> add --> append