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Awesome WebLLM

This page contains a curated list of examples, tutorials, blogs about WebLLM usecases. Please send a pull request if you find things that belongs to here.

Example Projects

Note that all examples below run in-browser and use WebGPU as a backend.

Project List

Advanced OpenAI API Capabilities

These examples demonstrate various capabilities via WebLLM's OpenAI-like API.

  • streaming: return output as chunks in real-time in the form of an AsyncGenerator
  • json-mode: efficiently ensure output is in json format, see OpenAI Reference for more.
  • json-schema: besides guaranteeing output to be in JSON, ensure output to adhere to a specific JSON schema specified the user
  • function-calling: function calling with fields tools and tool_choice.
  • seed-to-reproduce: use seeding to ensure reproducible output with fields seed.

Chrome Extension


  • logit-processor: while logit_bias is supported, we additionally support stateful logit processing where users can specify their own rules. We also expose low-level API forwardTokensAndSample().
  • cache-usage: demonstrates how WebLLM supports both the Cache API and IndexedDB cache, and users can pick with appConfig.useIndexedDBCache. Also demonstrates various cache utils such as checking whether a model is cached, deleting a model's weights from cache, deleting a model library wasm from cache, etc.
  • simple-chat-upload: demonstrates how to upload local models to WebLLM instead of downloading via a URL link

Demo Spaces

  • web-llm-embed: document chat prototype using react-llm with transformers.js embeddings
  • DeVinci: AI chat app based on WebLLM and hosted on decentralized cloud platform