MATLAB code for calculation of angularly resolved chord length distribution in polycrystalline microstructures.
- main functions for AR-CLD calculation
- utility function to visualize AR-CLD
- utility function that provides grain boundary segments (needed for calc_CLD
) for a given grain boundary class obtained in MTEX.
%% <load EBSD data to variable ebsd using MTEX>
%% <clean-up if necessary>
% segment grains in MTEX, using, say 10 deg threshold
grains = calcGrains(ebsd,'angle',10*degree);
% get grain boundary segments
gbs = gb2gbs(grains.boundary);
%% set calculation settings
% spacing between test lines
dxy = max(ebsd.unitCell) - min(ebsd.unitCell);
spacing = min(dxy);
% list of directions in deg
angs = 0:1:179;
% chord max in histogram
cho_max = 1.2*max(grains.diameter);
%% main calculation
% calculate AR-CLD
stats = calc_CLD(gbs,spacing,angs,'cho_max',cho_max,'silent');
% visualize AR-CLD for 360 deg
cld_full = [stats.CLD;stats.CLD(2:end-1,:)];
To cite this code and see more details, refer to
M.I. Latypov, M. Kühbach, I.J. Beyerlein, J.-C. Stinville, L.S. Toth, T.M. Pollock, S.R. Kalidindi, Application of chord length distribution and principal component analysis of diverse polycrystalline microstructures, Materials Characterization, In Press (2018).