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Releases: melff/memisc

19 Jun 20:46
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  • There is now an explicit method for objects in class "tbl_df" (so-called "tibbles").
  • The as.character()-method for "item" objects now has an optional include.missings= argument.
  • It is now possible to apply codeplan() to "item" objects, to enquire and modify labels and missing value declarations.
  • The method for extended tables of percentages (that include confidence intervals and standard errors) now works as expected (again).

09 Jun 19:51
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  • as.item() and codebookEntry() methods are added for objects of class
    "labelled" as they occur in some imported tibbles.
  • as.item() now drops non-unique labelled values when applied to a
    "labelled", "haven_labelled", or "haven_labelled_spss" object.
  • With codebook() it is now possible to disable the display of unweighted
    data summaries.
  • In accordance to future deprecation of the function
    default.stringsAsFactors() the default value of the stringsAsFactor
    argument is now FALSE.


05 Jun 14:22
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  • With codebook() it is now possible to disable the display of unweighted data summaries.


26 May 15:38
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  • Added support for codebooks with weighted data.
  • Added support for subsetting codebooks with $, [, and [[
  • Fixed a bug that prevented genTable and Aggregate to work as expected
    with data.set objects
  • Measurement levels of variables in data.set objects are now obtained from
    the metadata in the SPSS file (if available)
  • The character set encoding in an SPSS file is now detected (if information
    is available) and used to translate the variable labels and value labels.


14 Mar 19:43
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  • Added deduplicate_labels() function to deal with duplicated value labels.


05 Jan 17:05
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This release makes the following improvements:

  • There are convenience wrappers such as Mean() etc. for mean() etc. that have the default setting na.rm=TRUE instead of na.rm=FALSE.
  • with(Groups()), withGroups(), within(Groups()), withinGroups(), Aggregate(), and genTable() are considerably faster now. They can also make use of certain automatic variables such as n_, i_ that contain group sizes and group indices.
  • relabel(), rename(), and dimrename(), do no longer require their arguments to be enclosed in quotation marks.


19 Dec 17:55
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This release is on its way to be published on CRAN. It fixes an issue on C link time and includes a frew improvements:

  • Handling of SPSS .sav files created with ReadStat or haven is improved.
  • Support for SPSS syntax files in non-native encoding has been added.
  • labels(), value.filter(), codebook() and codeplan() can now deal with NULL arguments (bei returning NULL).
  • Reshape() has been improved.
  • codebook() now works as expected with "tibble" imported with the "haven" package.
  • "data.set" object can now directly be converted into "data.table" objects.
  • The level of measurement can now be set for several variables in a data set.

24 Nov 13:26
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This release has been published on CRAN. In comparison to release 0.99.20, it makes the following improvements:

  • Fixed colspan in p-value legend of html formatted model tables.
  • Minor fix in NEWS.Rd


21 Nov 22:02
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This release improves interoperability with RStudio, in particular with respect to viewing data objects.

  • An extendable function view() allows to use the View() facilities provided by graphical user interfaces (in particular RStudio) with objects not originally supported by these user interfaces. In addition, view methods for "codeplan", "decriptions", "data.set", and "inporter" are provided, which allow to conviently inspect the contents of these objects in RStudio.
  • The function head and tail now work with "data.set" and "importer" objects in the same sensible way as they with data frames.
  • The function recode behaves more coherently: If a labelled item is the result of recode it gets the measurement level "nominal". Factor levels explictly created first come first in the order of factor levels.


18 Nov 21:19
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This release enhances the facilities to import data and makes memisc compatible to the packages tibble and haven:

  • A new spss.file() function can be used to import both SPSS "portable" (with file name extension ".por") and "system" files (with file name extension ".sav").
  • importer functions such as Stata.file() or spss.file() have new (optional) arguments iconv= and enconding= that allow to specify the encoding of strings in the file being importet (with some sensible defaults, such as CP1252 for older Stata files and SPSS files)
  • as_tibble() can be used to transform "data.set" objects into (regular) tibbles (objects of class "tbl_df"), while as_haven() can be used to transform "data.set" objects into the kind of tibbles that are produced by the package haven.
  • When a "data.set" is transformed into an ordinary data frame or a tibble, "item" objects retain their "description" annotation as "label" attribute.
  • When is applied to a tibble imported via haven, the special attributes "label", "labels", "na_values", and "na_range" are appropriately translated into item attributes "description", "value.labels", and "missing.values".