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ismay edited this page Jul 24, 2018 · 21 revisions

To help you to get started with metalsmith templating, we've created a collection of examples that demonstrate common use-cases. Feel free to contribute new examples or update existing ones. To help newcomers, please keep the examples as simple and clear as possible, and try to stick to the existing style. If anything is unclear, feel free to let us know in our slack channel so we can improve it!


Basic example with markdown

A lot of people prefer to write their content in markdown instead of directly in html. This example shows you how to use metalsmith-in-place to transform markdown to html.

Basic example with nunjucks

Another common use-case is using a templating engine to render variables in your html. This example shows you how you'd use nunjucks to achieve this.

Using Metalsmith-in-place with Nunjucks

Using markdown posts with a nunjucks template

A common way of building a blog with metalsmith would be to use metalsmith-in-place to render your markdown source files to html, and then to use metalsmith-layouts to wrap the result in a common base template. (explain difference a bit: It is common to use both metalsmith-layouts and metalsmith-in-place to generate a static site with metalsmith. Simply put, metalsmith-layouts is a easy way to wrap your source files in a template. The other plugin, metalsmith-in-place, just renders the content in your source files.)