- start a new draft adjudication
- add incident details, offence rules and roles, statements, damages, evidence and witnesses to the draft
- submit a draft, creating a reported adjudication
- review a reported adjudication
- add amend hearings and outcomes
- add / amend punishments
The frontend can be found here: https://github.com/ministryofjustice/hmpps-manage-adjudications
Swagger is found here https://manage-adjudications-api-dev.hmpps.service.justice.gov.uk/swagger-ui/index.html
The Active-Caseload header parameter is used in conjunction with the front end, to avoid prisoner officers or ALO's navigating to records they are not allowed to action, it is only use for endpoints for a specific resource, and is not used for all reports endpoints
if (listOf(reportedAdjudication.originatingAgencyId, overrideAgencyId)
.none { it == authenticationFacade.activeCaseload }
) {
Transfers are handled by events within the api. If a prisoner is transferred, a service will identify whether the prisoner has any transfer in a transferable state, and will mark the new agency as the override agency
fun processTransferEvent(prisonerNumber: String?, agencyId: String?) {
Due to nomis synchronisation, confirm if a new nomis code is required. The majority of work to add a new offence is handled by the front end, based on the questions and decision paths.
The api would require a new OffenceCode, the original mapping spreadsheet can be found at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Dx1CRSeJTjIQhDY8v4NrxYk-sUhVgbZgiW08WOo1Hk0/edit?usp_dm=false#gid=1375955278
Paragraph descriptions will need gender based content
Offences can now be versioned, the default will be versions 1 and 2. To add additional policy changes add a version, ie 3 to the defaults, and then add or exclude offences from the relevant versions. The UI will controls the version flag
enum class OffenceCodes(val applicableVersions: List<Int> = listOf(1, 2)
ADULT_51_1A(applicableVersions = listOf(1), nomisCode = "51:1A", paragraph = "1(a)", uniqueOffenceCodes = listOf(1001, 1003, 1005, 1021, 1007), paragraphDescription = Descriptions.YOI_2_ADULT_1A),
ADULT_51_1A_24(applicableVersions = listOf(2), nomisCode = "51:1A (24)", paragraph = "1(a)", uniqueOffenceCodes = listOf(100124, 100324, 100524, 102124, 100724), paragraphDescription = Descriptions.YOI_2A_24_ADULT_1A_24),
Bear in mind, any offence that no longer exists in the current version can be accessible from the front end due to historic data
Validation and ordering of the outcomes is important. A hearing can have a hearing outcome, and generally an outcome (except for adjourn). You can also have outcomes, without hearings. In addition, from a rendering perspective, referrals have referral outcomes.
The api handles the complexity for rendering on behalf of the UI.
fun createOutcomeHistory(hearings: MutableList<HearingDto>, outcomes: MutableList<CombinedOutcomeDto>): List<OutcomeHistoryDto> {
For guidance refer to the integration tests which demonstrate how the user will build this model and how it should be represented for the UI
For running locally against docker instances of the following services:
- run this application independently e.g. in IntelliJ
docker-compose -f docker-compose-local.yml up -d
docker-compose up -d
The integration tests use containers and no longer require docker compose files. To test ./gradlew check
./gradlew bootRun --args='--spring.profiles.active=dev-local'
High Level architecture show below
Architecture decision records start here
There are numerous terms and acronyms used in this codebase that aren't immediately obvious, including
Term | Definition |
HMPPS | HM Prison and Probation Service, and executive agency of the MoJ |
MOJ | Ministry of Justice |