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Instruction Set Configuration File

Michael Kamprath edited this page Jul 9, 2022 · 32 revisions


The instruction set configuration file enables you to define the instruction set and assembly language features that will be used by BespokeASM to assemble byte code. This configuration file can be made using JSON or YAML.

Machine Code Compilation

The purpose of this configuration file is to control how machine code should be compiled for the instruction set. BespokeASM has a fix method for compiling machine for for any given instruction. The standard form or an instruction is:


Here, each instruction must be composed of at least a mnemonic, and can optionally have 1 or more operands.

The machine code generated for an instruction is composed of first byte code, then argument values. The byte code represents the value that will be used by a CPU's instruction register to indicate what instruction the CPU is executing. The byte code is composed of values specific to the mnemonic and optionally for each operand. The size of the packed byte code for a mnemonic and its operands should be the same as the instruction size of the hardware running this machine cod. The argument values are used by the that instruction as parameters. If more than one operand has an argument value to be placed in the machine code, then the argument values will be ordered in the same order as the operands. The instruction mnemonic and each of the operands can generate values to be packed into the byte code of an instruction, while only operands can generate argument values in byte code.

As an illustrative example, consider this assembly instruction:

  mov a,[$8000]      ; copy value at address $8000 into register A

In this case, the mnemonic mov and the operands a (for register A) and [...] (for an indirect value) all generate values that will be used to form the instruction's to form the instruction's byte code. The $8000 numeric value is the argument to the [...] operand and follows the instruction byte code when forming the total machine code. The diagram below illustrated this.

    Byte 0    Byte 1   Byte 2
  ========== ======== ========
  01 001 110 00000000 10000000
  -- --- --- -----------------
   |  |   |          |
   |  |   |          +- The second operand's argument value of $8000 in little endian format
   |  |   +------------ The byte code 110 indicating the second operand ([...])
   |  +---------------- The byte code 001 indicating the first operand (register A)
   +------------------- The byte code 01 indicating the mov mnemonic 

Configuration Sections

The configuration has the following main sections:


The general section defines the general configuration of BespokeASM and various assembly language features. The supported options are:

Option Key Value Type Description
address_size integer The number of bits that is required to represent a memory address.
endian string (Optional) Defines of the endianness of multibyte values. Allowed values are big and little. If not present, this option defaults to big.
registers list[string] (Optional) A list of register labels that will be used in this instruction set. Anything that is declared as a register label cannot be used as a constant or address label, and anything not declared as a register label cannot be used an a register operand. If not present, no register labels are defined.
min_version string (Optional) The minimum version of BespokeASM that this instruction set configuration file will work with. If provided, BespokeASM will also do a counter-minimum version check to make sure this instruction set configuration file has the schema it is expecting.
identifier dictionary (Optional) Configures name and version information for the assembly language defined by this configuration file. This field is used both by language extension generation and source code language requirements. Contains the following key/value items:
  • name - The name of the assembly language. Should not contain spaces, but hyphens and underscores are OK.
  • version - The version of the assembly language. Should be expressed as a semantic version, e.g. "0.1.3".
  • extension - (Optional) The file extension (not including the period) used to identify source files containing this assembly language. Defaults to asm. BespokeASM will compile any text, but this extension is used primarily by language extensions to identify specific assembly language versions.
origin integer (Optional) Defines the starting origin address for byte code generated with this configuration file. The starting origin defaults to an address of 0 if this option is not present. This setting can be overridden in code with the .org directive.

Predefined Values

Both compiler constants and memory blocks can be defined in the ISA configuration file, and the labels defined with these entities can be used in code compiled with the ISA configuration file. This section is identified with the predefined key and contains a dictionary with the following key/values.


Define compiler constants for numerical values that are often used for the instruction set the configuration file pertains to.

This subsection of predefined is identified with the constants key, and contains a list of dictionaries with the following keys/values:

Option Key Value Type Description
name string The label string that this constant value will be assigned to. This case sensitive label string then can be used at compile time to reference the assigned integer value.
value integer The integer value that will be assigned to this constant.

Memory Blocks

Memory blocks can be predefined. These can be used to represent sections in memory that pertain to certain hardware features of the system that the instruction set pertains to, or can be used to reserve sections of memory for common uses, such as buffers. BespokeASM will generate an error if the addresses of compiled code or data should ever overlap with predefined memory blocks.

This subsection of predefined is identified with the memory key, and contains a list of dictionaries with the following keys/values:

Option Key Value Type Description
name string The label string that the first address value in this memory block will be assigned to. This case sensitive label string them can be used at compile time to reference the assigned address value.
address integer The start address of the memory block
size integer The number of bytes associated with this memory block. Should be at least 1.
value integer (Optional) The byte value this memory block will be filled with when the BespokeASM generates a binary image for compiled code. If not present, the default value of 0 is used.

Operand Sets

The operand_sets section allows you to define sets of operands for instructions. A operand set is intend to represent all of the possible operand values for a specific operand position, and defines the byte code and argument values that will be packed when forming the instructions machine code. Operand sets are defined separate from the instruction as to enable an operand set being used by more than one instruction. An operand set consists of 1 or more distinct operands.

The operand_set section is a dictionary, where the dictionary key is the name for the operand set, and the value is the configuration of that operand set. The name of the operand set is only use internally within this configuration file and does not directly impact the assembly language that is derived from this configuration file.

Each item listed in the operand_sets consists of a single element titled operand_values, which contains a dictionary that configures each of the operand variants in this operand set.

Operand Configuration Dictionary

The operand configuration dictionary is used to specify the assembly behavior of a specific operand value. In this dictionary, the key is the internal name of the operand value item used within this configuration file, and the value is a collection of operand configuration items defined in the table below:

Option Key Value Type Description
type string Specifies one of the operand types and operand addressing modes supported by BespokeASM. The allowed values are:
  • numeric - The Immediate addressing mode. Creates a argument value set to this operand value.
  • indirect_numeric - The Indirect addressing mode.
  • deferred_numeric - The Deferred addressing mode.
  • register - The Register addressing mode.
  • indirect_register - The Indirect Register addressing mode
  • indirect_indexed_register - The Indirect Indexed Register addressing mode.
  • enumeration - The Enumeration type operand. The byte code and/or argument value is set by a key-value lookup, where the key is the operand string value, and the value for that key is set by configuration.
  • numeric_enumeration - Similar to the enumeration operand type, but the key is a numeric value that can be set by a numeric expression resolved at compile time.
  • numeric_bytecode - An operand type where the a byte code value is set directly by this operand value, subject to configurable bounds.
  • empty - Used to indicate byte code that should be emitted when no operand is present. This enables instructions that can have a variant behavior for a "no operand" case. This type of operand can only be used with operands configured under the specific_operands Instruction Operands Configuration.
bytecode dictionary (Optional) A dictionary that configures the byte code associated with this operand. If not present this operand will not generate any byte code. This dictionary contains the following keys:
  • value - integer - The value of the byte code. Not used for enumeration, numeric_enumeration, and numeric_bytecode operand types, all of which define the byte code value through alternative means.
  • size - integer - The bit size of the byte code. The value will be masked to this bit size.
  • byte_align - Controls whether the byte code generated from this operand should be aligned to a byte boundary or not.
  • position - string - (Optional) Describes where the byte code from the operand should be placed relative tot he base byte code of the instruction mnemonic. Valid values are prefix and suffix. If this option is not present, suffix is the default value used.
  • min - Only used with the numeric_bytecode operand type. Enforces a minimum value the the operand can generate into byte code.
  • max - Only used with the numeric_bytecode operand type. Enforces a maximum value the the operand can generate into byte code.
  • value_dict - Only used with the enumeration and numeric_enumeration operand types. Contains a dictionary that defines the mapping of the operand value to the byte code that should be generated for that operand value. enumeration operands types can use strings as the dictionary keys, while numeric_enumeration operand types must use integer as the keys.
argument dictionary Configures how the operand argument will be emitted into the machine code. Must be present for the numeric, numeric_indirect, enumeration , and numeric_enumeration operand types. Ignored for all other types.

The dictionary contains the following keys:
  • size - integer - The bit size for the operand argument. The emitted value will be masked to this bit size.
  • byte_align - boolean - Indicates whether the argument value should be aligned to the next whole byte, or can be packed immediately after the prior section's last bit.
  • endian - string - (Optional) The endianness that should be used for this argument. If not present, the default endianness configured in the general section will be used.
  • value_dict - Only used with the enumeration and numeric_enumeration operand types. Contains a dictionary that defines the mapping of the operand value to the byte code that should be generated for that operand value. enumeration operands types can use strings as the dictionary keys, while numeric_enumeration operand types must use integer as the keys.

register string The assembly code representation of the register value to be used for this operand. Must be one of the register values listed in the registers list of the general section. Must be present for the register, register_indirect, and indirect_indexed_register operand types, ignore for all other operand types.
offset dictionary Configures the offset value that is optional for the register_indirect operand type. Ignored for all other types. If not present, then no offset is enabled, and no argument value will be emitted in the machine code. If offset values are enabled, this operand will generate an argument value in the machine code equal to the offset value specified in the assembly code. The compiler will still permit not specifying an offset for a register_indirect instruction configured to enabled offsets. In this case, the offset of zero is implied and will be emitted as the argument value.

The dictionary contains the following keys:
  • size - integer - The bit size for the operand offset. The emitted value will be masked to this bit size.
  • byte_align - boolean - Indicates whether the offset value should be aligned to the next whole byte, or can be packed immediately after the prior section's last bit.
  • endian - string - (Optional) The endianness that should be used for this offset. If not present, the default endianness configured in the general section will be used.

index_operands dictionary Configures the allowed offset operands for the indirect_indexed_register operand type. Contains a dictionary, where the key is an internal name for each offset operand option, and the value is an operand configuration formatted the same as described in this table. When compiling, BespokeASM will attempt to match one operand listed in index_operands. Note that the byte code of the matched index operand will be appended to this operand's configured byte code to form the overall byte code for this operand. If the matched index operand generates an argument, that will be appended to this operand's arguments, if any.

Note that this configuration dictionary is used both by the Operand Set configuration and the configuration of specific operands in various aspects of the configuration file.


The instructions section is where the supported instruction mnemonics are defined. An instruction definition is comprised or three parts: the mnemonic, the instruction arguments, and the instruction byte code. This section is a key/value dictionary where the keys are the mnemonic string name of the instruction and the value is another dictionary that defines the instructions arguments configuration and byte code.

Option Key Value Type Description
byte_code dictionary A dictionary that describes the base byte code for this instruction that should be emitted to indicate the instruction. The key and values that must be present are:
  • value - The value of the byte code
  • size - The bit size of the byte code. The value will be masked to this bit size.
  • endian - (Optional) The endian of the instruction prefix byte code. Useful only if the instruction byte code bits size is greater than 8. Defaults to the general endian setting.
  • suffix - (Optional) Defines a byte code fragment that will be appended to the byte code built by the base byte code augmented by operand sourced byte code fragments. This Is itself a dictionary that contains the value and size keys with similar meaning, but scoped to the suffix alone. A suffix is only created if this configuration is set.
This base byte code can be augmented by instruction operands in order to form the finalized byte code for the overall instruction.
operands dictionary A dictionary that configures the set of operands that are allowed for this instruction mnemonic. The key and values that are used in this dictionary are described in the table below. If not present, then the instruction mnemonic is assumed to have no operands.
variants list (Optional) This options allows the specification of one or more alternative configurations for the mnemonic. This is useful when a different instruction byte code prefix should be emitted for a certain operand signature. The value of this key is a list, and each list element is another instruction configuration with byte_code and operands as specified above. Variant configurations are processed if the operands do not match the main configurations, and then each variant configuration is processed in order present in the list, using the first match found to generate the byte code.

Instruction Operands Configuration

The operands configuration of a specific instruction requires at least one of the operand_sets or the specific_operands configuration, and can also have both.

Option Key Value Type Description
count integer The number of operands this mnemonic must have.
operand_sets dictionary (Optional) Present if operand sets are used to configure the operands of the mnemonic. Contains the following keys and values:
  • list - A list of names for the operand sets to be used as the operand options for this instruction. Must have count number of items in the list, and the position in the list pertains to the position of the operand.
  • disallowed_pairs - (Optional) A list of operand name tuples that represents combinations of operands from the configured operand sets that the compiler should not permit. The operand name is the key names of the operand_values dictionary for a given operand set. The tuple is expressed as a python-style list. For example, [a, b] is used to indicate a disallowed operand set for a mnemonic with two operands where the unallowed operand tuple is a from the first operand set in combination with b from the second operand set.
  • reverse_argument_order - (Optional) A boolean that indicates whether the machine code for the operand arguments should be emitted in reverse order. This is useful when it is more convenient for the microcode to process the last argument first, and then continued reverse order for the rest. Affects all operand combinations for the operand_sets, but only has any real impact for instruction operands that need 2 or more arguments emitted. Defaults to false if not present.
  • reverse_bytecode_order - (Optional) A boolean that indicates whether the byte code for the operands should be emitted in reverse order. The reversing occurs only within the prefix or suffix scope of the operands' byte code. That is, the operands whose byte code gets emitted as a prefix will be reversed separately from the operands that get emitted as a suffix to the base byte code of the instruction. Affects all operand combinations for the operand_sets, but only has any real impact for instruction with 2 or more operands with byte code. Defaults to false if not present.
specific_operands dictionary (Optional) A dictionary of specific operand combination configurations that are allowed when assembling this instruction. Takes precedence over the operand combinations allowed in the operand_sets configuration for this instruction when both configure the same operand combination. The keys of this dictionary are arbitrary strings used internally to identify a specific operand configuration, and the values are the keys' operand configuration. Each operand configuration is a dictionary that contains the following keys and values:
  • list - A dictionary of specific operand configurations. The key is an arbitrary string to internally identify the specific operand, and the value is an operand configuration formatted the same as Operand Configuration Dictionary.
  • reverse_argument_order - (Optional) A boolean that indicates whether the machine code for the arguments of this specific operand configuration should be emitted in reverse order. This is useful when it is more convenient for the microcode to process the last argument first, and then continued reverse order for the rest. Only has any real impact for instruction operands that need 2 or more arguments emitted. Defaults to false if not present.
  • reverse_bytecode_order - (Optional) A boolean that indicates whether the byte code for the operands should be emitted in reverse order. The reversing occurs only within the prefix or suffix scope of the operands' byte code. That is, the operands whose byte code gets emitted as a prefix will be reversed separately from the operands that get emitted as a suffix to the base byte code of the instruction. Affects all operand combinations for the operand_sets, but only has any real impact for instruction with 2 or more operands with byte code. Defaults to false if not present.

Instruction Macros

Instruction macros are a way to make configurable sequences of instructions and then just just use a single instruction (macro) to insert that instruction sequence into the byte code. For example, if the ISA of the computer only has a single byte move instruction named mov, a two byte move instruction (macro) named mov2 can be constructed from the following sequence of instructions:

     mov [addr1],[addr2]
     mov [addr1+1],[addr2+1]

And then the byte code the would be generated by this sequence of instructions can be added through the assembly instruction mov2 [addr1],[addr2].

BespokeASM enables the ability for instruction macros to be defined in the ISA configuration file. Once defined, the macro mnemonic can be used in the assembly code identically to native instruction mnemonics, with the only noticeable difference being that instruction macros generate more byte code than native instructions. What BespokeASM does here is essentially run a pre-assembler that expand a macro instruction into desired set of replacement instruction lines through a string parsing and replacement process. Then the constructed instruction lines are assembled with all the other instruction lines from the assembly code to generate the machine code.

Defining Instruction Macros

Macros are defined in the macros section of the configuration file. The section is structured similar to the instructions section in that the section is a dictionary where the keys are the mnemonic of the macro and the value is a list of distinct configurations for that macro. A macro configuration list is a list of dictionaries. Each dictionary has two elements, operands and instructions.

The operands section is configured the same as the operands section for instructions is configured, however it is worth noting that since no byte code is emitted directly from a macro, any configuration provided for a macro's operand's byte code is ignored. The goal of the operand section for a macro is simply to define what the allowed types of operands are for a specific macro configurations.

The instructions section of a macro definition lists in order the instruction templates that will be used to compile the instruction sequence that the macro will be expanded into. Each instruction is written as is to be assembled, the macro mechanism essentially replaces the macro instruction in the assembly code with the assembly code listed in instructions. However, before doing so, certain tokens that may be present in the instruction section get replaced with finalized values. The tokens are of the form @YYY(x), where YYY is the token label, and x is an integer indicating what macro operand will be the source of its value. The first macro operand is represent by x being zero to 0, the second is 1, and so on. The following macro tokens are supported:

  • @OP(x) - Generates a value based on the whole string of the x macro operand.
  • @ARG(x) - Generates a value based on the argument numeric expression of the x macro operand
  • @REG(x) - Generates a value based on the register label used in the x macro operand.

The specific value emitted by each macro token depends on the operand type that the x macro operand is configured to be in the operands section of this macro configuration. The following table lists what each macro token will generate for all supported operand types.

Operand Type operand argument@ARG(x) operand register@REG(x) entire operand@OP(x)
numeric The original numeric expression error The original numeric expression
indirect_numeric The numeric expression of the indirect address error The entire operand, including the [ ] brackets
deferred_numeric The numeric expression of the indirect address error The entire operand, including the [[ ]] brackets
register error The register The register
indirect_register The offset expression applied to the register The register The entire operand, including the [ ] brackets
indirect_indexed_register ? The base register The entire operand, including the [ ] brackets
enumeration The string of the enumeration value error The string of the enumeration value
numeric_enumeration The numeric expression of the enumeration value error The numeric expression of the enumeration value
numeric_bytecode The original numeric expression error The original numeric expression
empty error error error

To illustrate how to configure an macro, the the following is a nominal configuration for the mov2 example discussed above:

    - operands:
        count: 2
                type: indirect_numeric
                  size: 16
                  byte_align: true
                type: indirect_numeric
                  size: 16
                  byte_align: true
        - "mov [@ARG(0)],[@ARG(1)]"
        - "mov [@ARG(0)+1],[@ARG(1)+1]"
Instruction Macro Considerations and Limitations
  • Macros definitions cannot define labels or constants, and cannot make use of directives. However, macro definitions can make use of labels and constants in expressions. It is strongly advised that the only predefined labels and constants are used in macro definitions.
  • The instructions listed in the instruction section of a given instance of a macro definition are tightly coupled to the operands types configured for the macro in the operands section. If the instructions do not match what the macro operands would provide, then errors would be generated during assembly. While operand_sets can be used to configure a macro's operands, care should be taken to ensure all operands listed in the operand set are consistent with each other in terms of how the macro instructions will use it. If operands are inconsistent, a different configuration for the macro should be created in the list of configurations for a given macro.


Example configuration files can be found in the examples directory of the BespokeASM repository.

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