- Machine Learning, Andrew Ng, Coursera
- Machine Learning from Scratch, Erik Linder-Noren
- 모두를 위한 머신러닝/딥러닝 강의, 김성훈 (in Korean)
- It includes Season 1 with TensorFlow, Season RL, Season NLP.
- Season 2 with Pytorch is at the separate website.
- NYU DS-GA 1008: Deep Learning, Yann LeCun and Alfredo Canziani (Github)
- MIT Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence Lectures, Lex Fridman
- Deep Learning with PyTorch, Eli Stevens, Luca Aniga, and Thomas Viehmann
- My Humble DL Tutorial with PyTorch, Sunglok Choi
- The PyTorch official homepage
- (Local) Installation
- cf. CUDA Toolkit Archive, NVIDIA: To download a specific version of CUDA
- Tutorials (translation in Korean)
- API Reference (everything) and Cheat Sheet (brief summary)
- (Local) Installation
- ConvNetJS, Andrej Karpathy
- TensorFlow Playground
- Stanford CS231n: CNN for Visual Recognition, Fei-Fei Li and many others
- Useful tools: OpenCV
- Stanford CS224n: NLP with DL
- 딥러닝을 이용한 자연어처리 입문, 유원준, Wikidocs (in Korean)
- His series of online books: 딥러닝을 이용한 자연어처리 심화, PyTorch로 시작하는 딥러닝 입문
- 딥러닝을 이용한 자연어처리, 조경현, edwith (in Korean)
- His course slides are available at his homepage.
- NL Tutorial and NL Study Roadmap, Tae Hwan Jung
- BGU 202-2-5381: Natural Language Processing, Michael Elhadad
- Ki's blog, 김기현 (in Korean)
- 한국어 임베딩, 이기창
- Useful collections of links
- 한국어 NLP 관련 링크 정리, 조재민
- 한국어 자연어처리 데이터셋 목록 / 한국어 (사전훈련된) 언어모델 목록, 아기여우의 자기계발로그
- Awesome Korean Data, 송영숙