This document spawned from a combination of in person sessions held at Kiwi Foo camp and Open Source Open Society around:
- Lowering the barrier to entry (into Open Source) - How to get more non-code contributions in open source?
- Looking at the different layers of what 'open' means in a design context - Open Sourcing your design vs Designing in the Open vs Designing for an Open Source Software project vs Open Source tools for producing design
- Connections - how do we get developers and designers to collabortate more effectivly on Open Source Software projects? Things such as onboarding processes and getting non-technical people using Github. What tools does your project use and are these limiting people that can contribute? What tools can designers use for collaborative work processes?
Here’s some places we could start:
- Develop the design brief template further
- Set up an event where designers and developers can meet each other and hear about each other’s projects
- Talk to Massey University about connecting design students with OS developers
- Create some plain English descriptions (or info-graphics) explaining things like ‘what Open Source means’, or maybe a description of the design process to explain why it shouldn’t just happen at the end.
- FAQs - What questions do designers have for devs? and vice versa
- A list of projects that need Design (or UX, branding, copywriting, etc) skills
- A list of OSS projects that are successfully integrating designer into the workflow
Please build upon this document with resources, links, and thoughts.
The goal would be to pull like minded people together to build a community to tackle some of these questions.
As we are trying to be accessible this document will exist in a few forms, this repo is just one of them.
If google docs is more your thing, read, review, edit [here] (