# database migrations and load fixtures to see something
make loadfixtures
# to run django development server
make run
For other possibilities run make all
or read the Makefile
Visits of restaurants online as a book for other people to get knowledge where to go for a good meal
- I. Django
- application Restaurant visit diary
- model Restaurant
- name
- place (GEO location)
- type (type of cousine)
- model Visit
- date (of the visit)
- expense (price)
- note (where the user can write down what he / she has given and other findings)
- evaluation (1 to 5)
- registration, login, refresh views via API, use JWT
- viewsets to list, create, edit, delete Restaurants
- POST view to create a Visit of Restaurant - with permission given only to User who is also the Creator
- Restaurant listing view - showing
- all dates of Visits
- average rating of the Restaurant
- amount of time of all the visits spend in the Restaurant
- Restaurant detail view - the same as above
- Bonuses
- 1. online REST API documentation (drf-yasg or drf-spectacular use to automatically generate documentation)
- 2. sending email when forgetting the password(write/log email to console)
- 3. connect to 3rd party API (eg Zomato, which could list restaurants in a location)
- III. Tests
- suggest a way to run tests
- use django unittest module and or / pousks(what is that???)
- Bonuses
- use fixtures in testing
- IV. Project Launch
- use docker (DockerFile, docker-compose, docker-compose.yml) to run Django and PostgreSQL
- script for easy execution - Makefile
- Bonuses
- pass env variables to differenciate between development and production startup