If not, update webpack.config: fpsJSFunctions: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/indexes/index.ts') // myServices is the name of the library - external reference name: myServices.js --- Yes I can
React is always on the page, In EVERY web part, fps-react will refer to fps-js in some way. I may want to keep some things in the js library in sync with the react library. If so, can I have 2 separate indexes and roll into each other? --- Probably not. Will consolidate/cleanup/restructure
PageContext >> PageContextCopy152 WebPartContext >> WebPartContextCopy152 SPPermissions >> IPropPaneDropdown... >> Need this for EveryoneAudience or I have to split code between 2 projects which need to be together to prevent typos.
--- Interfaces Yes, Classes probably not - pass in as any
export interface IPropertyPaneDropdownOption_15_2 { export declare interface IPropertyPaneDropdownOption_15_2 { --- never heard of export declare interface like that. maybe that is just classes.
import { IODataBasePermission_15_2 } from "./IODataBasePermission"; << In all my SPFx projects, I just use this >> import type { IODataBasePermission_15_2 } from "./IODataBasePermission"; << the 'type' part is only needed in in the INDEX FILE SYNTAX >>
"@microsoft/sp-property-pane": "*", --- Wasn't sure about this syntax if it rolled everything up.
and then just make them dependancies on the web part project? --- One note was that it should roll up anything that the index file is looking for. --- So for instance, if an index file called a function that required an interface, it would bring the interface. --- But may not bring all the other things if it was not required by the function. --- Case to verify... all the Constants.
I tried following this guide to make scss work: https://www.developerhandbook.com/webpack/how-to-configure-scss-modules-for-webpack/
But got some errors I could not resolve. --- I think she said it might be missing something but would send an example
Had to remove src\logic\DOM\Headings\FPSHeadings.css from this package. Maybe for now just have separate npm for css, not have any logic in it at all? In my previous package, I ran this after cleaning but it throws an error if I add to ... Copy-Item "C:/Users/dev/Documents/GitHub/npmFunctions/src" -filter '*.css' "C:/Users/dev/Documents/GitHub/npmFunctions/dist" -recurse -verbose
like: "build": "del-cli "./?(dist|lib)" && Copy-Item "C:/Users/dev/Documents/GitHub/npmFunctions/src" -filter '*.css' "C:/Users/dev/Documents/GitHub/npmFunctions/dist" -recurse -verbose && tsc -p ./tsconfig.json && webpack",
Want version history etc to be copied as well --- Julie was going to send an example of a script or something that adds version numbers
In a web part project, I add it to the gulpfile.js Did I do it correctly in webpack.config? I followed this guide: https://digitalfortress.tech/debug/how-to-use-webpack-analyzer-bundle/ I get the file but it's very high level. Is there a way to make it show more detail? like folder/file level? --- No comment really... looked ok at first glance.
I checked the eslintrc and tsconfig.json. There are a lot of differences but it's not flagging any in this or fps-Pnp2 library. Especially true for unused imports
"@typescript-eslint/no-unused-expressions": "error", << THIS IS FOR TYPESCRIPT ERRORS >> 'no-unused-expression': 2, << THIS IS FOR JS ERRORS >>