NOTE: v1 README is here
ARIB STD-B24 Captione Renderer
- ARIB STD-B24 Caption Rendering
- Caption (A Profile)
- Superimpose (A Profile)
- Support various broadcast specification
- ARIB STD-B24 (TR-B14, TR-B15)
- SBTVD ABNT NBR 15606-1
- Support various streaming protocol embedded ARIB STD-B24
- MPEG-TS (xqq/mpegts.js):
- Private Stream: Specified by ARIB STD-B24
- ID3 Timed Metadata: Sent by xtne6f/tsreadex
- HLS:
- ID3 Timed Metadata: above MPEG-TS ID3 Timed Metadata
- MPEG-TS (xqq/mpegts.js):
- Support various rendering methods
- Canvas (CanvasMainThreadRenderer, CanvasWebWorkerRenderer)
- SVG (SVGDOMRenderer)
- HTML (HTMLFragmentRenderer)
- Text (TextRenderer)
- also CLI Tools Availables
- ts2sup: ARIB STD-B24 to SUP (PGS)
- ts2imsc: ARIB STD-B24 to IMSC (Image Profile)
- ts2b36: ARIB STD-B24 to ARIB STD-B36
- Use glyph data from 和田研中丸ゴシック2004ARIB for ARIB additional symbol rendering.
- Embedded glyph data exported from the font which is released under public domain license.
- Inspired by b24.js.
- The pioneer of ARIB caption rendering on Web.
- Influenced by TVCaptionMod2.
- Got lots of feedback form the project author and heavily inspired by it.
<script src="mpegts.js"></script>
<script type="module">
import { Controller, MPEGTSFeeder, CanvasWebWorkerRenderer } from "./aribb24.mjs";
const video = document.getElementById('video');
const controller = new Controller();
const feeder = new MPEGTSFeeder();
const renderer = new CanvasWebWorkerRenderer();
player.on(mpegts.Events.PES_PRIVATE_DATA_ARRIVED, (data) => {
feeder.feedB24(new Uint8Array(, (data.pts ?? data.nearest_pts) / 1000, (data.dts ?? data.nearest_pts) / 1000);
player.on(mpegts.Events.TIMED_ID3_METADATA_ARRIVED, (data) => {
feeder.feedID3(new Uint8Array(, (data.pts ?? data.nearest_pts) / 1000, (data.dts ?? data.nearest_pts) / 1000);
type FeederOption = Partial<{
recieve: {
association: 'ARIB' | 'SBTVD' | null; // null is AutoDetect
type: 'Caption' | 'Superimpose';
language: number | string; // index or iso language code
tokenizer: {
pua: boolean; // use PUA for ARIB NON-STANDARD CHARACTER
offset: {
time: number,
type CanvasRendererOption = Partial<{
font: {
normal: string;
arib: string;
replace: {
half: boolean, // default: true
drcs: Map<string, string>,
glyph: Map<string, PathElement>,
color: {
stroke: string | null,
foreground: string | null,
background: string | null,
resize: {
target: 'video' | 'container'
objectFit: 'contain' | 'none'