Manual tests to run before a release:
- With @twestact3, visit and revoke Block Together if present. This ensures that @twestact3 is not enrolled in the production instance of Block Together.
- Sign up for Block Together using @twestact3 and the default settings. Visit settings page and ensure those settings are there.
- Enable block_new_accounts.
- Default settings should include 'follow @blocktogether' = true.
- Visit and ensure @twestact3 follows @blocktogether or the configured userToFollow, and vice versa.
- Log Off from Block Together.
- From the home page, Log On to Block together.
- Visit settings page and ensure settings are: block_new_accounts=true, block_low_followers=false, follow_blocktogether=true, share_blocks=false.
- Log Off from Block Together.
- From the home page, select share_blocks=true, leave "block young accounts"=false, and click 'Sign Up'.
- Visit /settings.
- Verify share_blocks is enabled, and there is a valid show-blocks URL.
- Verify "block young accounts" = false.
Log on with @twestact3.
Visit /settings, ensure block_new_accounts is disabled.
(other window) Create or reuse a <7 day old account, e.g. @new.
(other window) Use @new to mention @twestact3.
Visit /actions, verify no block of @new.
Visit /my-blocks, verify no block of @new.
With @twestact3, enable block_new_accounts. Verify "Saved" appears.
Reload /settings and verify block_new_accounts still checked.
Visit /actions, verify that a block of @new shows up.
Visit /my-blocks, verify that a block of @new shows up, and that screen name is listed.
On Twitter, have @twestact3 unblock @new.
Visit /actions and verify that an unblock of @new shows up.
(other window) Use @new to mention @twestact3 a third time.
Visit /actions, verify that there is a block of @new listed as 'pending' or 'cancelled-unblocked'.
Reload /actions until the block of @new becomes listed as 'cancelled-unblocked'. If > 30 seconds, fail. Ensure actions.js is running.
Visit /my-blocks, verify that @new is not listed as blocked.
Visit, verify that it says "Block @new" or "Hide @new". It should NOT say "Unblock @new" or "Unhide @new".
With @twestact3, disable block_new_accounts. Verify "Saved" appears.
Reload /settings and verify block_new_accounts is still unchecked.
Create another new account, @new2. Alternately: Purge @twestact3's Unblocks (delete from Actions where source_uid = 596973693 and type = 'unblock';) and reuse @new.
Use @new2 to mention @twestact3.
Visit /actions, verify there is not an additional block of @new.
Visit /my-blocks, verify that @new is not listed as blocked.
- Log on with @twestact3, enable block_low_followers.
- Ensure @twestact6 has < 15 followers.
- Using @twestact6, @-mention @twestact3.
- Verify that @twestact3 blocks @twestact6.
Log on with @blocksAlot.
Visit /settings, ensure share blocks is disabled.
Enable share blocks. Verify page reloads, link to /show-blocks/XYZ appears.
Click link to /show-blocks/XYZ. Verify it says "User @blocksAlot is blocking ..."
Verify @twestact3 is on the list.
Verify @twestact5 is on the list.
Verify @twestact6 is on the list.
Verify @twestact8 is on the list.
Visit /settings, right-click -> Copy link location on /show-blocks/XYZ.
Log Off from Block Together.
Log Off from Twitter.
Log On to Twitter with @twestact3.
On Twitter, have @twestact3 follow @twestact5.
On Twitter, have @twestact3 block @twestact6.
Paste link in URL bar.
Verify list of blocks appears.
Verify no username shows up in header.
Verify "Log On" shows up in header.
Click "Block all and subscribe".
If prompted, authorize Block Together app for @twestact3.
Verify redirected to /subscribe-on-signup, and result says "...will now block N users..."
Verify username shows up in header.
Verify "Log Off" shows up in header.
Visit /actions. Verify a list of blocks appears.
Reload /actions until none are listed as pending anymore.
Verify the action for @twestact3 is 'cancelled-self'.
Verify the action for @twestact5 is 'cancelled-following'.
Verify the action for @twestact6 is 'cancelled-duplicate'.
Verify the action for @twestact8 is 'done'.
TODO: Find a good way to test cancelled-suspended.
As @twestact3, visit /subscriptions.
Verify that @twestact3 is subscribed to @blocksAlot and has no subscribers.
Click the 'x' next to @blocksAlot, verify that entry disappears.
Reload /subscriptions, verify there are no subscriptions and no subscribers.
Visit @blocksAlot's shared block lists and subscribe again.
As @blocksAlot, visit /subscriptions.
Verify that @blocksAlot is subscribed to no-one and has @twestact3 as a subscriber.
Click the 'x' next to @twestact3, verify that entry disappears.
Reload /subscriptions, verify there are no subscriptions and no subscribers.
As each of @twestact3, @twestact4, subscribe to @blocksAlot.
As @twestact3, share a block list.
As @twestact4, subscribe to @twestact3's block list.
As @twestact5, subscribe to @twestact3's block list.
Log on with @blocksAlot
On Twitter, block @twestact9.
Reload /my-blocks (triggers a fresh block fetch).
Reload /my-blocks again, verify @twestact9 shows up as blocked.
Visit /actions.
Verify a block appears at the top of the list for @twestact9, with cause: external and no Cause user.
In a different window, log on with @twestact9.
Deactivate @twestact9.
As @blocksAlot, reload /my-blocks twice.
Verify @twestact9 no longer shows up in /my-blocks.
Visit /actions, verify there is no unblock for @twestact9.
On Twitter, as @twestact9, reactivate @twestact9.
As @blocksAlot, reload /my-blocks twice.
Verify @twestact9 shows up again in /my-blocks.
Visit /actions, verify there is a block for @twestact9 (this is non-ideal behavior but it's fine).
On Twitter, unblock @twestact9.
Reload /my-blocks twice, verify @twestact9 no longer shows up as blocked.
Visit /actions.
Verify an unblock appears at the top of the list for @twestact9.
As @twestact3, visit /actions.
Verify there are two block entries for @twestact9, one of which should be cancelled-duplicate.
Verify there is one unblock entry for @twestact9.
Reload /my-blocks twice, verify @twestact9 is not blocked.
As @blocksAlot visit /subscriptions.
Verify @twestact3 is still a subscriber.
Visit /settings, set 'block accounts < 7 days' to true.
As @new, mention @blocksAlot.
As @blocksAlot, visit /actions.
Verify there is a block action listed for @new, with cause = new-account.
Verify @new is listed on /my-blocks.
As @twestact3, visit /actions.
Verify there is no recent block action listed for @new (there will be one from previous tests). I.e., auto-blocks should not propagate.
As @blocksAlot, on Twitter, block @twestact9.
Reload /my-blocks twice, verify @twestact9 are listed.
As @twestact5, visit /actions/.
Verify there is no recent block action for @twestact9. I.e., blocks should not propagate transitively through subscription chains.
As @twestact3, visit /actions.
Verify there is a block action for @twestact9.
Visit /my-blocks.
Verify @twestact6 is still blocked (from previous test).
As @blocksAlot, on Twitter, unblock @twestact6 (was blocked from a previous test).
Visit /actions, verify an unblock of @twestact6 is listed.
As @twestact3, visit /actions.
Verify there is no unblock action for @twestact6. I.e., blocks that were triggered externally should not be unblocked because a subscribed author unblocks them.
- Log on with @twestact3
- Enable 'block new accounts'.
- Visit, and revoke Block Together.
- Verify logs indicate deletion of @twestact3.
- Verify MySQL BtUsers table lists @twestact3 with deactivatedAt=current date.
- Reload /settings, verify redirected to /.