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File metadata and controls

214 lines (178 loc) · 18.8 KB


这个文件夹包含了一些在使用 Data-Juicer 之前和之后可以用上的多模态数据集处理脚本和工具。


经过Data-Juicer处理过的数据,输出的多模态数据的路径为绝对路径,并且可能是来自不同源的多模态数据,它们被存储在不同的根目录下。 为了将绝对路径转化为相对路径,并且方便数据迁移,我们这里提供了将绝对路径转化为相对路径的工具,并且支持将相关的多源多模态数据拷贝到同一目录下。 该工具输入和输出都是 Data-Juicer 格式的数据,如果想要转化成其他格式数据并保持相对路径,请先运行该工具再执行下一节的数据集格式转换。 可以运行以下命令来了解绝对路径转化相对路径工具的详细用法:

python tools/fmt_conversion/multimodal/ --help


由于不同多模态数据集和工作之间的数据集格式差异较大, Data-Juicer 提出了一种新颖的、中间的、 基于文本的、交替的多模态数据格式,主要基于一些按块(chunk)组织的格式,如MMC4数据集格式。

在 Data-Juicer 的格式中,一个多模态样本或者文档基于一段文本组织,其由若干个文本块组成。 每个文本块是一个语义单元,单个文本块中包括的所有多模态信息都应该在谈论同样的事情,并且它们彼此语义上是对齐的。

下面这里是一个 Data-Juicer 格式的多模态样本示例。

  • 它包括4个文本块,它们由特殊token <|__dj__eoc|> 分割开。
  • 除了文本,这个样本还包括3种其他模态:图像(images),音频(audios),视频(videos)。 它们保存在硬盘上,而它们的硬盘路径列举在了样本中对应的一级字段的列表里。
  • 在文本中,其他模态被表示为了特殊token(例如,图像 -- <__dj__image>)。 每种模态的特殊token所表示的数据按照它们在文本中出现的顺序对应到列表中的路径上。 (例如,第3个文本块中的2个图像token分别对应了图像路径列表中的antarctica_map图像和europe_map图像)
  • 在单个文本块中,可以由多种模态的数据以及多个模态特殊token,它们彼此是语义上对齐的,而且它们与该文本块中的文本也是语义对齐的。 这些模态特殊token在文本块中可以处于任意位置(通常处于文本前或者文本后)
  • 不同于纯文本样本,对于多模态样本来说,为其他模态计算的stats可能为针对多模态数据列表的一个stats列表(如例子中的image_widths)。
  "text": "<__dj__image> Antarctica is Earth's southernmost and least-populated continent. <|__dj__eoc|> "
          "<__dj__video> <__dj__audio> Situated almost entirely south of the Antarctic Circle and surrounded by the "
          "Southern Ocean (also known as the Antarctic Ocean), it contains the geographic South Pole. <|__dj__eoc|> "
          "Antarctica is the fifth-largest continent, being about 40% larger than Europe, "
          "and has an area of 14,200,000 km2 (5,500,000 sq mi). <__dj__image> <__dj__image> <|__dj__eoc|> "
          "Most of Antarctica is covered by the Antarctic ice sheet, "
          "with an average thickness of 1.9 km (1.2 mi). <|__dj__eoc|>",
  "images": [
  "audios": [
  "videos": [
  "meta": {
    "src": "customized",
    "version": "0.1",
    "author": "xxx"
  "stats": {
    "lang": "en",
    "image_widths": [224, 336, 512],

根据这个格式,Data-Juicer 为一些流行的多模态工作提供了若干数据集格式转换工具。


  • 其他格式到 Data-Juicer 格式的转换:这些工具在 source_format_to_data_juicer_format 目录中。它们可以帮助将其他格式的数据集转换为 Data-Juicer 格式的目标数据集。
  • Data-Juicer 格式到其他格式的转换:这些工具在 data_juicer_format_to_target_format 目录中。它们可以帮助将 Data-Juicer 格式的数据集转换为目标格式的数据集。

目前,Data-Juicer 支持的数据集格式在下面表格中列出。

格式 类型 source_format_to_data_juicer_format data_juicer_format_to_target_format 格式参考
类LLaVA格式 图像-文本 格式描述
类MMC4格式 图像-文本 格式描述
类WavCaps格式 音频-文本 格式描述
类Video-ChatGPT格式 视频-文本 格式描述
类Youku-mPLUG格式 视频-文本 格式描述
类InternVid格式 视频-文本 格式描述


# 例如
python tools/fmt_conversion/multimodal/source_format_to_data_juicer_format/ --help



将源数据集转换为 Data-Juicer 格式并再次转换回来后,可能会有一些微小的差异。然而,这些差异几乎不会影响数据集的语义信息。下面我们将详细展示每个支持的源格式中可能存在的这些微小差异。


类LLaVA格式数据集的格式在 这里 有具体的定义。尽管它很简单,但在实际场景中,某些样本可能会出现轻微的变体。

这里我们以LLaVA的 视觉指令微调数据集 为例,展示这些变化如何影响数据集的格式。下表显示了原始数据集和经过若干处理后数据集之间不同样本的数量。原始数据集中有665,298个样本。

处理过程 不同样本数目
1. 运行 113,501
2. 将源数据集的id字段由整型转为字符串类型 41,361
3. 将源数据集中对话的所有value字段前后的空格去除 40,688
4. 在转换后的数据集样本中添加 'model': '' 字段 1

值得注意的是,处理过程 2-4 并不会影响数据集中样本对话的语义,因此我们可以认为数据集格式转换工具的转换结果能够对齐源数据集。


# 原始对话
        "value":"sentry self hosted api 504"
        "text":"A 504 error when using the Sentry self-hosted API typically indicates that the API request timed out. This means that the server hosting the API did not receive a response from the client within the expected time frame.\n\nHere are a few possible reasons for a 504 error when using the Sentry self-hosted API:\n\nSlow network connection: The API request may be taking longer than expected due to a slow network connection. Check your network connection and try again.\n\nServer overload: The server hosting the API may be overloaded with requests. Try again later when the server load has decreased.\n\nLarge dataset: If you are trying to retrieve a large amount of data, the API request may take longer than expected. Try breaking up the request into smaller chunks or optimizing the query to retrieve only the necessary data.\n\nAPI endpoint issues: There may be issues with the specific API endpoint you are using. Try using a different endpoint or contact the Sentry support team for assistance.\n\nTo resolve a 504 error when using the Sentry self-hosted API, try the following:\n\nCheck your network connection and ensure that it is stable.\n\nVerify that the server hosting the API is not overloaded with requests.\n\nOptimize the query to retrieve only the necessary data.\n\nTry using a different API endpoint.\n\nIf the issue persists, contact the Sentry support team for assistance.",
        "value":"A 504 error when using the Sentry self-hosted API typically indicates that the API request timed out. This means that the server hosting the API did not receive a response from the client within the expected time frame.\n\nHere are a few possible reasons for a 504 error when using the Sentry self-hosted API:\n\n1. Slow network connection: The API request may be taking longer than expected due to a slow network connection. Check your network connection and try again.\n2. Server overload: The server hosting the API may be overloaded with requests. Try again later when the server load has decreased.\n3. Large dataset: If you are trying to retrieve a large amount of data, the API request may take longer than expected. Try breaking up the request into smaller chunks or optimizing the query to retrieve only the necessary data.\n4. API endpoint issues: There may be issues with the specific API endpoint you are using. Try using a different endpoint or contact the Sentry support team for assistance.\n\nTo resolve a 504 error when using the Sentry self-hosted API, try the following:\n\n1. Check your network connection and ensure that it is stable.\n2. Verify that the server hosting the API is not overloaded with requests.\n3. Optimize the query to retrieve only the necessary data.\n4. Try using a different API endpoint.\n\nIf the issue persists, contact the Sentry support team for assistance.",
            "answer":"A 504 error when using the Sentry self-hosted API typically indicates that the API request timed out. This means that the server hosting the API did not receive a response from the client within the expected time frame.\n\nHere are a few possible reasons for a 504 error when using the Sentry self-hosted API:\n\n1. Slow network connection: The API request may be taking longer than expected due to a slow network connection. Check your network connection and try again.\n\n2. Server overload: The server hosting the API may be overloaded with requests. Try again later when the server load has decreased.\n\n3. Large dataset: If you are trying to retrieve a large amount of data, the API request may take longer than expected. Try breaking up the request into smaller chunks or optimizing the query to retrieve only the necessary data.\n\n4. API endpoint issues: There may be issues with the specific API endpoint you are using. Try using a different endpoint or contact the Sentry support team for assistance.\n\nTo resolve a 504 error when using the Sentry self-hosted API, try the following:\n\n1. Check your network connection and ensure that it is stable.\n\n2. Verify that the server hosting the API is not overloaded with requests.\n\n3. Optimize the query to retrieve only the necessary data.\n\n4. Try using a different API endpoint.\n\nIf the issue persists, contact the Sentry support team for assistance."

# 转换后的对话
        "value":"sentry self hosted api 504"
        "value":"A 504 error when using the Sentry self-hosted API typically indicates that the API request timed out. This means that the server hosting the API did not receive a response from the client within the expected time frame.\n\nHere are a few possible reasons for a 504 error when using the Sentry self-hosted API:\n\n1. Slow network connection: The API request may be taking longer than expected due to a slow network connection. Check your network connection and try again.\n2. Server overload: The server hosting the API may be overloaded with requests. Try again later when the server load has decreased.\n3. Large dataset: If you are trying to retrieve a large amount of data, the API request may take longer than expected. Try breaking up the request into smaller chunks or optimizing the query to retrieve only the necessary data.\n4. API endpoint issues: There may be issues with the specific API endpoint you are using. Try using a different endpoint or contact the Sentry support team for assistance.\n\nTo resolve a 504 error when using the Sentry self-hosted API, try the following:\n\n1. Check your network connection and ensure that it is stable.\n2. Verify that the server hosting the API is not overloaded with requests.\n3. Optimize the query to retrieve only the necessary data.\n4. Try using a different API endpoint.\n\nIf the issue persists, contact the Sentry support team for assistance."


类MMC4数据集的格式在 这里 定义。除了在转换为Data-Juicer格式时使用的image_infotext_list之外,还有一个重要的字段similarity_matrix,即相似度矩阵。相似度矩阵是一个形状为len(image_info) x len(text_list)的矩阵,这意味着它高度依赖于图像和文本句子的数量及其顺序。




WavCaps 数据集由 FreeSoundBBC Sound EffectsSoundBibleAudioSet Strongly-labelled Subset 四个子数据集组成,每个数据集里都有不同的字段。例如SoundBible里包含了‘description’字段,而该字段在AudioSet里并不存在。为了保证不同子数据集在转换后能够正常合并,在wavcaps_to_dj阶段使用了所有子数据集字段的并集,并在dj_to_wavcaps阶段完整保留了所有字段。

# 原始数据集
{ "num_captions_per_audio": 1,
  "data": [{
        "title": "Airplane Landing Airport",
        "description": "Large commercial airplane landing at an airport runway.",
        "author": "Daniel Simion",
        "href": "2219-Airplane-Landing-Airport.html",
        "caption": "An airplane is landing.",
        "id": "2219",
        "duration": 14.1424375,
        "audio": "wav_path",
        "download_link": ""}]

# 转换后数据集
{ "num_captions_per_audio": 1,
  "data": [{
        "title": "Airplane Landing Airport",
        "description": "Large commercial airplane landing at an airport runway.",
        "author": "Daniel Simion",
        "href": "2219-Airplane-Landing-Airport.html",
        "caption": "An airplane is landing.",
        "id": "2219",
        "duration": 14.1424375,
        "audio": "wav_path",
        "download_link": "",
        "category": "",
        "tags": "" }]



  • 视频摘要主题
  • 基于描述的问题答案(探索空间、时间、关系和推理概念);
  • 以及创意/生成性问题解答。 它们都遵循“<question,answer,video_id>”格式,其中“video_id”表示为YouTube视频的id:“v_youtube_id”。 我们假设用户已经下载了这些视频,在使用转换工具时需要指定相应的存储目录。


Youku-mPLUG数据集中一共有4种类型的格式:pretrain,classification, retrieval,captioning。它们在字段名称或者其他属性上会有轻微的差异,但是所有类型都遵从 <video, caption> 的格式。



  • YoutubeID: 样本中使用的视频的Youtube ID。我们假设用户已经下载了这些视频, 并且这个字段已经被替换为了视频的存储路径。
  • Start_timestamp: 与caption对应的视频片段的开始时间戳字符串。
  • End_timestamp: 与caption对应的视频片段的结束时间戳字符串
  • Caption: 与视频片段对应的caption。

正如我们看到,该数据集中的caption对应到了一段由开始/结束时间戳指定的视频片段,而非整段视频。 因此,如果 cut_videos 参数设置为 True,针对该数据集的转换工具会为您剪辑出指定的视频片段。 您也可以在转换前自行对下载的视频进行剪辑。



  • video_id: 样本中使用的视频的文件名,未包含文件后缀。我们假设用户已经下载了这些视频。
  • caption: 与视频对应的caption。