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movlix 🎥 | a coding challenge

A simple movie application built with Vue.js

User Stories

The user can:

  • create a new movie with following attributes
    • title
    • year of release
    • description
    • length
  • rate movies by giving them stars from 0 (real bad) to 5 (amazing) stars
  • edit movie
  • delete movie

All data is stored in the browser via LocalStorage.

Used Tech

Usage of application (vue cli default)

Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Run your tests

npm run test

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.

Backstory (Retrospective March 2020)

As part of an application process for my first full time job, I was asked to do the following coding challenge on November 21, 2018:

Movies App:

Implement a simple front-end application using a framework of your choice: Angular, React, Vue.js, jQuery or vanilla JS. A user can create a new movie with following attributes: title, description, year of release and length. A newly created movie should appear in a list of movies. A user can also rate movies by giving them stars from 0 stars (for a bad movie) to 5 stars (for an amazing movie). User should be able to edit and delete a movie. You don't have to implement any kind of persistence on the client, so it's fine movies are lost when the page is refreshed. However it would be a plus point if you could figure out how to store movies in the browser.

Deadline for this task was November 28, 2018. Since the company I applied at used Vue.js, I decided to use Vue.js even tough I lacked any experience whatsoever. 😇 Also, I didn't want to deliver a plain html site, so I styled the whole application in full Wes Bos manner. 🤓

In the end, I got the job. I started January 15, 2019. Unfortunately it wasn't a good fit. But I learned a lot in the six months, especially about myself. 🙏

What I learned:

  • a (for me at that point in time) new framework
  • how to work under pressure
  • don't get hung up on details (the star rating was trickey 😇)
  • have fun even if it counts for something (design, sample data)

PS: a note worth mentioning.. I struggled in the first two days with the framework & almost abandoned the framework for vanilla javascript halfway into the task. but I sticked with it & worked through my frustration. 😇 this skill came in handy at the end of the probation period when I was asked after 5½ months to prove myself again & code a POC (minor feature within code base) on my own. I managed to deliver even tough the task overwhelmed me in the beginning. 💪😎